(Reboot) Main Roleplay

"Damn it, I had that!" T.L. yelled at Isabella. He then noticed Raven was gone and immediately leapt forward whilst turning to face her, out of the way of her elbow and leg. he held up his fists to block any incoming attacks, but got in a sprinting position as well.

"Nike kid...knowing them she's probably gonna bail and go for the flag now that I'm out of the way. and chances are she's got too much resolve to be coerced into falling to my feet..." He was almost out of options. Almost.

@Skryx @Amity Girl
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The next hit almost took them off guard but they'd been training for years, unlike this new girl, and knew how to react fast. Instinctively, Soren swung their blade up to block the dagger, scowling. They were beginning to grow frustrated. Why wouldn't this girl just leave them alone? Sure, she was trying to defend her team but jeez. They tried to knock her back and push past them, muttering under their breath:

"Oh my god, just get out of the way. Can't you see I'm trying to win here?" 

( @Amity Girl )
Raven was pretty sure if she made a grab for the flag, T.L. would just come after her again. But then again she was probably faster than him if she ditched her helmet. That was a sucky way to win though, and a little terrifying because she hated being chased (bloody giant dog. bloody labyrinth). Besides, she was confident Ari had it down.  So instead of running for the flag which was oh so temptingly close, she darted forward towards T.L., weaving in with a zig zag motion to catch him off guard. In three strides she was close enough, ducking low under his raised fists and raising her left arm to distract him with the magic of her bracer and block his arms as she made to slam the hilt of her sword into him, just under his sternum. At the very least she was sure her momentum would knock both of them to the ground. 


It was absolute chaos around the flag, Ari wasn't sure he could sneak in there and get out without anyone tailing him. Looking around, he spotted one of the Red Team archers in a handy perch up a tree. Upon climbing it, he saw a familiar face. "Hey," he said, with a grin. "Got any smoke arrows in that quiver of yours? I could use some cover going in." 

@Hollycrest @Kojuen
As Raven closed in on him, T.L. took advantage of his running stance and rushed forwards, using his shoulder to slam into her with all of his body weight. It would still likely knock both of them to the ground, but at least he would be on top, and as they said, high ground was always the advantage.


A camper was about to jump Ari before he crumpled to the dirt from beung smacked over the head by Fallon's shield. Shortly afterwards, various shrubs and some small trees began to pop up around them.

"How's this for cover?"

Jacob switched around his quiver, and checked the arrows for a second. Finally, after a few seconds, he draws out a pale grey arrow, that seems to be glowing. He hands it to Raven before turning back to the battlefield shooting more arrows into the Blue Team's ranks, once more.

At this point, Oakley had become rather overwhelmed with the mayhem going on around her team's flag. She had made an attempt to escape but got caught up in the mess. Looking up, she let out a short "Ah!" before pulling her shield up and felt the arrows bounce off of it. "No maiming!" She yelled, poking her head over the shield for a split second before ducking back down. After a few moments, she took her sword out and looked towards Jacob, who was firing the arrows. Swinging it back, she tried to ambush him by jumping out of some nearby bushes to get him by surprise. Though this was unlikely to work as she had just shouted and gave away her position.

Hearing someone shout out behind him, Jacob quickly turns around and pulls up his sleeve, revealing a wrist mounted crossbow he had a Hephaestus kid manufacture for him before the game. He the fires a trick arrow at Oakley's feet which splits mid air into a thick rope that wraps around Oakley's feet quickly, and if possible, have her fall to the ground. He then stands up, and proceeds to back out of the bushes and climb up into the trees to escape. 
"Ow-!" Oakley yelped as she felt something wrap around her legs, knocking her to the ground. She looked up as she saw Jacob scramble up into the trees to get away. "Oi! Get back here, I'm not through with you yet!" she shouted, trying to squirm out of the grip of the ropes on her legs. Getting to the tree, she managed to get herself free by using her sword on the ropes before trying to get up in the tree herself, though since Oak wasn't the most agile of demi-gods, she couldnt get very far. Going into her pocket, she grabbed what looked like a small golden yo-yo. Clicking the middle of it, she tossed it up into the air, a large net expanding from it, hoping to catch Jacob in it. She had managed to climb a few meters before throwing it, giving her a better chance.

