Exalted First Edition! Seeks ST!


New Member
Hello!A friend and I are looking for a ST for an exalted first edition game Set in Great forks if possible! We would ideally like it run over AIM but this can be changed! My AIM is CameraObscura83.

We wanna go back to first ed just for nostalgia, we think it could be a lot of fun if the dynamic is right!

Thanks again in advance!
CameraObscura83 said:
Hello!A friend and I are looking for a ST for an exalted first edition game Set in Great forks if possible! We would ideally like it run over AIM but this can be changed! My AIM is CameraObscura83.
We wanna go back to first ed just for nostalgia, we think it could be a lot of fun if the dynamic is right!

Thanks again in advance!

Since this is not a request for a forum, moving this to Interest Chests ;) !

You might have an easier time securing an ST for this game if you used the systems that people were comfortable on RPdom, like our TS server or chat rooms, etc.

Though to be fair, I don't believe I've ever seen any one play a 1st edition other then one game we've had going for a while.

The most popular form of exalted on our site is 2.0 and 2.5.

So I don't know if you will have any luck.

I hope you do though!
Ah, thank you, I honestly wasn't sure where to put it! And i am pretty familiar with second ed, but the internet seems to no, take kindly to a lot of second, so i thought maybe first might have the nostalgia factor, thank you!

CameraObscura83 said:
Would converting to second ed open up the chance to get a game going? We are not opposed to the idea!
Thanks again!
Most likely yes.

Try creating a brand new thread here in interest check for Second Edition, explain what you are trying to do, the type of plot etc.

Once a new thread is created here it sends out an alert to the site, so people might be interested once they see it.

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