(Reboot) Main Roleplay

T.L. Shang

T.L. looked out over the camp and nodded. "Yeah, surprised no one else ever thought of this. He glanced up at Peleus, who snorted flames in response.

"Actually...I'm not." He took a good look at Isabella and frowned. "You seem kinda on edge. Something wrong?"

@Amity Girl

Fallon Erelia

Fallon nodded at what they were saying and turned her attention to the trees. "Well...heavily forested areas are my kind of place. I think I could function well as a scout of some sort.

@jinkx @Skryx
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Isabella Piacere

Isabella only shrugged in response; then jumped and practically screeched as Peleus blew fire. Heart racing, she cleared her throat and said in what she hoped was an offhanded tone, "Not a big fan of dragons, but I'm fine." She turned back to looking out over the camp. "Any idea where the other team might hide their flag? And where ours is?" Her hands fiddled with her bracelet anxiously.
@Skryx @jinkx

Jacob would grin, as his slides some noticable arrows into quiver. A few arrows with multiple heads, an arrow with what seemed like casing around it, and bright light on the inside, two arrows with long rope attached to the ends, and a single arrow with a boxing glove attached on the end. Sliding them into his quiver, he looks up smiling mischievously. 

"You'll see, don't worry about it. Just look closely", he says. Maybe those first few weeks in the Hermes cabin affected him more than he thought.
T.L. Shang

T.L. raised an eyebrow. If she wasn't into dragons, then how come she came up here every Capture the Flag game? As far as he knew Peleus never left the tree.

"If I was a betting man I'd say we hid ours in that rock spire that's down there. You can't really see it from here, but they had a name for it...Zeus' Fist or something like that. But there's no way they'd be that dumb to make it stick out like that." He reached up and stroked Peleus' snout. "Eh, he's not that bad as long as you don't touch the Fleece. As for where their flag is...well, that's something we need to find out by force."

@Amity Girl
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Evie Saradana

Oakley was right. Each cabin- each camper- did have its strengths and weaknesses. And Evie smiled at her, impressed by her observation and kinda wow-ed by it. Maybe there was more to this girl than she thought. 

"I hope we start soon too. Maybe I'll see you out there?" She offered. 

It was about then that another girl- a girl that Evie recognised as being one of the newer campers in her cabin- tapped her on the arm to get her attention. She turned to her half-sibling and smiled at her. She tries to remember the girl's name so that she doesn't look like an idiot. Taryn? Tori? Tanya! That was it. 

The girl asked if there was any place she could get a weapon. 

"Uh, yeah, there's a place where you can borrow them from. Actually, I should head over there soon. I know it's kind of lame but I don't own a weapon of my own yet because none of them feel right to me. Want to come with me?"

( @Rumble Fish @Amity Girl
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Oakley yawned and looked at the girl, "Yeah, though it's pretty bad that we might have to fight. I'm really not much of a fighter to be honest." she replied, giving her the apple. "But it's fun. So there's that." she added with a smile. She was going to say something else when another girl approached the pair, asking for a weapon. “Oooh… Well I need a weapon too. I used to have a machete but well I… dropped it in the lake so, I should probably get one too.” she commented with a short laugh as she rubbed the back of her neck, feeling slightly embarrassed. It hadn’t been the first time she had done that either. And it wouldnt be her last, probably. [/SIZE]

@Amity Girl @jinkx
Tanya Harter

Tanya hesitated, then nodded. "Yeah. Maybe you guys can help me get a weapon- I'm new here so I don't really know what works best for me." Realizing that she probably made it look like she knew nothing she hastily added, "But I pick up fast- I'm sure I can help." To emphasize her point, she stuck her chin up and crossed her arms, hoping she didn't look like a total idiot.

@Rumble Fish @jinkx

Isabella Piacere

Isabella shrugged without looking back. "I come up here because I think it's the best view. And I don't care if he's friendly, I don't like dragons." Hearing his statement about Zeus's Fist, she nodded. "You could be right, that would be the most logical solution- and the most obvious." She bit her lip thoughtfully and said slowly, "They may hide it somewhere secluded.... I dunno. When it starts, I'll mindspeak to Evie or Ari about it." Isabella forgot whether or not Evie and Ari knew about her powers, but she assumed so. And if not, they seemed the type of people who wouldn't freak out about it.