"Aim to hurt, not to maim." Veronica muttered to herself, carefully knocking an arrow to her bow and steadying her aim. She was aiming to hit Oakley's ankle or at best, her lower leg. She could only pray to the gods that her hours spent training were finally going to pray off now as she launched an arrow through the air. Before anyone could so much as blink, she was already picking another arrow out of her quiver and getting ready to fire that one too. ( @Rumble Fish )
As Oakley jumped down from the tree, she ended up flopping onto her back with her legs against the tree's trunk, spread apart from the fall. She let out a groan before the sound of an arrow being pulled back made her eyes snap open. "What's g- Ahh- ha!" She didnt get a chance to react beyond that as  the arrow was fired and impaled the tree's trunk... narrowly missing the area between Oakley's legs. The girl let out a squeak before seeing Veronica -upside down- preparing another arrow. "Ah!" Oakley tried to scramble to her feet, trying to grab her sword to block it. She felt around in her pocket before remembering that she had already thrown her yoyo-net in that tree to try and catch Jacob. Digging around in her other pockets, she tried to find another one. Well... this was going to go well.

"I won't shoot if you stay right where you are." Veronica said, in the most serious voice she could muster, arrow still lodged in her now ready. She had narrowly missed Oakley and didn't want to make a fool of herself by missing again, so she didn't move. Instead, she looked upwards, towards Jacob. She hoped he was okay up there- and that he didn't fall out of the tree. In her time, Veronica had dealt with more than enough injuries that stemmed from climbing trees. 

"Have you got a weapon to fight with?" Veronica asked Oakley, advancing a little closer, "I don't fight people that don't have weapons. Wouldn't be fair." 

( @Rumble Fish @Kojuen )
"Uh... I dropped my sword in the creek." Oakley answered sheepishly -tapping her index fingers together- while still upside down. She wished she could go into the creek to grab it but... Well she pulsar bring herself to do that. "I got my yoyos that's about it..." She added. She wasn't getting up on the girl's suggestion. She almost got hit once and she did want to be a mother one day so moving now would be a bad idea. She kept glancing up in the tree, hoping Jacob wasn't going to drop on top of her.

@jinkx @Kojuen
As if on cue, rumbling is heard in the trees above as a tied up Jacob falls from the top of the trees, and directly on top of Oakley, shaking mercilessly to get out of his ropes. Luckily a nice soft demigod broke his fall, ha ha.

@Rumble Fish @jinkx
Fallon turned to face them all in confusion. 

"Uhm...aren't we all on the same team?" She asked.

Violet Evslin (Team Red)


Violet gasped and quickly hopped through the trees (Thank you, Matt, she thought), coming up to where Veronica, Jacob, and Oakley were. "Hold on, you two, Oakley's on our team! Did you forget the Hermes cabin is on Team Red, just like us?" Swinging down to the ground, she helped Oakley stand up. "Are you okay, Oak? You're not hurt, are you?" Shouldering her bow, Vi quickly inspected the younger girl, her hand resting on the outside of her jeans pocket, which held a bag of ambrosia. Glancing at Veronica and Jacob, she said, "But you two should hurry. I think there are others closer to the flag. I'll take care of things here."


Coralie Magoveny and Noah Kerridge (Team Blue)


The water plan half-backfired, but it did trip up some campers from getting to the other side of the creek. Stepping out of the water on the other side, Cora and Noah stared off into the woods, pondering their next move. "I want to go defend our flag, but I feel like the Athena kids have that covered. Besides," she added with a wicked grin, "all the action's over there."

Noah rolled his eyes. "Classic child of the Big Three, looking for trouble." He glanced back over at their team's territory. "I agree, though. Let's go see if we can get the flag." He smiled down at her, vaguely noticing how the light of the setting sun lit up certain strands of hair to make them look amber.

Cora grinned up at him, and then looked back at the woods, starting to jog off toward the woods with Noah in tow. "What I wouldn't give for Percy to be here!" she laughed, the wind generated from her running whipping her hair behind her.

Nudging her with his shoulder, Noah teased, "Brother complex much?"

"Shut up!" she laughed as they neared the edge of the woods.

(Unsure if anyone's outside the woods, so....)

Oakley heard a couple of snapping branches above her and the girl turned her attention away from the girl standing in front of her, looking up "...Oh my-" she doesnt finish as she suddenly felt something heavy drop onto the top of her, wrapped in the net. Jacob. Oakley coughed as she tried to get him off of her without much success. It was only when Violet appeared that she was finally able to stand up. "Uh, no no, I'm fine." she said, wanting to assure the girl she wasn't hurt, though she was pretty sure she heard something snap when Jacob landed on her. "I'm just... hungry." she said with a slight chuckle and rubbing her stomach, wanting to try and lighten the situation. 

"Uh... technically it was my fault, I couldn't see Jacob clearly and I tried to attack him. Sorry, Violet." she rubbed the back of her neck before looking at Jacob, still in the net and helped him out of it. "Uh-heh, sorry about that Jacob." she added, now wishing the ground would just swallow her whole. Great, they were probably going to lose the match because of this blunder. Typical. This is why she never got involved with the combat side of this game. But more importantly, "...I'm not gonna lose dessert privileges taken, am I?" she, again, chuckled, though she was pretty worried.

