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  1. Amity Girl

    Ohhhh fun! thanks!

    Ohhhh fun! thanks!
  2. Amity Girl


    im still alive i swear
  3. Amity Girl

    (Reboot) Main Roleplay

    Tanya Harter Tanya simply stared back at her older cabinmate, shrugging in response. "Maybe? I don't know. Either way- we should get back in the fight. Work with me?" She figured that even if they both weren't the best of fighters alone, together they would be able to fend someone off. She...
  4. Amity Girl

    New York City

    Sage hummed and jumped off the table, unfazed by the people staring at her. She loved parties, loved the people dancing and the tight crowds and the overall feeling of aliveness. And, in the dark club, where no one could see anything, it was a chance for downworlders to be themselves. No one was...
  5. Amity Girl

    Sage Tyet.

    Yay! Thank you!
  6. Amity Girl

    Sage Tyet.

    Well I might flesh out her backstory more as I get more ideas, and maybe her personality will be come clearer? If that's alright, it'll be nothing major
  7. Amity Girl

    Sage Tyet.

    ahhhhhh sorry! alright I'll add an image sorry again!
  8. Amity Girl

    New York City

    Sage wandered New York, munching on a bagel. She loved her city, all the bright lights and crazy people. She stopped in front of a club, crisp air ruffling her tunic and sending her hair floating. Pulling a stolen invitation out of her pocket, she scrutinized the name before glancing up at the...
  9. Amity Girl

    Sage Tyet.

    Name: Sage Tyet Species: Fey  Sexuality: Bisexual Appearance (Realistic Image): Sage is slim, and like the rest of the fey she does not look quite human. She has pale green skin, pointed ears, and some of her hair is strands of flowers. Her eyes are a mixture of green and purple, like...
  10. Amity Girl

    (Reboot) Main Roleplay

    Isabella Piacere Isabella pulled her necklace off, and it transformed into a long, intimidating black whip. She cracked it, sending purple sparks flying everywhere. Standing by the flag, she scanned the area for teammates or enemies. (open for interaction)  Tanya Harter Tanya cursed...
  11. Amity Girl

    (Reboot) Main Roleplay

    Isabella Piacere Isabella dropped into a defensive stance as she heard a commotion. Twisting to her left she saw T.L. fighting a Raven, a Nike camper. Although it seemed like T.L. had the situation under control, Isabella aimed and sent a small dark purple bolt slashing at Raven's side. It...
  12. Amity Girl

    (Reboot) Main Roleplay

    Isabella Piacere Isabella opened her eyes and smiled eerily, glowing with a slight purple aura. "It's about time, I thought the match was going to be boring." She stood up and walked at a leisurely pace to next to the flag, still holding her necklace in hand. @Kojuen Tanya Harter...
  13. Amity Girl

    (Reboot) Main Roleplay

    Isabella Piacere  Isabella hopped up and ran after T.L., following him to Zeus's Fist. Spying the flag, she grinned and pulled off her necklace, holding it loosely in her hand. "Excellent. Now, we wait." And with that, the young woman sat on a clump of boulders, looking all but as if she was...
  14. Amity Girl

    (Reboot) Main Roleplay

    Tanya Harter Tanya ran with Evie and a few of the other campers of different campers, trying not to trip and impale herself on the dagger she had chosen. When the red team came out and began attacking them, Tanya pushed back her first instinct to shriek and run and instead looked around to...
  15. Amity Girl

    (Reboot) Main Roleplay

    Isabella had almost no reaction. She simply glanced up from her map and said certainly, "Well, it won't happen again I'm sure." Dusting off her hands, she stood up and crossed her arms, musing, "Now I wonder what plan the other team will come up with..." @Hollycrest
  16. Amity Girl

    (Reboot) Main Roleplay

    Isabella Piacere Isabella gave T.L. an exasperated look. "You can't just- no. That is not a plan. A plan is a formulated strategy that has steps." Crouching down, she started to draw a layout of camp. Glancing up at T.L. she asked, "And what do you mean, you lose sight of the objective?"...
  17. Amity Girl

    (Reboot) Main Roleplay

    Isabella Piacere Isabella leaned against a tree and smiled. "Hot, mostly. But when it was just warm, my sister and I would lie outside in the sun and stay there for hours at a time. She would read a book and I would doze off. When we finally came in, our nanny would yell at us for staying out...
  18. Amity Girl

    (Reboot) Main Roleplay

    Isabella Piacere Isabella shrugged. "Florence, Italy," she said. "Lived there until I was eight, then I had to leave. So, I came to camp half-blood when I was eight years old, and I've been here ever since." She leaned against a tree and fidgeted, waiting for his next question. @Hollycrest
  19. Amity Girl

    (Reboot) Main Roleplay

    Isabella Piacere Isabella grinned. "Oh you so freaked out," she teased. Turning away politely when he went behind the tree, she glanced back when he asked his question. "I don't like talking much about myself.... but what do you want to know?" She took a square of ambrosia out of her pocket...
  20. Amity Girl

    (Reboot) Main Roleplay

    Isabella Piacere Isabella glared at T.L "You know, not all people hate magic," she snapped. "They might be surprised, but they won't freak out like you did." When he mentioned changing gear, she smiled smugly. "I've got that covered." With a snap of her fingers, her attire was changed into a...