First Age ahoy! [interest]

Sorry, folks, been busy. Ivan, give me a little time, I've not read your PM yet. Things have been crazy round here. I'm an uncle now. And I'm trying to get a piece of writing out the door. SO! I'll be back on after dinner to address questions and such.
Gulup said:
What's your standpoint on the Craft ability? Just checking as I've seen some STs use the as-in-book version and others custom houserules, and would like to know beforehand.
Let's call it in-book for now. I've never really finagled Craft a lot in my games.
Crasical said:
Myllinnia said:
“When Jon Chung shoots you through a ray of sunlight from deep inside his bunker with an implosion bow pointed at the door, kill him. Failing that, destroy his favorite chair. You win the moral victory.†—Ø
... Who is Jong Chung and why does he live in a bunker and hate solars?
What Chaka said. Though this line made me laugh quite hard for a moment.
To Ivan, I've been wrestling with them for a bit, but I'll say Echo would be nice. I sat here and stared at the screen for fifteen minutes trying to decide :P
Axelgear, I'd like the newly exalted concept if you'd like to develop that out a little.

And I shall be making a selection soon, folks. Just hold pretty :D
Other possibility: a thaumaturge who Exalted after he or she was taken captive by rebels and forced to build magical weapons for them IN A CAVE! WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS! :mrgreen:

*cue awesome forging scene where newly-Exalted Twilight constructs suit of power armor that they then proceed to kick ass with*

This character would more likely be an Established Solar with money, allies, a cool workshop manse and a mission to keep dangerous toys out of mortal hands. (Drunkeness and lechery are optional.)
Arynne said:
Other possibility: a thaumaturge who Exalted after he or she was taken captive by rebels and forced to build magical weapons for them IN A CAVE! WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS! :mrgreen:
I always pictured Tony as an Air-Aspect Dragonblood using Immaculate Dragon armor, since that armor Flies and has essence blasts.

If the Solar is particularly wroth however' date=' he may fling his foe out into the stars, where his victim smashes through an unseen layer of Creation and comes screaming down over the brass skyline of Malfeas to leave a crater in the street.[/quote']
... There is now a charm that lets you throw enemies so hard they break both orbit and a metaphysical barrier and crash land in hell.

I love exalted. :mrgreen:
Orichalcum Celestial Battle Armor also lets you fly. :wink:

And the First Age setting is so well-suited to superpowered scientists and well-meaning uber-rich people with the best of intentions, awesome power armor, self-destructive tendencies, and fascist leanings...

Now that I think about it, the effects of the Great Curse would explain so much. :roll:
lol it took me awhile to make that connection despite two posts being blatant at who the concept mirrored xD

Well to announce, I've added what I could despite my fluxes in tired mind state. xD So well I hope it meets better approval than the small para. (Granted I replaced that para with the new but not too different item.)
Mei said:
I'm going with my Chosen of Secrets that just popped into my head. Works well for both Experienced and Starting characters with little tweaking on backstory.
Basic concept is a shrewd Vizier who is manipulating the new Exalts that she advises. Telling them over and over "A good leader is always willing to take advise, to do otherwise is how mistakes happen." She herself finds pure joy in secretly influencing the Solars (and maybe Lunars as well) in the direction she wants.

She learned from her Sifu that Solars start to not take advise very well as they get more experienced, and she has witnessed some of those outbursts of hubris.
Hmm. Hmm hmm hmm. Tempting. Who do we have going for Established? You, Chaka, Ligier and who else?
Myllinnia said:
lol it took me awhile to make that connection despite two posts being blatant at who the concept mirrored xD
Well to announce, I've added what I could despite my fluxes in tired mind state. xD So well I hope it meets better approval than the small para. (Granted I replaced that para with the new but not too different item.)
I shall read it tomorrow! For now, passing out.
Mei said:
I'm going with my Chosen of Secrets that just popped into my head. Works well for both Experienced and Starting characters with little tweaking on backstory.
Basic concept is a shrewd Vizier who is manipulating the new Exalts that she advises. Telling them over and over "A good leader is always willing to take advise, to do otherwise is how mistakes happen." She herself finds pure joy in secretly influencing the Solars (and maybe Lunars as well) in the direction she wants.

She learned from her Sifu that Solars start to not take advise very well as they get more experienced, and she has witnessed some of those outbursts of hubris.
Hmm. Hmm hmm hmm. Tempting. Who do we have going for Established? You, Chaka, Ligier and who else?
Mine was set as established but doesn't require it, though it might be difficult to explain some things away as a year or two old Sidereal. ^^

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