@Hollycrest  @jinkx @Skryx(for mention of Evie and Ari)
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T.L. Shang:

T.L. shrugged. His feelings about magic were quite similar, so it was justified in his book. When she mentioned mind speaking, he inhaled through his clenched teeth, producing a ssssssss sound. "I don't know about that; some people don't have as much resolve as I do. They could flip out, plus you could wear yourself out again, and this game is the worst time for either of those things to happen." He looked down, realizing he was still wearing his hoodie and jeans.

"Crap...we should probably go get suited up."

@Amity Girl
Lillian Hale

She'd spied Isabella heading up the stone hill and was making to follow her before spotting a boy head off after her, 'Probably best to give them some privacy.' She thought to herself. She'd made her way over toward the campfire keeping an eye out for another of her half siblings when she managed to spot a semi familiar face in Alex before weaving through the crowd to get closer. 

It took a minute or two but she'd finally made it over to see Alex pouring over a book and rifling through a bag hanging at her side before she spoke up nervously, "Hey... I think we're both in Hecate' Cabin, right?"

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Isabella Piacere

Isabella glared at T.L "You know, not all people hate magic," she snapped. "They might be surprised, but they won't freak out like you did." When he mentioned changing gear, she smiled smugly. "I've got that covered." With a snap of her fingers, her attire was changed into a chestplate and helmet. Isabella grinned; she hadn't exaclty expected that to work. She concentrated again, and a heap of armor fell out of the sky. "Crap. Didn't intend it to appear like that. Oh well, there you go."
T.L. Shang

"What?! When did I freak out?" T.L. watched the armor fall out of the sky and jumped back, startled.

"Gods...oh well, as long as it didn't land on me." He took off his jacket, hung it on Thalia's Tree and stepped behind it to slip the armor on. It was a fair fit, with a blue horsehair plume adorning the helmet for his respective team. One of these days T.L. was going to  petition to have that changed to pink. He was sure that at least his cabinmates would approve.

"Alrighty. Now we just wait for things to get moving." T.L. leaned against a tree and sighed. "So...you asked me a lot about myself. What about you? Seems only fair."

@Amity Girl
Isabella Piacere

Isabella grinned. "Oh you so freaked out," she teased. Turning away politely when he went behind the tree, she glanced back when he asked his question. "I don't like talking much about myself.... but what do you want to know?" She took a square of ambrosia out of her pocket and popped it in her mouth, glancing at him curiously and waiting for a question.
T.L. Shang

T.L. scoffed indignantly at her teasing remark. "Well...you said you came here when you were really young. So where'd you live before that?" T.L. tried to go for something that wasn't too personal.

@Amity Girl

Fallon Erelia

Fallon noticed that a lot of people were wearing armor and noticed that she didn't have any on not only that, but she didn't have a weapon on her either.

"Ugh...I hate shoes, but okay." She strode off towards the armory. Soren and Raven had seemed occupied anyway.

@jinkx @Skryx
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- Jacob Knight

Pulling his hood on, Jacob stands up, and slings his bow over his shoulder. Jacob already has his armor fully equipped and tightened. Jacob keeps a tight grip on his bow, and checks in with the rest of the Apollo kids to see if they have their trick arrows ready and fastened. Once he's finished, he picks up his chocolate bar, and crunches it. This was going to be a good match for him.
- Amelia Hostine, Daughter of Hecate-

Amelia had over heard people talking about Capture the Flag, and she wished to be apart of the activity, since she hardly ever participated in them. Her excitement radiated off her body as if a cloud of smoke. "I surely wish to be apart of this activity. Who would be willing to help me modify a chariot and be part of my team?" Her voice came out smoothly, despite her jumpy behavior. 
Fallon Erelia 

Fallon looked around in the armory and found a set of armor that was extremely light. Now all she needed was a weapon. Rummaging through a pile of them, she found a dusty bronze shield, engraved with what looked like a tree. Either that or a really weird-looking spear. She shrugged and strapped it to her back.

