Just whatever happens, happens. [Inactive]

Alex stoop up, popping his knee. "Okay, ready." Alex pushed the gate open and slowly stepped inside, looking at the vendors and personal guards. "Stick close." Alex looked at Derrick, his white eyes pulsing in the dark light.Alex walked passed Mick and Ralphs'. Derrick sticking close. "Hehe, Freeside looks better at night." Alex took a sharp turn to see Enclave standing right there, waiting.
I stare at the Enclave, my white eyes piercing through the dark. I stood there as they stepped towards me and looked straight into my eyes through his mask. I could feel his glare. I grabbed my arm with full force and tried to drag me along. Instead I did not move at all. I looked down and gritted my teeth. Through my clasped jaw I hissed, "Let go of my before I take that hand... And the rest of the body in cubes to feed to the dogs."
Alex looked at the Enclave solider holding Derrick. "Let him go." Alex raised his gun to the Enclave solider. He stepped closer and put a bullt in his hand, releasing his grip of Derrick. Alex grabbed Derricks collar and ran behind a wall, evading the plasma shots. "You're welcome, now put that shield up while I kill these dicks." Alex grabbed the bone shard and ran out behind the wall with Derrick, holding his gun at ready to see all the Enclave, lying there. A bloody heap of metal and limp bodies.
I raise my hand to the bullets like before. The shield sprouts and expands quickly blocking all the bullets from shooting through my body. I grin, unlike usual I grin widely as many screams and be heard from beyond the shield. It slowly shrinks back into my hand revealing the walls painted in blood. No bodies, just blood and scraps of metal. I laugh lightly as I kick a piece of a shredded helmet.
Alex looked at Derrick. "Can you teleport too!?!" Alex walked to the bus door and kicked it open. He stepped through to the other side, continuing to the gate that leads to the strip. His eyes were dry, his mouth tasteless. He looked at Derrick and laughed. "You know I love you, man?" Alex looked ahead to see a Freeside thug running towards him. Alex kicked him and jammed the bone shard into his stomach, and ripped it out. "Damn thugs. Think they run this." Alex walked passed the Securitrons showing them his I.D. allowing him to be on the Strip. "He's with me." Alex grabbed Derrick and wrapped his arm around his shoulder. "Don't mess wit them, see that pile of ash? Thats what happened to a guy who tried sneaking in." He stepped over the pile and walked into the Strip.
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