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  1. Dreesirk

    Fantasy In The Land of Fin.

    Laucian sat in a quiet grove, alone, meditating. He inhaled deeply, held it for a moment, and then exhaled. As he did so, his the barrier in his mind dissolved and his thoughts expanded, touching upon the life of each creature of the forest around him. The darkness behind his eyelids became...
  2. Dreesirk

    In The Land of Fin.

    Name: Laucian Siannodel Race: elf Bio: Laucian was fascinated with nature, even as a child (or whatever the elf version of a child may be). During his free time, he'd often go for hikes through the forests that surrounded the elfland with his twin brother, Adran, and admire the flora and...
  3. Dreesirk

    Feels like it.

    Feels like it.
  4. Dreesirk

    Futuristic Steel Battalion

    Neil snapped out of the stupor he'd been in. For one reason or another, his mind had wandered off, essentially blocking out everything that had been going on around him. "Probably shouldn't let that happen to myself," he mumbled, "Not, uh, good for combat situations." He took a deep breath and...
  5. Dreesirk

    Futuristic Steel Battalion

    (Also here. Didn't post because no plot.)
  6. Dreesirk

    Futuristic Steel Battalion

    @animegirl20 "Nice to meetcha, Roxie. You can call me Neil. Neil Dylandy," he replied to the girl before she hurried off. Neil sighed at her, thinking that she was just as fluttery as his little sister back home. A pang of homesickness struck in Neil's gut, and he stopped in place for a moment...
  7. Dreesirk

    Futuristic Steel Battalion

    Neil smiled at the girl who'd addressed him, "Yeah, we probably should, huh?" ((@RinDaVamp)) He stepped into line behind the huge machine that had appeared before the group. Standing in its shadow, Neil looked up and admired all 15 feet of gold plate that formed the Lancelot. "Everyone seems...
  8. Dreesirk

    Futuristic Steel Battalion

    Neil felt a sudden chill as he came to. Annoyed, he tried to fall back into sleep, but found he couldn't. His joints cracking and muscles aching, he stretched his way out out of the capsule he'd been contained in and looked around. "Seems I was a bit late in waking up," he chuckled to himself...
  9. Dreesirk

    Steel Battalion

    Crap, sorry guys. I've been bogged down the past few days by tons of school work and haven't had much time for myself at all. Really sorry about this. If I still can, I'd love to join in.
  10. Dreesirk

    Steel Battalion

    So do we have any relative idea on when we might start?
  11. Dreesirk

    Steel Battalion

  12. Dreesirk

    Steel Battalion

    Name: Neil Dylandy Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: Faction: Independent Nationality: Irish Back-story: When he was a young, Neil's parents were killed early in the wars, leaving him to care for his younger brother and sister. Through strength of character, Neil was able to care...
  13. Dreesirk

    Fantasy The Ebony Guard: Champions of Namira

    Norven watched as Sarvi inspected Tayana, suspicious of the elf's lack of movement or response, until Sarvi said she was frozen. A moment later, and he was being dragged alongside the archer girl, who was quite a bit stronger than Norven thought she could be. It took him a moment, but Norven...
  14. Dreesirk

    Fantasy Vulcan High

    Swinton was enjoying himself until he felt a curious buzzing coming from his pocket. For a moment, he forgot exactly what that feeling meant. That is, until the lights began flashing and the sirens began to blare. Swinton sighed and mumbled to himself, "And to think, I was really starting to...
  15. Dreesirk

    Fantasy Vulcan High

    Swinton broke into a smile as the disco ball descended and the music began playing. "Now this is what I'm talking about!" He said as he began to half dance, half walk his way across the room before he came across Krissy greeting him. He chuckled at her dancing before replying, "Well, I haven't...
  16. Dreesirk

    Fantasy The Ebony Guard: Champions of Namira

    Norven turned toward Tayana as she entered and began questioning him and Sarvi. "We hope the Queen will understand," he smiled at the elf, "It seems to have just been a simple misunderstanding." Norven put his hand over Sarvi's bow and gently pushed it down, hoping that the act would show they...
  17. Dreesirk

    Fantasy The Ebony Guard: Champions of Namira

    'The elves have Abelard?" Norven was quite confused at Sarvi's yelling, and even more confused when she started to shake him. "Sarvi, my friend, I thank you for your help in waking me, but I assure you I'm wide awake now. Now tell me, how do the elves have Abelard?" Norven's thoughts rushed...
  18. Dreesirk

    Fantasy Vulcan High

    "Sorry about that, Pres," Swinton smiled and scratched the back of his head. "Just kinda... got caught up for a moment." Swinton coughed and turned his attention to the new initiates. "Not bad," he thought to himself. "I mean, I probably wasn't any different than when I was first initiated."...
  19. Dreesirk

    Fantasy Vulcan High

    Swinton charged out of his dorm and out into the courtyard. "This is the last time I get caught up in those stupid jigsaw puzzles!" He panted as he charged down the sidewalk. Of course, he knew it wouldn't be the last time. Swinton ran as fast as he could toward the tower at the center of the...
  20. Dreesirk

    Vulcan High

    Name: Swinton DeWinton Gender: Male School Year: Senior Council Post: Student Liaison and Counseling committee head Vigil Seal form: An ordinary-looking click pen Beast-form Animal: Badger