( @jinkx @AnimeGenork @Kojuen)
Matt Levy

Matt was sticking to the trees, trying to pick his way closer to the blue team's flag without being spotted. It wasn't like he couldn't handle himself in a fight... It was more that he didn't want to risk accidentally hurting somebody on the other team. He still couldn't entirely control his powers and he hadn't pushed himself to discover his boundaries. Frankly, he didn't want to know exactly how much damage he could do, because he didn't ever want to have to use all of his powers. So, instead of charging straight for the flag with some of the other members of his team, he took the sneaky route and traveled via the trees rather than the forest floor. 

Pausing for a moment to survey the area, he sent out a silent prayer that Violet was doing alright. He would have stayed with her to guard the flag, but the other campers thought he would be more useful offensively. So, there he was, alone in the trees, gradually drawing near the other team's flag. 

Elena Gordon

Elena was stationed near her team's flag, bored out of her mind. The other team hadn't even gotten close yet, so her job as a defender was basically pointless. She sighed and looked around, wishing something would happen. She was craving some actual action, since she had been delegated, along with the rest of the Athena cabin, to defense. 

@AnimeGenork (for mention of Vi)

Violet Evslin (Team Red)


"I'm sure Chiron will understand, Oakley. I highly doubt he'd take away your desert privileges over something like this," Violet assured the other girl, turning and looking off in the direction of the creek. She thought she heard someone coming through the woods, but she wasn't quite sure. Maybe it was someone from the other team. "You guys better watch out. I think someone's coming." Then another thought occurred to her. Wasn't Matt going off to get the flag? By himself?

Silently cursing whoever thought it was a good idea to send him all by himself to the other side, she quickly climbed a tree and shouted down to Oakley, Jacob, and Veronica, "You guys take care of this! I'm going to the other side!" With that, she took off, swinging through the trees like Matt had taught her, hoping that nobody from the Athena team had caught him yet. They didn't exactly show mercy to whoever came close to their flag.

@Dreaming Divinity @jinkx (for mention of Matt and Veronica)

Coralie Magoveny and Noah Kerridge (Team Blue)


Cora and Noah entered the woods without any resistance, which made Noah groan. "This is so boring! You'd think they'd set people up in the trees instead of letting us get this close!" He pouted as he quickly glanced around him, his weak nature-related powers lying dormant. Looking at Coralie, he asked, "You think we'll have to fight Violet, Cora?"

With a smirk, Coralie shook her head. "If I know her, she's running around, making sure everyone on her team is alright, and then she's going off to find Matt. This team probably sent him off to get our flag since he's a child of the Big Three and all. Vi's probably worried that something will happen, and thus, has probably already rushed off to his side." She rolled her eyes good-naturedly. "Those two are so predictable and yet so adorable."

Noah chuckled. "You got that right." Suddenly, he stopped running and, grabbing Cora's arm, ducked behind a tree. She opened her mouth to protest, but he covered it with his hand. They peeked around the tree and saw three campers--Veronica and Jacob of the Apollo cabin, and Oakley of the Hermes cabin. Noah and Cora exchanged a sly smile. "Play time," Noah whispered, jumping out behind the tree with Cora and unsheathing his sword.

@Dreaming Divinity @jinkx (for mention of Matt and Veronica)

Jacob turns toward his possible opponents, and quickly fires off arrows from his wrist crossbows, directly toward Coralie and Noah, in hopes of hitting them, before ducking behind the brush. Jacob takes out his specialized Celestial bronze hook weapon, and spins it around, beginning to whistle a very alluring tone, attempting to attract any survivors of his arrows. He advises any other Apollo children to follow his example. A trap, like Sirens.

Oakley sighed and rubbed the back of her neck. "Ha! That's a relief." she said. She really wasnt one to miss out on anything to do with food, even the smallest amount such as dessert. She had almost gone into a daze when she suddenly saw Violet disappear into the trees. "Wait what's-?" she blinked as she suddenly saw Jacob, who seemed to recover from his fall with no issue and noticed that he had fired at people that she, right now, couldn't see. She ducked behind the bush next to Jacob and brought out one of her small gold yoyos. She pressed her thumb into the middle of it, causing it to buzz in her hand. She knew the instant she let go of it, it was going to release it's net. She'd have to time this perfectly if she was going to get them.

@AnimeGenork @Kojuen
Jacob quickly turns his head to Oakley for a second, and taps her shoulder. "Hey, I have an idea", he says, spinning his Celestial Bronze  Dagger. "Make sure that trap is ready, eh?", Jacob says. Jacob noticeably has a few scratches and bruises from his fall from the tree, but seems to be shrugging it off well. Jacob stands up, and turns toward his opponents, arms open. "When I say 'now' activate the trap, regardless of whether or not I get caught in the net, alright?", Jacob says. 

