Chapter 1 Interlude: London Calling [Sheila, Kenny] [Darkness Visible]


A couple of streets over from where you left the others with the injured boy, and it's only a few minutes' walk to the next-nearest crime scene. A cold breeze blows up around you, and you can hear faint sounds of revelry coming from some of the pubs along the street. You've moved down a few streets and are just off Old Compton Street, the heart of the local gay village. You're at a rough midpoint between Bridle Lane and the Seven Dials.
OOC: I kept your conversation and moved it here. Feel free to carry on.


He nods and walks with Sheila to the hardware store buying the few supplies they need. "So.. what was it like for you, finding out that is"


"What was it like? I was pretty pissed about being lied to my whole life." Sheila scoffed. "I was always told that my dad died while serving in the Navy. I was born in New York and moved to Boston with my mom when I was two. I grew up there having nothing, it's hard for single moms and all. It got too hard for her. I then moved to California with my grandpa."



"It... didnt piss me off.. My dad always told me my mom left me on his doorstep, so there was no real lie there... Mom is... interesting though. They dont think like us" He pays for the mirrors and glasses and hands Sheila hers, then putting his own in a jacket pocket. "Well, ready to investigate?"
With her stuff paid for, Sheila nodded in response to her fellow Scion. "Of course they don't think like us. They are detatched from humanity and are long-lived. Though, our Pantheon is one of the more... Humane... Well, one day we might be like them."

"So, your mother is 'interesting' you say? My father kinda smelled like sea water when I met him. And he made rather inappropriate jokes. Lewd."

"My mother tested me. SHe was cold, in the wintery sort of way. Does it bug you? that we may be like them someday?" Shannon walks with his fellow scion keeping an eye out for their next location.
"Well, it would certainly upset me if I ended up acting like a dirty old man." Sheila replied in a semi-sarcastic tone. "Daddy certainly didn't let up on his... Ways. He kept pinching the waitresses as they passed by. I'm almost surprised he didn't get slapped."

Sheila also kept a lookout in front of them. Her faded blue eyes hiding... Something... As she spoke.
"They were mad, but he just flashed a grin." She turned to Shannon witha cocked brow. "Nothing's wrong. Just a bit agitated, I guess."
"Worried about me? How sweet." A sly grin crossed her face. "I'm good, let's just get this done."

Sheila listened to the noise coming from a pub they had passed by. She stifled a laugh, drunk people were amusing.
With a small nod, Sheila smiled. "Friends, huh? Haven't had one of those in a while. Anyway, I'm as ready as ever."
You've been heading generally west as you've talked, and aren't far from Bridle Lane, the site of the earliest attack. Fortunately, the ongoing nature of the investigation means the site should still be cordoned off. It can't be more than a few streets over.
Sheila bit her lower lipbas she scanned around. "Think we'll get caught?" Everytime they come across intersection, she looks in every direction.
As with the rest of Soho that you've seen, the streets seem unnaturally deserted. The silence is almost oppressive, though the sound of traffic in the distance is almost comforting.
"I think people are avoiding this place like the plague.... authorities included, cant you feel it? This tension could be cut with a knife...." Shannon puts on the protective glasses and blushes as he is sure he looks a fool, and then pulls put the mirror, looking in it before looking at the actual location, keeping an eye out for anything strange

(( also i wish to use Perfect Timing to see if there are any unnatural manipulations of time around the area, not sure why i didnt do that before so rolling perception, + 1 success for the boon as per its rules, no epic perception because I lack science: Results for 4 dice: 1 success [ 9 1 6 5 ] (TN: 7) = 2 suxx - i can provide screen shot of roll if needed as well))
"People are afraid, so of course there's tension. You know, serial eye-stabber on the loose and all." She glanced over at Shannon, looking at the mirror in his hands and decides to put the goggles on as well. "Don't get so flustered. No one will see us."
You're drawing close, just around the corner you can see police tape in the sodium light, fluttering loosely in the breeze. It looks like it's been torn or cut.
Seeing the tape fluttering. Cut. It seemed like a bad idea to proceed any further without backup. "Shannon, maybe we should wait for the others. I got a bad feeling about this."
A gentle rain begins to fall, making the concrete around you slick and glimmer in the streetlights. The cut tape begins to flutter harder as the wind picks up slightly.
"Give them a call.....See if they can meet us." Shannon sighs deeply as the rain falls and he looks at the police tape whipping around. " I think the shit already hit the fan so to speak...."
"You read my mind, Shannon." And call them she did. Since Max was the last person to call, she decided to call him back.
With a click, Sheila looked over to Shannon. "We gotta stay in the light. They were attacked by freaking ninjas, but they'll be here soon."
"Keep your mirror out too....I have a feeling it isn't just the shadows we need to worry about"Shannon offers an arm to walk Sheila to a lamppost while they wait.

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