The one and only.. (Insanity&Britt)

I walk down the road in the cold harsh rain of the night. I can see the name of the town outside the kingdom on the gate now, just barely lit by torches on the left and right of it. I trudge through the mud that once was a road. Behind me were the dark woods that were rumored to hold over a thousand evil spirits. That was partially true... A cut in my coat on the left side showed a linen black shirt and a small bit of pale white skin. My face hidden by the hood that drapes over. I finally make it to the gate, as I adjust the straps to my backpack the guards in the towers watch me carefully. I continue into the small, muddy, dim, and cold town.
Hope was running about in the rain. She worked late at night till almost everyone was in their homes and going to bed. Running around-She was bringing her groceries into her small home. But where she worked was a resturant. They had soups, salads, almost just about anything. Hope's red hair was tied into a ponytail and her blue eyes looked around the place "I think its all done." she said to herself before grabbing the key to the place and walking out, locking it. What was unexpected was the footsteps that werent too far.

This caused her to see who was walking through the town. It seemed to be a person. Looked more like a man. Also, was soaked. "Uh..Hey there!" she jogged over "What are you doing out here at this time? I thought almost everyone would be in their homes." she more she looked at him, she noticed he was a new face "Oh, you're a new comer, right?"
I raise my head to show a pale and emotionless face. My eyes were white, cold and deprived of sleep. I nod my head as I close my eyes and open them slowly before continuing. I continue trudging through the mud, looking for a place to stay, hopefully and Inn. Walking all the way down to the gate at the end, I had looked at all the houses, stores and restaurants. No inn. I adjusted the straps and walked back, found the nearest porch and sat my large backpack down and sat down next to it. I lowered my head and sat there silently.
Hope watched and she sighed softly and walked over, going onto the porch and picked up his bag. She held her hand out to him "Come on. You can stay with me for the night." sure it was weird having a stranger in her home but it was from the good of her heart. He looked so tired and plus, it was cold out here, which made him cold. "Its not nice to be out here in the cold. Becides, back at home I could make you something and you can get all the sleep you need."
I didn't tale her hand, instead I placed my hand on the window sill and pushed my self up. I kept my head down, trying to avoid any eye contact. I took my backpack from her and tossed it over my shoulder and listened to the rain hit the flooded roads. I followed her to her house, slowly through the rain. Odd having a stranger allow me, the shadiest person there could be, into their house. At least it was me, any other person would have done something... I have no intentions with her or her belongings. So I have no reason not to follow.
Hope brought him to her home. Slowly she opened the door and let him in. She closed the door and quickly got a match to light a candle "I'll show you to my guest bedroom. Then you can wash up if you need to. I'm Hope by the way." Hope had the most kindest heart. Thats what she loved about herself..Plus she couldnt get mad so easily. "I know its weird staying at a stranger's house, but its better then nothing. They're building an Inn but its taking a long time."
I nod as the water drips relentlessly onto the wood floor. I take my hood off revealing moist shaggy white hair. I open the door to the guest room and take off my heavy jacket and backpack and place it on the floor. I sit down on the bed and look down at the floor with my arms crossed. I reach down and open a small pocket on the backpack and pull out a large white saber tooth. I pop the point off and under the point was a tiny mechanism. I press the button on it and a flame emits from it. I light the candle with it and turn the flame off. I place the odd thing back into my backpack as I place my hand on my side to feel a small bit of skin.
Hope left to get some towls. She then came back and handed them to him "Here you go. Now you can get dried off." she smiled softly "Do you want anything to eat? I want you to feel as welcome as you can." she folded her hands in front of her, waiting for him to respond in some way, seeing as he didnt like to talk.
I shook my head and waited for her to leave. After she left I closed the door behind her and took off my shirt and dried my chest off. I dried the rest of myself off. My chest had scars all throughout and each one had a different story. I laid back and stared at the ceiling, slowly falling asleep as the candle light dimmed.