@AnimeGenork @Rumble Fish
"I'll try and take out some of the opposing team." piped up a quiet Veronica, who was admittedly ashamed that she'd managed to attack one of her teammates. She supposed that she had just been caught up in the heat of the battle. But, still a little pink in the face with embarrassment, she lodged an arrow to her bow and drew it back. And she began firing arrow after arrow with haste, trying to keep anyone from getting even a little close to their flag. ( @Rumble Fish @Kojuen ) 

Meanwhile, Soren continued to battle with the Aphrodite girl in the creek until they managed to finally escape from her. They slipped onto enemy territory and tried their best to slip through the battle, knowing they were supposed to be flanking and distracting. They had gotten caught up with the Aphrodite girl and had forgotten what their role was. Stupid! ( @Amity Girl )

Evie, soaked and muddy, was too busy trying to comb the mud out of her curls to even occupy herself with the battle surrounding her. Whenever somebody can even vaguely near her, she just shrieked at them and waved her sword wildly. She still couldn't believe the nerve of that Nike girl! Ugh. 
Oakley wasn't listening at first, more preccupied with thinking about how she was beginning to feel rather hungry. But the scruffy daughter of Hermes(?) jumped back into reality as Jacob spoke to her. So he wanted her to release the yo-net on his command? No problem. Although... Oakley gulped as she felt the thing start to shake in her grip as she held the button in, it was buzzing angrily. She glanced at Jacob, hoping that "Now" would be quite soon. She nodded in response to his plan, though she couldnt stop worrying about it. Mainly since (she knew from experience) she knew that if she held it in too long without releasing it, it would.... Explode. She darted her orange eyes a little, hoping he'd give her the word soon.


Coralie Magoveny and Noah Kerridge


Cora and Noah's eyes widened simultaneously at the arrows that flew at them. They were used to watching Violet shoot at a target, but as for them being the targets--that was a whole other story. Thankfully, they dove out the way in opposite directions before serious harm could befall them. Cora rolled and stopped in a crouch, facing the direction they had come from. Noah landed flat on the ground, staring in the same direction.

Someone, presumably an Apollo kid, started to whistle, and while Noah was mostly unaffected (being a son of Dionysus, anything alluring that wasn't a nature spirit or wine tended to pale in comparison to such revelries), Cora started to sway, looking as if she wanted to follow the sound. Noah swore under his breath. They'd both heard Percy tell stories about the Sea of Monsters, and how Annabeth was nearly lured to her death by the Sirens. Thinking fast, Noah dove at Cora, shielding her and covering her ears. The dazed look in her eye faded and she looked up at him, her brown eyes saying, Thank you.

The two teens glared up through their eyelashes up at the son of Apollo, Violet's half-brother, waiting for his next attack. He seemed to be planning something with another teammate, and so, they waited, bodies tense, for them to make the first move. Noah murmured out of the corner of his mouth, "If they catch us in some sort of trap, I'm going to be the first one they hit, alright? Then you duck through their defense and head to the flag."

"Easier said than done," Cora muttered, noticing some arrows flying through the trees. "With the Apollo kids in the trees, I doubt I can get close without getting skewered."

Noah chuckled, leaning down and kissing her cheek. "You'll find a way. After all, you're Percy Jackson's half-sister."

Cora stared up at him, wide-eyed and open mouthed with shock, but she whipped around to stare at the Hermes girl fifty feet in front of them, holding some sort of buzzing contraption in her hand. The son of Dionysus kept himself protectively shielding the daughter of Poseidon on the ground as they stared at the girl, waiting for something to happen.

@jinkx (for mention of Veronica's arrows)

(Sorry bout that. Had a crap ton of schoolwork lately.)


(note, Jacob fell out of the tree, so it looks like he's surrendering)​


A grin crosses the face of Jacob, as he ducks down, revealing Oakley near behind him, her arm visible. Jacob rolls behind a nearby tree, scattering grass and leaves while he does this, the former being stuck to his back as he leans up and turns toward his opponents. He had hoped that they would attack first, so that they would make the decision of taking his bait. He was sure his bait would work on both of them, but only the Poseidon kid was attracted. Strange. Regardless, while the son of Dionysus and the daughter of Poseidon were pre-occupied by Jacob's possible attack, and only taking minor notice in Oakley, Jacob 's ever to easy to hate grin spread across his face. Jacob then quickly yells "NOW" at Oakley, signaling her to throw her trap, which had probably been cooking for a good minute or two.

@Rumble Fish @AnimeGenork
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