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  1. insanity

    Just whatever happens, happens. [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  2. insanity

    The one and only.. (Insanity&Britt)

    I open my eyes abruptly as she reached for the book on my chest. I quickly sat up and scooted away while snatching the book and concealing it. I looked at the others, all stacked up into a neat little pile as I clenched the book tightly and looked up to Hope. I look down at my quivering knees...
  3. insanity

    The one and only.. (Insanity&Britt)

    I was asleep in the bed and my book was open on my chest. The Backpack had been moved and there were a few more books set out, but the same one from before was the one closest to me. The little mechanism was on the night stand and a necklace was next to it.
  4. insanity

    The one and only.. (Insanity&Britt)

    I didn't reply. I just leaned against the frame silently. I shook my head and looked up to hope. "I have... Some things to do in the kingdom." I said strongly. I stood up straight and went back up stairs and into my room. I sat down on the bed and began to read the book that I had set out on the...
  5. insanity

    The one and only.. (Insanity&Britt)

    I popped my shoulder and looked to hope with a blank expression. "Kazeka." I replied softly. I leaned on the door frame leading into the living room and yawned. I crossed my arms and looked down as the sun light began to pierce through the curtains.
  6. insanity

    The one and only.. (Insanity&Britt)

    I nod as I chew the scrambled eggs. I look at the light hitting the wall, taking in the comment I chuckle to myself. The wind blew into my face lightly as I eat the last bite of the standard breakfast. I place the plate and fork on the nightstand. I planted my feet on the floor and stood up. I...
  7. insanity

    The one and only.. (Insanity&Britt)

    I didn't reply. I just sat there, emotionless, and still. The only thing to break the awkward silence was the breathing of Hope. I open my eyes slowly and pop my shoulder. I nod as I take the plate and the fork and begin to eat slowly. After taking a bite and swallowing I look up to hope. "Thank...
  8. insanity

    The one and only.. (Insanity&Britt)

    I sat in my bed with my eyes closed and my hands on my knees. The candle had gone out. The candle wick was burned, black. The candle was nearly melted all the way down. I hadn't slept last night so I used the candle. There was a book set out to the right of me, a torn and burned book, but still...
  9. insanity

    The one and only.. (Insanity&Britt)

    I shook my head and waited for her to leave. After she left I closed the door behind her and took off my shirt and dried my chest off. I dried the rest of myself off. My chest had scars all throughout and each one had a different story. I laid back and stared at the ceiling, slowly falling...
  10. insanity

    The one and only.. (Insanity&Britt)

    I nod as the water drips relentlessly onto the wood floor. I take my hood off revealing moist shaggy white hair. I open the door to the guest room and take off my heavy jacket and backpack and place it on the floor. I sit down on the bed and look down at the floor with my arms crossed. I reach...
  11. insanity

    The one and only.. (Insanity&Britt)

    I didn't tale her hand, instead I placed my hand on the window sill and pushed my self up. I kept my head down, trying to avoid any eye contact. I took my backpack from her and tossed it over my shoulder and listened to the rain hit the flooded roads. I followed her to her house, slowly through...
  12. insanity

    The one and only.. (Insanity&Britt)

    I raise my head to show a pale and emotionless face. My eyes were white, cold and deprived of sleep. I nod my head as I close my eyes and open them slowly before continuing. I continue trudging through the mud, looking for a place to stay, hopefully and Inn. Walking all the way down to the gate...
  13. insanity

    The one and only.. (Insanity&Britt)

    I walk down the road in the cold harsh rain of the night. I can see the name of the town outside the kingdom on the gate now, just barely lit by torches on the left and right of it. I trudge through the mud that once was a road. Behind me were the dark woods that were rumored to hold over a...
  14. insanity

    Fade to Black

    Name: Kazeka Sizuro Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Random_White_Hair_Guy_by_30_Two.jpg.ac74ae6a03478f474e8ae8f72a736e51.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14251"...
  15. insanity

    Test Subjects

    Name: Kazeka Sizuro Age: 18 How long I've been at the organization: Since creation. Abilities: Full manipulation of body, mostly skilled in my bones. (Ex. I can make my bones extend from my body and use them as weapons and tools.) But limited to a certain amount of bone. The more I train...
  16. insanity

    Just whatever happens, happens. [Inactive]

    I raise my hand to the bullets like before. The shield sprouts and expands quickly blocking all the bullets from shooting through my body. I grin, unlike usual I grin widely as many screams and be heard from beyond the shield. It slowly shrinks back into my hand revealing the walls painted in...
  17. insanity

    Just whatever happens, happens. [Inactive]

    I stare at the Enclave, my white eyes piercing through the dark. I stood there as they stepped towards me and looked straight into my eyes through his mask. I could feel his glare. I grabbed my arm with full force and tried to drag me along. Instead I did not move at all. I looked down and...
  18. insanity

    Just whatever happens, happens. [Inactive]

    I looked at Alex and shrugged. "Ok... Fine with me." I stood next to Alex as I waited for him to tie his boots. I looked around and pop my shoulder again with my hands in my pockets. As you get up I look up at the gates and continued looking up, past the gates and at the starry sky.
  19. insanity

    The Hunted

    NAME: Kazeka Sizuro AGE: 17 POWERS: The ability to manipulate own body, mostly bones. (Ex. I am able to extend my bones out of my body and use them as weapons and such.) WEAKNESSES: Can only use a certain amount of bone. Mentally unstable. LIKES: Milk, music, begin alone, quiet, shy...
  20. insanity

    Just whatever happens, happens. [Inactive]

    The bone feathers disintegrate in the wind as the wings disappear into my back. My shirt snaps back up and is stretched out a bit. "Every ability I have derives from bone... Takes a lot of calcium. And since there isn't a whole lot of that stuff around I may not live long... A month or so..." I...