First Age ahoy! [interest]

Oh how I love Sidereal Presence Charms. And Larceny. And just about every Charm I have shall be perfect for Karis. A Vizier of win. With control issues!

If anyone has played Phoenix Wright, she looks a bit like Adrian Andrews. Dirty blonde hair, glasses, rather apathetic expression.
Mei said:
Oh how I love Sidereal Presence Charms. And Larceny. And just about every Charm I have shall be perfect for Karis. A Vizier of win. With control issues!
If anyone has played Phoenix Wright, she looks a bit like Adrian Andrews. Dirty blonde hair, glasses, rather apathetic expression.
Oh God, I know a perfect foil to Karis.
Right, working on my character sheet.

It's been a while since I created a Solar and it's pretty annoying seeing as the rules I need are spread between the Core, the Scroll of Errata, multiple ink monkey posts, DotFA, Scroll of the Monk, Black and White Treatise and Glories: UCS.
*uses super sexy Sidereal charms* Now you don't even notice me. You feel a sense of deja vu!
Where are those Pattern Spiders when you need them? >__>

Oh, yeah. "See everywhere"
Nay, not yet. I've been working on some small projects on the side. I shall have a request up today or early tomorrow. And has anyone heard word of that vile errata yet?
Are there still any openings, or are you guys closed up for new recurits?
I have a character made up that wouldn't take too much to convert to DotFA. Its built around using a Solar Cannon as the main weapon. What are you looking for in the way of a background?
I'm away from my main computer so I haven't been able to post a character sheet up and I won't be able to until tonight/tomorrow morning. How come everyone else is so quite?
I've been up to my eyeballs trying to sort through the mess that is registering for college. Nearly finished my Dragon-Blood, will post it up in the next few days.
Taking a little longer than I thought because I don't have quite as many charms much to work with as I thought and I'm doing a load of overtime at work, but I don't feel bad seeing as everyone else is being as slow.

Quick question Cthulhu: My guy has some severe character traits like never using weapons, giving up accesses to the masses of power that ruling a First Age country gives, etc. Can I take appropriate flaws to represent these and get a little extra BP? They're already in place and he's going to act that way regardless, it's just that a little extra BP to play with would be nice.

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