Hope nodded "Alright.." she left the room and went to hers, holding the candle in her hand. She placed it on her dresser and she took a bath. Being quiet of course. Soon enough, she blew out the candle and crashed in bed. But the night went by fast, causing her to wake up early and get dressed for the day. She then remembered the man she had let inside her house. "Right..." since he was here, she was going to make breakfast for two.
I sat in my bed with my eyes closed and my hands on my knees. The candle had gone out. The candle wick was burned, black. The candle was nearly melted all the way down. I hadn't slept last night so I used the candle. There was a book set out to the right of me, a torn and burned book, but still in tact and readable. The title was burned and only a few letters were readable. "K///ra //a/ i/d//"
Hope was in the kitchen, cooking without a problem. As soon as she finished she grabbed a plate and brought it up to the boy's room. Softly, her hand knocked "Hey, I have breakfast for you.." she said softly before opening the door and peeking in, seeing him awake "Oh dear...did you get any sleep?" knowing this, she noticed the candle
I didn't reply. I just sat there, emotionless, and still. The only thing to break the awkward silence was the breathing of Hope. I open my eyes slowly and pop my shoulder. I nod as I take the plate and the fork and begin to eat slowly. After taking a bite and swallowing I look up to hope. "Thank you." I say lightly. My voice cutting through the still air. I take another bite silently.
Hope teased "Oh so you can talk." she giggled, walking to the window and opening the curtians, letting the sun in and opening the window a bit. Instantly, the wind blew out the candle "Looks like i'm going to get another candle." she stated, walking back to the door "I'll be downstairs if you need me, okay?"
I nod as I chew the scrambled eggs. I look at the light hitting the wall, taking in the comment I chuckle to myself. The wind blew into my face lightly as I eat the last bite of the standard breakfast. I place the plate and fork on the nightstand. I planted my feet on the floor and stood up. I walked down stairs into the living room, just for a quick look.
Hope went downstairs too, eating as she cleaned the kitchen up because it was a mess from her cooking "So, whats your name?" she asked, washing dishes and putting them away once she dried them. Hope was a clean woman and didnt like things to be very messy. Soon enough, she took care of her flowers that were on the window
I popped my shoulder and looked to hope with a blank expression. "Kazeka." I replied softly. I leaned on the door frame leading into the living room and yawned. I crossed my arms and looked down as the sun light began to pierce through the curtains.
Hope nodded "Kazeka...I like that name." she smiled and finished with her flowers before she walked into the livingroom andopened the curtians and windows "What brings you to this town?"
I didn't reply. I just leaned against the frame silently. I shook my head and looked up to hope. "I have... Some things to do in the kingdom." I said strongly. I stood up straight and went back up stairs and into my room. I sat down on the bed and began to read the book that I had set out on the bed.
Hope had no idea how to deal with a man like this. She sighed "I'll be back! Kaze!" she said, walking out and soon enough, she was back "Now..time to embroad"
I was asleep in the bed and my book was open on my chest. The Backpack had been moved and there were a few more books set out, but the same one from before was the one closest to me. The little mechanism was on the night stand and a necklace was next to it.
Hope sighed, not seeing Kaze. She went upstairs and she lightly knocked before peeking in. She seen the mess of the books he had. This caused ehr to clean quietly and put the books in one spot
I open my eyes abruptly as she reached for the book on my chest. I quickly sat up and scooted away while snatching the book and concealing it. I looked at the others, all stacked up into a neat little pile as I clenched the book tightly and looked up to Hope. I look down at my quivering knees and put them together to stop them. "Sorry." I said softly as I threw the book on top of the pile.
Hope was cought off guard and she jumped from being scared. She placed her hand over her chest "Geez...Its okay...but dont scare me like that. You really scared me." she sighed softly "I promise you I dont steal anything. Nor do I burn it." she opened his door fully "Im sorry that I woke you up"

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