Test Subjects


Sir Sky, A Knight of RpNations Kingdom

Age: 14-21

How long you've been at the organization:

Abilities: It is pretty much fantasy, but only two special abilities please.






Name: Edgar

Age: 18

How Long you've been at the organization: All of his life


Technological Imprisonment: Bind, imprison or otherwise stop objects in technological devices.

Power negation: Ability to cancel the superpowers of others.

Personality: Edgar is very sweet and kind, though seemingly naive he is quite skillful and thoughtful. He hasn't been opened to other people his whole life, and loves to meet others. He is very loyal, and hates those who are full of themselves or are selfish. He tries his best to be of use in fighting, yes it is difficult to use his powers unless they're near a phone or need to hack. But he is surprisingly very physically strong, for he has been trained to be a type of weapon his whole life. Edgar loves animals and the outdoors due to the fact he has been locked up for most of his life. He is one to fall silent though, not wanting to get in the way of others.

Bio: Edgar was the organizations first successful experiment, and what a day that was. They had created life, or something close enough to it. He was created to watch the technology of the organization, so he was practically the computer behind it all, though he doesn't seem like it. But anyway his whole life he had been tested on, both physically and mentally. Once he reached age 10 they began to train him, like he where one of their guards or footmen who went off daily for missions. He was planned to be strong in any way possible, and at points he'd fight some of the other experiments. But he didn't enjoy it. The idea of hurting others for no reason was sick to him, so one day with the snap of his fingers he shut off the machines and unlocked the cages. Tired of what they where doing.



Other: Edgar gave himself his own name out of pure boredom.

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Name: Derek Jameson

Age: 21

How long you've been at the organization: 18 months


  • Space Warping: Can warp space, causing pushing or pulling force against an object. Can even create a miniature blackhole, but never had the motivation to try that before. Can warp the objects themself, causing them to explode or implode. Teleport is another matter though.
  • Above human strength, speed and stamina. Can lift up to 700 Kg and run twice as fast as a normal human

Personality:Derek is the quiet type of guy. He's cautious and careful, always wary of danger, even before he was abducted. Can get cheerful and open with you can get close to him.

Bio: Born and raised in an old-school family, Derek was under great pressure from his parents ever since he was small. He struggled to reach those expectation, from having aperfect grade, winning competitions to beating rivals in sport. But Derek was a free spirit, and even though he had a nack for learning and sports, he neither enjoyed nor took satisfaction in those actions. As soon as he reached 18, Derek moved out and chose to followed journalism despite of his parents' protests. He was very successful, going around the country and sending back breaking news to his auditor. Until one day he discovered that his boss had taken most of the credit for himself, and was fired when he protested, using the excuse that he never turn his articles in. Angered, he opened his own office and worked as a freelance journalist and P.I, until he stumbled in this case.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/New-Arrival-Free-Shipping-Mens-Trench-Coat-Cool-Motocycle-Style-Double-Breasted-Wind-Jacket-C07.jpg.fe6b219229f3d4394d66dd8f0c22c7b2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14190" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/New-Arrival-Free-Shipping-Mens-Trench-Coat-Cool-Motocycle-Style-Double-Breasted-Wind-Jacket-C07.jpg.fe6b219229f3d4394d66dd8f0c22c7b2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: None



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Name: Louis "Louie" Brown

Age: 19

How long you've been at the organization: 14 months


  • Louie can drastically slow his perception of time. This means that although he may not move any faster than normal, from an outside perspective he appears to have amazing reflexes and is able to think very quickly. This ability only activates when Louie is under stress or is surprised and it causes him to be very tired after using it.
  • Louie has a basic form of telepathy and can show people his memories while making physical contact, he doesn't have eidetic memory and therefore some of his memories may be corrupted or incorrect.

Personality: Louie is very cooperative and tends to follow instructions rather than giving them. He angers easily but it is equally easy to calm him down. when it comes to a decision, Louie prefers the easy option instead of the smart one.

Bio: Louie went to a private school growing up and seemed to have almost everything provided for him from an early age. he was lacking in friends however and some of the people his father set him up with took advantage of his trusting nature, getting him onto drugs at the age of 17. It was when Louie was arrested that agents from the organization took him, promising his freedom if he would come with them "just for a couple of days".

