Steel Battalion


Mind Over Metal, Metal Over Flesh
CS Skeleton


Age: (15-19)


Appearance: (anime pic, preferably)





Motive for joining the academy:
Name: Roxie Heart

Age: 16

Gender: female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.32223e796a062a0320503b284d173cdb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31432" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.32223e796a062a0320503b284d173cdb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Faction: New Gaea

Nationality: English

Back-story:Roxie came from a very rich family. She lived with her Father, Mother, and older sister. Roxie didn't like the way her family acted. They were very snobbish. Her parents always favored her older sister. In there eyes she could do no wrong. Roxie was more shy and very caring. She wasn't into the same things. Because of this her parents always nagging at her. She had went to a very rich private school which she was bullied really bad. Because of the craziness going on at home and school she snapped and changed her image. She soon became known the bad apple of the family.

Personality: Considered as the bad Apple of the family. She doesn't let anyone push her around. She can b ajokester/prankster and a bully. But once you become her friend she will stand up for you to the very end. She also atomboy. Comes from a very rich family.

Motive for joining the academy: She wanted to get away from her family. And prove that she is not one to be pushed around.



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Name: Michiru Kimura

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Appearance: Michiru and her brother.


Faction: Shinigami Terra

Nationality: Japanese

Back-story: Michiru grew up with her brother, no other family to raise her. She always wondered what it would be like to harness a power unlike any other, while at the same time, not be able to use it. She has her own bit of 'Divinity', which is actually in her necklace. She keeps it on her at all times in case of emergency.

Personality: Michiru is a kind girl, though can be stubborn and independent. She'll be your friend, though in a practice match, she'll even go hard on her brother.

Motive for joining the academy: She wanted to see her dreams realized; finding somebody to love, and having the power to protect that love.
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Name: Sakamaki Izayoi

Age: 17

Gender: Male



Faction: Shinigami Terra

Nationality: Japanese

Back-story: Izayoi has nothing of true note in his background other than a string of minor offenses such as assault along with breaking and entering on record. He generally showed anything outstanding other than his work in physics and studies on Divinity, within which he excelled immensely. Though often categorized as an 'honor' student he takes it upon himself to act like a ruffian, a known delinquent in where he used to live. His family were never of any importance to him, so they've offered no real impact on his life except for the fact they 'raised' him. Originating from a middle-class background, he developed his own wits and tendencies, one of which is his rather distasteful outlook on religions, borderline shocked and mortified that people could even still potentially believe in a 'god' this, coupled with his criminal record is something that makes him somewhat despised and hated... Not caring. Sakamaki is also somewhat renowned in the world of Knights, on top of his criminal activities, he participated in several tournaments under the name 'Rise' and was 2nd or first in each, which was what allowed him to join the academy, Sakamaki's name is therefore only known as Rise on the academies registers and in their database.

Personality: Izayoi possesses a cold and calm demeanor, rarely showing emotion and speaking in a monotone voice, often tending to take charge when require. He gives constant, never-ending condescension to the people he meets, naturally, gaining an odd sense of joy from what he thinks may be his superiority complex.

Motive for joining the academy: Izayoi joins the academy in hopes of clearing his criminal record, as well as intent to take a military role may warriors once again be needed to fight, though his intent is to rise in the military ranks. One day becoming a commander!... he hopes... 

The whole 'blade necklace' thing really doesn't suit to be honest. As I've statedm Divinity being essentially used as a power source, it doesn't possess magic powers or anything close to that
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My apologies. I'm one to try out an idea, in case it is approved, even if I feel it might not be. I shall change that, though she will have some kind of personal blade like that, one that can compact itself enough to be hidden. Perhaps a gun at first that can shift itself through mechanics to turn into a full-sized blade, the gun at the tip of the sword, it with two blades around where it fires...? Would that be acceptable?
Not really, I intend to go through as 'realistically' as possible with this RP, besides, there's no way in hell that the school would allow such weapons on campus 
@Miyuki accepted
Name: Neil Dylandy

Age: 19

Gender: Male



Faction: Independent

Nationality: Irish

Back-story: When he was a young, Neil's parents were killed early in the wars, leaving him to care for his younger brother and sister. Through strength of character, Neil was able to care for his siblings and give them some semblance of a good life. The three are quite close, and Neil is fiercely protective over them.

