Just whatever happens, happens. [Inactive]

Alex walked through the double doors, his foot steps echoing in the vast, empty hallway. His eyes darted in every direction, he felt like he was being watched. He turned down another hallway, the lights flickered, fallen roof tiles think in the walkway. "Looks like the bombs did some impact, not much." he said to himself. He smelled something putrid drift up through the cracks in the floor, he gagged and covers his face with his duster. The windows around his were cracked and covered in grime, he kept walking down the empty corridor, pistol at bay. He started to sweat mercifully due to the hot sunlight peaking its way through the grime. He heard metal hit the flore and ring and turned around to see a looter dart from one room to another. He slowly turned around, making his way back down the hall. "Come out and I may just let you live." Alex said in a stern tone. He waited a minute to see a silhouette of a lanky man emerge from the darkness of the room. "Who the hell are you!?!" the looter yelled, and knife gripped tight in his hand. "Some one you just pissed off, say goodbye to your life." Alex raised his gun and pulled the trigger. The gun shot echoed in the empty hallway. Alex continued his journey through the ruins of the abandoned building.
I listened to the conflict from the roof. I sat on the edge looking down at the pavement. "Looks so soft." I said to myself. The dead brush next to the park swayed in the wind as I stared down, thinking, remembering. My platinum blonde hair shone in the relentless sun. I got up and refused the soft pavement and headed towards the stairwell to meet the visitor. I stepped down the steps silently and slowly. My face, blank, unfazed by the fear of a gun. There was no fear. I've already seen it all. I continued to climb down the stair way refusing to recognize the putrid odor. I came to the bottom and leaned into the barely lit hallway and looked left and right. His footsteps came from the right. They began to get louder and louder. I stepped out and put my hands in my pockets, counting the steps.
He came down the hall way, gun in hand. He rounded a corner to see a silhouette. He raised his gun quickly. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" Alex looked at his silhouette. He was a tall man. Alex moved closer. "Up, now" Alex turned him around and pushed him up the stairs.
I look at the boy pushing by up the stairs. I step up the stairs slowly and silently. I stopped until we reached a black steel door that led to the roof. I looked over my shoulder at a boy with a gun to my back. I chuckled as he urged me to open the door. I placed my hand on the door knob and slowly turned it as I yawned. I pushed the door open and stepped into the wind. My black t-shirt fluttered in the wind and my hair flew with the wind. I looked to the boy with my hands in my pockets and my blank face added a bit of curiosity to my eyes.
Alex looked at him in awe, he didnt believe his eyes. "Oh my god, Derrick?" Alex said. Derrick had been Alex's best friend before everything happened. Alex holdstered his gun and slowly made a circle around the boy that stood in his presences. Alex pulled out a picture and held it up for comparison, but they matched. "Derrick..." Alex said with a hint of disgust in his voice.
I looked at the boy in complete and utter confusion. I looked at the picture. It was me but the eyes... The eyes in the picture are green not white like mine. I shrugged it off and continued studying the boy. I looked at the gun and grinned. "So are you gonna kill me? If not... I will just have to cut you off from life." I stepped forward. Looked into the boys eyes and I began to remember before. Barely. "A-a..." A sharp pain shot through my head as my vision began to blur and the world began to spin while blacking out.
Alex caught Derrick, grunting from the impact. "Gotten heavier, man." Alex dragged him to the cot in the corner of the building. He walked to the edge and looked over, it was a good 100-foot drop. Alex looked at Derricks limp body, his chest rising and sinking as his lungs filled. He sat on the ledge and took a sip from the canteen on his belt, waiting for Derrick to regain consciousness.
My head swayed as the world began to come back slowly. I had no recollection of what happened or what I had remembered. The moon and stars were out and it was a bit cold and the air was heavy. I rolled over and got up, a bit dizzy. I stumbled over to the boy on the ledge and began to get a better grip on my consciousness. I looked over the boys shoulder and looked out at all the blackened buildings with no glass. "So who are you?" I rubbed my head as I winced from a slight pain at the back of my head.
Alex took his duster off slowly and handed it to him. "Names Alex incase you dont remember." He stood up and looked at Derrick. He walked to the other side of the building and looked out over the horizon. Alex leaned on the ledge and noticed Derrick lean on it too. "So, do you remember how you abandoned me to get killed by the Enclave? Or do you just remember fleeing like the whimp you are?" Alex looked at him, his eyes scolding him like coals.
I looked at him with utter confusion and looked out at the horizon. "I don't know what you're talking about." I stepped away from the ledge and screeching could be heard far off in the distance. "We can't stay here for long..." I paused as I looked in the direction of the sound. I listened closely. A skill I have always had was to be able to know what's going on by sound. I looked at the rising moon and thought for a bit. I looked back at the boys, still glaring at me. "I don't know what happened in the past... I can;t remember much at all in fact I only remember just a few weeks back when the bombs hit." I stepped away and looked down. "And something happened to me..." I paused as the screeching got closer then stopped.
Alex pulled his pistol out as the screeching came closer, and closer. "Down the stairwell! Now!" Alex busted down the door and ran down it, tripping over his own steps. Alex came to an abrupt stop and he heard the voice of Enclave voices down the hallway. He got down and pulled Derrick down with him. "Enclave are in the building." Alex warned him.
