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  1. CameraObscura83

    Dice Darkest Before Dawn (Exalted 3rd Edition)

    Any chance you are looking for more players?
  2. CameraObscura83

    Exalted First Edition! Seeks ST!

    Would converting to second ed open up the chance to get a game going? We are not opposed to the idea! Thanks again!
  3. CameraObscura83

    Exalted First Edition! Seeks ST!

    Ah, thank you, I honestly wasn't sure where to put it! And i am pretty familiar with second ed, but the internet seems to no, take kindly to a lot of second, so i thought maybe first might have the nostalgia factor, thank you! Logan
  4. CameraObscura83

    Exalted First Edition! Seeks ST!

    Hello!A friend and I are looking for a ST for an exalted first edition game Set in Great forks if possible! We would ideally like it run over AIM but this can be changed! My AIM is CameraObscura83. We wanna go back to first ed just for nostalgia, we think it could be a lot of fun if the...
  5. CameraObscura83

    Chapter One: Sing, Goddess [Darkness Visible]

    ((Ronan, that dice roller isnt working for me. my pool is 6 + 1 epic perception, where should i roll this)) EDIT: ((7 7 5 4 2 2 = 3 suxx [2 + 1 Epic percep])
  6. CameraObscura83

    First Age ahoy! [interest]

    never! MWahahah
  7. CameraObscura83

    First Age ahoy! [interest]

    Venn has been done <.< >.>
  8. CameraObscura83

    First Age ahoy! [interest]

    lol I will be.... the sexy househusband?
  9. CameraObscura83

    First Age ahoy! [interest]

    'alo everyone i will be playing Venn Dawn-Flier husband to the Dawn cast Deliberator Bright Morning (Also male for those who care?) if you have questions about him from an IC standpoint hit me up on AIM (CameraObscura83) for now his description is: Venn is a dark beauty who is roughly...
  10. CameraObscura83

    Chapter One: Sing, Goddess [Darkness Visible]

    Shannon "Lena?" The Ginger looks at his, well cousin quietly for a moment. "Memories are funny things....Tragedy can be associated with anything. But so can life, Hope, love. Lets find a way to make this one of those, and im sure it wont be easy " he smiles softly and gives her a little wink...
  11. CameraObscura83

    Chapter 1 Interlude: London Calling [Sheila, Kenny] [Darkness Visible]

    Shannon smiles and blushes a little. "While you are a beautiful woman my dear I am afraid my tastes run a bit different. Simply being a gentleman as i was raised to be..."
  12. CameraObscura83

    Chapter 1 Interlude: London Calling [Sheila, Kenny] [Darkness Visible]

    "Keep your mirror out too....I have a feeling it isn't just the shadows we need to worry about"Shannon offers an arm to walk Sheila to a lamppost while they wait.
  13. CameraObscura83

    Chapter 1 Interlude: London Calling [Sheila, Kenny] [Darkness Visible]

    "Give them a call.....See if they can meet us." Shannon sighs deeply as the rain falls and he looks at the police tape whipping around. " I think the shit already hit the fan so to speak...."
  14. CameraObscura83

    First Age ahoy! [interest]

    i have a waxing moon that i have here, i have to write out his background and appearance but think a male version of Lady Macbeth, this isn't established just starting out, his mentor is Queen Merela's lunar mate which i have defined as a Waning Moon Fox totem lunar, would that be a problem?
  15. CameraObscura83

    Chapter 1 Interlude: London Calling [Sheila, Kenny] [Darkness Visible]

    "I think people are avoiding this place like the plague.... authorities included, cant you feel it? This tension could be cut with a knife...." Shannon puts on the protective glasses and blushes as he is sure he looks a fool, and then pulls put the mirror, looking in it before looking at the...
  16. CameraObscura83

    Chapter 1 Interlude: London Calling [Sheila, Kenny] [Darkness Visible]

    "Well.. if we're going to be friends it comes with the job. The Next site is up ahead... you ready?"
  17. CameraObscura83

    Chapter 1 Interlude: London Calling [Sheila, Kenny] [Darkness Visible]

    " Want to talk about it? This whole thing has me kinda worried too...Or is it something else"
  18. CameraObscura83

    Chapter 1 Interlude: London Calling [Sheila, Kenny] [Darkness Visible]

    "I know i wouldn't want to be the one to slap a God....." Shannon smirks and pulls out a mirror. "You okay?"
  19. CameraObscura83

    Chapter 1 Interlude: London Calling [Sheila, Kenny] [Darkness Visible]

    Shannon "My mother tested me. SHe was cold, in the wintery sort of way. Does it bug you? that we may be like them someday?" Shannon walks with his fellow scion keeping an eye out for their next location.
  20. CameraObscura83

    Chapter One: Sing, Goddess [Darkness Visible]

    Shannon to Sheila "Well what do you want to do? There could be trouble at other locations, or do you think they need us there?"