Steel Battalion


Mind Over Metal, Metal Over Flesh
Could come up with something witty or smart to put here... got other things to do... so...

Heres this pic of a cat

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I tagged him correctly in the characters section v.v guess I did it wrong in the RP tab...
Crap, sorry guys. I've been bogged down the past few days by tons of school work and haven't had much time for myself at all. Really sorry about this. If I still can, I'd love to join in.
I will gather an elite team of my own!

AKA Everyone RP'ing= we would be wrecked, v.v there aren't many of them that have even piloted a knight before.
Kurosaki alone could crush all of them, as he has a Reaper that he's been in for about... four/five years...? Definitely longer than everybody else combined.
Iza has a bit of time in Knights, nothing military class and it was simply underground fights; he'd still get wrecked of course. He's good. It's how he got in... But not quite Kuro

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