"Psh." I grab your collar and jump out the window taking you with me, falling nearly one hundred feat I smile as I watch you squirm in fear. We fall towards the ground faster and faster. I put you over my shoulder and land on the ground silently and lightly. Without a scratch I place you down and put my hands in my pockets again. "Yup..." I step onto the broken street and I look towards the screeching. I walk the opposite way.
Alex stands up, brushing his pants off. "Are you mad?" Alex walked right next to him with a expression of pure insanity. His eyes were a blaze. "We could have died! Did you not think of our lives!?!" Alex looks over his shoulder to see a large crow land on the ground. "Guess we know what the screeching was." Alex looked ahead to see the strip lit up like the 4th of July.
I look straight ahead at the blinding light. Unfazed by it I look ahead of those lights and there stand soldiers aiming at us with fully automated guns. I step forward and continue to walk and without warning they fire at me. I raise my hand a large white shield spreads from my palm. The shield is of bone by the texture. The bullets bounce off the bone shield and doesn't even scratch it. From that shield many blades are shot into the lights then piercing into the soldiers. Soldiers were stuck onto the SWAT trucks behind them and they were all bleeding relentlessly. My face blank and expressionless. The shield shrinks back into my palm and disappears. I pop my shoulder and turn into an alley to avoid the blood bath.
Alex walks next to Derrick "Sweet. Where did you learn that Derrick" Alex looked at Derrick, he tuned his head to see a solider blocking the way. Alex raised his gun with out thinking and popped him. His lifeless body hit the ground with a thump, Alex crouched down next to him and looted his limp body. "Just plasma capsules. Usless with my 10 Mill." Alex handed them to Derrick incase he wanted them.
"Bomb gave them to me. The radiation got into my bones and mutated the atoms and genes." I sifted the plasma capsules in my hand and stuck my hands in my pockets again. "I hate killing." I looked back at the dead man and whispered "That man probably had a family he's just trying to feed." I sighed as I continued. I took my hand out and a bone blade sprouted from my palm and I put the blade in your hand. "Brake it off. It's just in case you run out of ammo." I yawned as I popped my shoulder again.
Alex broke the bone shard off and stuc it in his holdster. "I was in a meat locker when the bombs hit. Rotted meat, dead Enclave just sitting there." Alex sighed "I hate killing too, just has to be done. This world isnt the same. There are mutants, and ghouls and everything bad. No one wanted this but Kimball was just hell bent of getting us into deep shit, look what happened. Kimball's a god damn idiot if you ask me." Alex pulled the canteen off his belt and took a swig. "Want a sip?"
I take the canteen and look into the nozzle... I stare at the swaying water as I take each step and sigh. I bring it to my mouth. Before taking a brief sip I look over at you. "You know we could fly..." I look forward again and take a slow and short sip of the small bit of water. I hand it back to you as the water moistens my mouth. I wipe my mouth with my sleeve and swallow. I put the hands on the back of my head and yawn as we come to the end of the alley way.
Alex looks ahead to see the Lucky 38 standing in the middle of the Mojave, the center of attention is what he called it. He stepped into a small gust of wind and shivered slightly. "What do you mean we can fly?" he asked Derrick, looking at him wi expression of utter confusion. Alex buckled the canteen back to his belt, he thought about the ludacris idea of flight. "All planes are downed or in pieces, no way we can fly unless you can sprout damn wings." Alex said to Derrick. Hooked ahead, towards their destination, the strip.
I laugh at the fact you had just said what I was about to do. I stop chuckling as I the back of my shirt collar down to show my shoulder blades and bend over as if I was in pain, at that point large bone wings sprout from my back wear the shoulder blades show. I straighten up and the wings fold over eachother to keep from scraping on the walls. "I can indeed sprout wings." I laugh a bit more... I pop my shoulder as I step onto the next broken road.
Alex looks at Derrick in complete awe. "Oh hell no. You are a freak." Alex laughs and keeps on walking next to Derrick. He looked to to see a cot in his boot. "Awe, dammit. I need to find some new boots!" Alex had some sadness touch his face. He looked at Derrick to see his wings flutter a bit, some feathers falling off and fluttering in the wind. Alex smiled at Derrick. "I've missed you man, you seriously are my second half." Alex nigged him a bit and laughed.
The bone feathers disintegrate in the wind as the wings disappear into my back. My shirt snaps back up and is stretched out a bit. "Every ability I have derives from bone... Takes a lot of calcium. And since there isn't a whole lot of that stuff around I may not live long... A month or so..." I look down as I yawn. "We might want to get some sleep." I point at a park which used to have a river running through it, now it's been dried up. "I know a place we'll be safe, follow me." I step onto the dead grass of the park and continue to walk towards the dried up river.
Alex walks next to Derrick "No, I have a room in Vault 21 on the strip." Alex walked to the gates of Freeside where he sat down and tied his boots. "Ready?"
I looked at Alex and shrugged. "Ok... Fine with me." I stood next to Alex as I waited for him to tie his boots. I looked around and pop my shoulder again with my hands in my pockets. As you get up I look up at the gates and continued looking up, past the gates and at the starry sky.

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