Appearance: He has short brown hair with a cow-lick and he has bright green eyes. He is about 5'9" and fairly muscular, someone most people wouldn't notice.

Other: None
Name: Mari June

Age: 17, though she doesnt look it

How long has she been there: 10 years


Manipulation of any solid matter, fairly weak forcefeilds

Personality: impulsive, easy to frighten, and untrusting. She is definately on the sweet and childish side but lashed out in fear and hates others touching her. She will go as far as putting herself behind her own energy field to avoid being touched.

Bio: her gaurdian, as she never admits he is a father, killed her mother in a fit of rage when deciding to use Mari as a project. His lack of stability made her mistrust others.



Other:if she trusts you, she will give you a nickname
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Name: Rinnie Finch

Age: 19

How long you've been at the organization: 47 months and three days


Time - Can be able to slow down time to change up the events. Can rewind and foreword time, but is too scared to try that. Can stop time, but it takes a lot of energy for her to be able to do it.

Animal pheromones - Her scent sends a chemically trigger to bring out the social parts of an animal. Due to this, they often stay close to her and does whatever she wants, within reasoning.

Personality: Stays on the optimistic side of life, can become dark. Sometimes loud, sometimes quiet, sometimes silly, sometimes serious.

Bio: Rinnie was born into a rich family, but due to her father and his mistresses the family broke apart. Rinnie was sent to live with her aunt, who sent her off. At age seven, she ran off and did her best to find her own little family. Rinnie stayed at small shelters for a day and would continue traveling. When she found a place to settle, she was beaten up and left on the streets to die.



Other: None.
Name: Ryan Anderson

Age: 17

How long you've been at the organization: 5 years


Enhanced Combat:Ryan is able to become unbelievably skilled in all known forms of fighting. He can be exceptionally proficient in the fighting traditions of a variety of cultures and become advanced with his own individual methods of close quarter combat, including martial arts (from all over the world), boxing, and wrestling. He can also become superhumanly skilled in his use of weaponry.

Fire manipulation: ...he can control fire.

Personality: He is funny, smart, athletic, brave, fun-loving, adventurous, selfless, good-hearted, determined, and protective. He is also pretty outgoing and usually only gets mad when someone harms his family or friends.

Bio: Ryan is the son of the General of the Army and a neurologist. He was always one of the top students at his school. Ryan excelled in sports and academics, and according to his parents he was the "perfect student". One day he got mad and lost control of his fire ability. He burned the whole facility down and attacked the closest people around him. Ryan noticed everyone run away. He also noticed one girl looking at him in shock and later moving away from Ryan just as the others did. Later that night his father turned him in at the facility where he was used as an experiment. He has not seen any of his parents since then.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/upload_2014-3-7_16-48-5.png.36a52b05e11f7e90f71de1e3dde2aa8b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14196" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/upload_2014-3-7_16-48-5.png.36a52b05e11f7e90f71de1e3dde2aa8b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: He is skilled at parkour.



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Name: Noire Auerbach.

Age: . Sixteen.

How long you've been at the organization: 17 Months.


-Noire can create, shape, and manipulate Electricity which gives her control over Electric fields, currents, charges, and Electromagnetism. Due to this, she can have immense difficulty when dealing with electronics, as they often overload from her touch. Due to her electric abilities, her skin can also never touch water, or else she will fry herself and anybody close to her once in contact with the liquid.

-By way of Electric acceleration of cells, Noire can heal herself or anybody else. She can also juice up by Biocharging from a source of power.

Personality: A quiet, often terrifying girl, Noire doesn't do teamwork without it benefitting herself. Her words and actions but be very cutting, but that doesn't mean she's entirely mean. Due to most people refusing or being to scared to talk to her, she actually has trouble communicating and is very, very awkward socially. In short, she's a big, morbid dork.

