New York City


♥ Jack of Hearts ♥
[COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)]The dappled grey cement of the wet city streets laid still. A heavy boot landed in the shallow puddle as a young girl with a silver monkey tail dashed down the stree. Her breathing heavy her glowing silver eyes darted around frantically trying to find a safe haven, a hiding place, anywhere to get away. Heart pounding she could feel them behind her, gaining closer, they can't have her. She won't go missing like the rest. A heavy weight slammed into her shoulder as she toppled back and fell to the hard ground. Her palm gashed open on the ground her blood mixing with the moist concrete. Her head snapped up as the girl's pale face shone in the moonlight. Terror screamed through her eyes as she looked up at the mundane.[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)]He looked confused as a gray haired normal girl stared at him with horror in her eyes, as if she'd seen a ghost. Like most mundanes, the warlocks animalistic features though a glamor. "Hey, are... are you alright?" He leaned down to help the strange girl to her feet.[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)]There was no realization in her eyes as the man moved towards her. She began to move only to feel the presence of a soulless hand begin to reach for her. The tips of its fingers brushing the back of her neck. "NO!!" The girl pushed the mundane out off the way and ran from the invisible hand of the night. Barreling through the thinning crowd of mundanes she ran and refused to stop. Her chest burning she ran, focusing her magic on running away. She needed to use a trasportation spell, but the closer she felt them the weaker her magic became. Breaking away from the visible streets of New York City[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)], she ran down a alley and tried to focus on her magic. "Come on, come on..." small sparks tingled through her fingers. Over two hundred years of magic and this is was she was reduced to. Her hands shook as adrenaline pumped through her entire body keeping her wired and on her toes.[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)]A soft whisper ran through her ears and her blood chilled. Twisting around she pulled all her strength and shot a burst of fire out toward the vast nothingness. She shook her head and took a step back, "n-n-noo.....s-stay away..." She moved to shout another ball of fire, but nothing came out. Shaking her hand she pudhed for anything to protect her, yet nothing would. Her eyes widened as she tuned to run again only to be stopped by a strong force. Head slowly rising, tears formed in the girl's eyes as she knew that this was the end. Her lips trembled as she uttered out a neatly inaudible, "please..." Before darkness engulfed her, as a muffled scream was lost to the fog.[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)]The Night stole fast.[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)]An assassin of dark.[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)]Takes another warlock.[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)]As the fog settles the night brightens on a street far off from the scene. The lights of a Downworlder club shone bright into the night. Becconing all to come in and enjoy what's in store inside. Music seeped out of the club's heavy doors, a siren's call pulling the curious and the weary into its it's safe embrace.[/COLOR]

(Introduction made by @The Suspicious Eye  :D

(My character, Crogus, will be the one at the party. In fact, he was the one who invited alot of people to come. You dont need to have your character go to the Club :)
Isroh had been invited to the club, he was just occupied elsewhere for the moment. And what was he doing? Getting the shit beaten out of him on the ice. How? He'd managed to get single, double, and on good days tripple salchows on ice. He was now attempting a quad. And each time landed him rather painfully on the ice. Usually hip first. He pushes off the ice hard, getting the height and this time he managed to get in enough rotations for it to count as a quad,  but as usual he came down on the wrong part of his blade and landed, right hip first, on the ice.

Dammit. You were soooo close!!! The mundane instructor laments, rather surprised a relatively new skater was learning so quickly. Secretly, being a demon helped getting the needed muscle to do so. You had enough rotations, so in competition it'd count as a quad, just your landing. You keep landing in the middle of the skate and slipping backward, which lands you right on your ass.  The woman skates over to help the pained demon up, noticing his hands were cold.Jesus Isroh, you're freezing cold!

The demon gladly accepted his mundane friend's hand, dusting the slush off him. Thanks, Linda.Eh. Only hurts a little. I'm scare to jam the pick into the ice too much. I'm scared it'll get stuck. He rubs his aching hip and takes deep breaths as the pain subsides. He knew that the toe pick wasn't harsh enough to get that good of a bite into the ice, it was just an irrational fear that made Lina laugh. Then the comment about how cold his fingers were shook the demon. Oh! Um. I have that thing where the circulation to your fingers isn't so good. Makes them cold.Totally normal, not to worry!  He smiles, trying not to tip her off on his species. She seems to have bought it. Alright, well. take a few minutes, maybe a break will reset everything and then you'll get a good few landings and we can call it a day!

Right cool. Thanks. He skates over where he had his coffee sitting on the wall, leaning back slightly and drinking. He began considering what he wanted to do after his lesson. He'd paid for two hours on the ice even though his instructor was only going to be here for one. He could either go to that party or continue practicing quads untill his time was up.
Sage wandered New York, munching on a bagel. She loved her city, all the bright lights and crazy people. She stopped in front of a club, crisp air ruffling her tunic and sending her hair floating. Pulling a stolen invitation out of her pocket, she scrutinized the name before glancing up at the club sign and walking in. "Hellooooo, New York downworlders," she called out in an airy voice, jumping up onto a table and putting her arms up dramatically.

@JPTheWarrior (I'm assuming she shouldn't be here because the cold peace? Correct me if I'm wrong though)
Earlier in the day Nina was currently arguing with her mother, "Why Can't I go out? Your not usually so uptight about me going out so why are you worrying THIS birthday?" Nina tilted her head while she was doodling runes in her notebook. At the time she didn't notice what she was doing. Her mother Maggie came in front of her and grabbed her arm, "I don't think you understand how serious this is! Im not asking for much Nina all I want you to do is just be careful tonight and---" The home phone rang as Nina raced over to pick it up, "Calvin! Just in time... Sure I'll be right over!" Nina hangs up and puts on her jacket, "Can we please just talk about this later I have to go meet Calvin." Nina rolled her eyes and went to the door, "I promise I'll be home ok?" Nina walked to the Cafe and Maggie looked at her notebook with a concerning look, "Oh no... It's starting."