However, Neil has always harbored some form of hatred in his heart over Divinity. He hates those who hoard it and war over it in greed, pinning the material as the cause of his parents' deaths. In a horrible twist of fate, Neil discovered he had a talent for sharpshooting and chose to go to the academy, thinking it was the best way for him to care for his siblings.

Personality: Neil is extremely easy going, rarely getting excessively worked up or angry. He's quite personable and makes friends quickly. He looks out for his friends, though he won't go out of his way to help unless directly asked or if the situation calls for it. Neil is one to stand up for what he believes and for other people, although he'll never admit to being kind or nice.

Motive for joining the academy: Caring for his brother and sister, possibly some motives of revenge for his parents
Name: Ahmes Touma

Age: 16

Gender: Female



Faction: Valkyria

Nationality: Egyptian


Ahmes was born to a couple in Egypt, and spent the first few month of her life with them. Her parents died before she was a year old, and she was taken in by a still standing olden church. The people within the church still used the ancient way of living, but with more modern tools. They required Ahmes to dress as the ancients did, and she did so, learning to speak and to write there. When she was 14, the church told her about what had been happening outside, as she had not known previously. At this time, she made the decision to go out there and be helpful. Upon her 16th birthday, the church sent her out, to the academy.

Personality: Quiet, Reserved, Determined, Religious (She still prays to the Egyptian gods for things, even after all that has happened.)

Motive for joining the academy: The church entered her to the academy. She herself simply wishes to become helpful in some way.
Name: George Manchester

Age: 17

Gender: Male


Faction: Valkyria

Nationality: Spanish

Back-story: George was born into a military family, Valkyria having the biggest, and was immediately decided that he would follow in the footsteps of his parents and siblings. Trained, day and night, he was hardened by the time he was 10. No childhood nor a connection with his family has left George stunted socially as far as anything conversation wise. Now, 17 years of professional training, he is being sent here to meet his allies and scout his enemies.

Personality: George is refined, reserved, and calm. Raised in a proper home, his brain power is just as high as his social awkwardness. Although this being said, he is very much a ladies killer, his accent often causing attention to him in the new super continent. All in all he isn't the first one to talk to you, but when he does it is professionally and just that.

Motive for joining the academy: To meet his allies and learn about his enemies.

Daniel Hashimoto



Age: 17

Gender: Male

Faction: Shinigami Terra

Nationality: Japanese

Back-story: As a child Daniel's family was always hard on him. Daniel was born blind you see, his father had always treated him with disgust, and acted as if he was a mistake. Daniel was his father's only boy, and only a boy can bring honor to the family. However Daniel was blind and his father felt it impossible for him to bring even a shred of honor to their home. Daniel had a sister, she was kind and loving toward Daniel, then one night Daniel's father killed his sister and mother out of rage. Daniel barely escaped with his life. A local Sensei Master of a Dojo found and took in Daniel. His Master's name was Zero, and worked Daniel to the bone teaching him martial arts and the art of the blade. Daniel grew up focused on honing his skills so that one day he could bring honor to his Master, and sister, also to have his revenge upon his father. Daniel will not rest until his fathers last breath is cut from his throat.

Personality: Quiet, serious, secluded, socially awkward, and somewhat lonely.

Motive for joining the academy: To bring honor to his Sensei and to honor his sister. The authority to personally find and execute his father.

Just a quick CS for Michiru's brother, for when he's involved.

Name: Kurosaki Kimura

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Kurosaki and Michiru:


Faction: Shinigami Terra

Nationality: Japanese

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