Bio: Orphaned by deadbeat parents, Noire Auerbach grew up as a product of the failed system. It isn't easy being transferred from house to house, topped with the fact that a majority of them were run by abusive caretakers. At the age of Twelve, Noire decided that enough was enough and ran away in the dead of night. After years of living on the street, she was taken by the Organization at Fifteen and has been there since.



Other: None.

Age: 18

How long you've been at the organization: since he was 6

Abilities: deep dive, the power to dive through matter, with this ability you can take out your heart and hide it underground or make arms come out of walls. next reverse the power to control energy as if it was part of your own body

Personality: excitable, a bit grim, weird, sometimes childish

Bio: torn away from a loving mother at a young age and experimented on into a monster, pbtenchi has come to hate the world and dreams only of leaving the lab

Appearance: blond hair, green shirt, black trousers, black shoes, 3d glasses that focus his power and prevents him destroying himself accidently

Other: N/A

Name: Kail.


How long you've been at the organization:6 years.

Abilities: Manipulation of his own blood. He's is able to change his blood into any form he wishes as long as the amount is sufficient and he is bleeding. ¶Body Transmutation. His whole body is basically like a liquid he can stretch as far as he wants, fit through cracks in the wall, change his limbs to any shape, etc.

Personality: Dark. He mostly keeps to himself. Spends most of his time gaining knowledge and trying to push his unique body to new lengths. He does open up to a few people who he has known since coming to the organization when he was 13. He stays away from any newer members for the most part due to lack of trust. To those he does trust he is a great companion and a helpful ally.

Bio: Memories of his past are dim. He had very few friends where he came from and cast himself away from others. He stopped going to school at age 8 because he felt he was too intelligent. 5 years after he considered himself a prodigy of sorts, smarter than both of his parents combined. His parents began to hate him jealousof his advanced mind they carried out the ultimate betrayal sending him to the oranization for a paycheck. For this reason he trusts very few and won't even speak a single word to most. He is missing an eye due to resisting some of the testing when he first arrived.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/download.jpg.cb8657e8a2f02893340276966237ba8f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14212" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/download.jpg.cb8657e8a2f02893340276966237ba8f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Asher Emmitt

Age: 33

How long you've been at the organization: recently arrived

Abilities: Perception- Excellent sense of hearing, smell, vision. Helps his reaction time, seemingly making things slower at times

Greatly enhanced strength and speed, expert in martial arts, and weaponry

Personality: A tough, sarcastic man, he does however enjoy lending a helping hand to those who need it.

Bio: From the time he was 13 he was a mercenary, taking many violent and dangerous jobs. The organization brought him in after he was doing a raid of one of their supply shipments and noticed his abilities.

Appearance: Shoulder length brown hair, usually wears a headband, eyepatch, beard, muscular physique 6'3 210lbs
Name: Kazeka Sizuro

Age: 18

How long I've been at the organization: Since creation.

Abilities: Full manipulation of body, mostly skilled in my bones. (Ex. I can make my bones extend from my body and use them as weapons and tools.) But limited to a certain amount of bone. The more I train the ability, the more bone I am able to use. Amazing senses.

Personality: Has grown multiple personalities. One blank, just pure blank facial expression, blank emotions, and never talks, just thinking. Kind and loving, very kind and helpful, and a born leader. Insane, an absolute madman, never stops talking, and is completely unpredictable.

Bio: I was created on accident and had an unusual appearance and ability. They studied me as a baby and neglected me, never feeding, and never treated me for anything, just study. Despite all of this, I lived. As I grew up I was abnormally smart and wise. I sometimes even had to correct the scientists at age 6. Because of this they began punishing me for no absolute reason. Despite this, I lived. I knew of the outside world and how people lived and I thought about it. I began to realize that this was not right. And the growth of my insanity began. I began to have more needs, wanting to socialize, and love. Therefore the growth of my kind heart began. And lastly, my intelligence began to grow so much it began to become overwhelming. Therefore began my blankness.

Appearance: (Varying attire.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Random_White_Hair_Guy_by_30_Two.jpg.30f2e7f3c0d1e422456ecb5ad6240644.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14250" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Random_White_Hair_Guy_by_30_Two.jpg.30f2e7f3c0d1e422456ecb5ad6240644.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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