"Captain America? Meet Captain Erelia! Or Captain Fallon? I don't know..." She shrugged and walked outside. Time to get back to the group.

Isabella Piacere

Isabella shrugged. "Florence, Italy," she said. "Lived there until I was eight, then I had to leave. So, I came to camp half-blood when I was eight years old, and I've been here ever since." She leaned against a tree and fidgeted, waiting for his next question.

T.L. Shang:

"Italy, huh? That's pretty exotic. What was it like there?" T.L. Pulled a comb out of his pocket and brushed the tangles out of his horsehair plume. As different as he was compared to his cabinmates, she could see that he still had some inherent Aphrodite-esque habits.

@Amity Girl
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Violet Evslin, Coralie Magoveny, and Noah Kerridge

Violet blushed furiously at Noah and Veronica's jabs. "Oh, grow up, you two." She pouted, but she still reached up and held on to Noah's arms. A tiny smile spread across her face as she reveled in the fact that she and Matt would be playing Capture the Flag together. After a moment of thought, she finally answered, "Of course I'm excited that we're on the same team. But I'll be busy running around, trying not to get hurt to really notice. I'm sure Matt will do the same." With a final sly glance at Cora, she added, "And we're going to win."

Coralie and Noah laughed. "In your dreams, Vi," Cora told her affectionately, a kind smile on her face. Ruffling Veronica's hair, she tugged Noah off of Violet and waved to the daughters of Apollo. "See you on the field!" Turning to Noah, she muttered, "You got a plan yet?"

Green eyes gleaming, Noah smirked. "Of course I do. But first, we'll need to focus on hiding the flag. Any ideas?" he mumbled, peering around him nervously, in case someone from the opposite team heard him.

Both teenagers furrowed their brows, wondering where exactly they could hide their team's flag.


(And again for the mention of character: @Dreaming Divinity )
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"What about staying on the defense side?" Raven suggested. "You could track their offense easily I think, and make it pretty hard for them to get through." 


"I'll make sure I keep close to see it then," Ari grinned. "See you around," he waves and disappears into the crowd of Hermes kids. 

((@jinkx @Hollycrest @Kojuen oh my god, one liners. The shame.))
Isabella Piacere

Isabella leaned against a tree and smiled. "Hot, mostly. But when it was just warm, my sister and I would lie outside in the sun and stay there for hours at a time. She would read a book and I would doze off. When we finally came in, our nanny would yell at us for staying out so long." Her tone was wistful as she spoke, remembering times long lost. Shaking her head, she broke out of her reverie. "They'll be starting soon," she said gruffly. "We should make a plan."

T.L. Shang:

"You had a sister?" T.L. blurted before hearing what she said next. He gave her a backwards look. "Plan? Easy. I'll beat the crap out of anyone who gets near the flag, and you do the same, but with your magic-y stuff. I prefer not to go on the offensive during these games because, well...let's just say I have a tendency to lose sight of the objective..."

@Amity Girl
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Isabella Piacere

Isabella gave T.L. an exasperated look. "You can't just- no. That is not a plan. A plan is a formulated strategy that has steps." Crouching down, she started to draw a layout of camp. Glancing up at T.L. she asked, "And what do you mean, you lose sight of the objective?"

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"Remember a few years back when some Hermes kid at the enemy base got a concussion? Yeah...that was me. I was right next to the flag and my team still lost 'cause I was too busy beating him up, not to mention I got put on Capture the Flag probation for two months. In my defense, he talked crap about my cabin and my hair in the same sentence, but I still try and go defense to keep that from happening again." When he was finished explaining, T.L. leaned against the tree. While his outside self didn't seem to care, he secretly hoped she wasn't disgusted by him.

Fallon Erelia:

Fallon put a hand to her chin. "Yeah, that could work too...I could make it super hard for the, to get through the forest. Hehehe...so where are you gonna go, Raven?"


@Amity Girl
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"Just charging straight for the flag," Raven replied. "It'll be fun. I wonder who'll be on guard in the other team?" She mused. "I'm sure you'll be great at that. Make sure to stay out of sight though, or try to mislead them." She grinned. "Find someone to stick with you and you could take all the prisoners."


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