Later on when Calvin and Nina meet they decide to head out and hide out in the van spray-painting their van or the walls. They park by the club and talk about their day, "I think somethings going on with my mom... She's just... Been acting super weird and more terrified than ever." Calvin smiled, "Nina she's your mom what else is new? Mom's do that... I think you need something to take the edge off... How bout we go to this club here? My treat." Nina loked over at the sighn then back at Calvin, "I thought partys weren't your thing? Calvin sighs and gets out, "They aren't BUT its YOUR special day." Nina smiles as she hangs onto Calvins arm, "You are such a goof you know that?" Nina kisses Calvin's cheek and they both manage to sneak into Pandemonium and so their night begins.

Crogus sat on a fluffy blue couch resting his head on a woman's shoulder. Along with his friends, he was on a VIP zone playing poker with the other warlocks. The woman was, however, a normal downworlder. Crogus laughed out loud when he managed to eliminate on of his friends out of the game and getting all of his money. Crogus said "Better luck next time" he grinned as his friend got up and waved his hand and left. Crogus grinned and kept playing. 

Alot of his kind had been missing and Crogus wanted revenge. So, he decided to invite alot of people from the city to come and party tonight. Crogus was strong and famous in New York so for sure one of the killers would come and try to kidnapp him and take the frog warlock to whatever place they are bringing his brothers and sisters. Crogus was interrupted on his game when a guest, a fairy like Crogus liked to call them, entered screaming "Hello, New York Downworlders"  Of course most of the humans would look at her like she was the weirdest creature alive. As for the ones who knew what she was talking about, the ones who belonged to the shadow realm they would just simply look at her and asking in their minds what she was doing.

Crogus shook his head and kept playing waiting for anything interesting to happen that would make him pay attencion to something else than the game.
The still dust stood paralyzed in time as the light entered into the dusty home. Only moving as In'ra opened the heavy door. The first living thing in the room since her friends disappearance, the room held a stagnant of loss. Empty of life, the home was hollow and dissapointed settled on the beautiful warlock. She let out a soft sigh, the dust in the air flew around her. "I had hoped... I suppose she is gone as well..." She stepped in and closed the door behind her, the magical barrier reactivating, hiding the home from mundanes and shadowhunters, to the best it could.

Walking through the cold home, In'ra couldn't help but feel lost. The last time she was here it was so lively. Running her finger across the mahogany she looked at the large pile of dust. "Where have you gone, Sabriel?" Something caught her eye on a nearby pedistool. A invitation? She moved over and picked it up the dust still underneath it. "It's new." She opened it and read the invitation. It wasn't much, she vaguely remembered her friend mentioning was warlock by the name Crogus. Ever the social outgoing type Sabriel had a lot of friends it's no surprise she'd be invited to a party. Placing the invitation on the kitchen counter In'ra continued her investigation of the house. There was something she needed, something that if her friend was gone, she needed to take. Making her way to the library she moved the covers till she came across a large book bound in metal. There was a lock on the side of it. Reaching with her gloved hand she pulled it from the shelf and sighed in relief. "At least it wasn't stolen."

Holding the heavy book close to her chest she went back to the kitchen. Looking at the letter she wondered. It was in her friends name, but if she went.  Suffering at the thought she heard a clatter and turned, he burgundy hat nearly flying off as she whipped her head around. Seeing nothing her panic only grew. Grabbing the letter off the counter she made her way down the hall and out the door. Looking back at the empty apartment she gave a pained look. "I'll find out what happened to you... all of you. I swear it."

Hours later...

Entering the club she slid the letter into her clutch and passed by a group of leering downworlders. She hated being such a place, people's eyes inspecting her, judging her. What gives them the right... She could feel her tail begin to heat up around her waist agitating her brand. I need to calm down. Taking a deep breath, her tail cooled and her eyes grew stern. Her skeletal hands ran through her long black hair as she continued deeper into the filthy den that these city folk called a club.

The staring didn't cease, although in her childhood it was of her abnormality, but now it was how she'd dressed. Spending most of her life in peaceful solitude she had little idea of what to wear at a club. She'd chosen one of the clothes her missing friend had bought her the year earlier. A tight black dress, that showed just a tad more cleavage than she'd like, with a dark moonstone pendant and high strapped heels. The snug fit emphasized her perfect hourglass figure, but made her feel wildly underdressed. She must have looked vulnerable, because two guys began to prowl toward the poor deer warlock.

A warlock with a lion tail walked over to her and leaned against a table, blocking her path. A warlock much younger than the first stood behind her blocking her escape. "It looks like you're in need of some company. A beautiful warlock like you shouldn't be all alone. How about we buy you a drink?" He flashed her a toothy grin showing his fangs.

"I'm not interested." She tried to get away but the warlock had blocked her exit as well.

"Aww, come on. We promise you'll have a lot of fun. Have a drink with us." Both leaned in close trapping her between them. It was suffocating and extremely obnoxious. Her body began to heat up with aggravation. These annoying....

Confident, supposedly women liked that in a man. True as it may be there was no way that In'ra would waste her time flirting with such young warlocks. Especially ones who thinks she would swoon at such a pathetic tactics like these. Giving a soft chuckle she tossed her hair back and looked at the fools. A cruel smile on her face, she opened her plump lips.

"You poor stupid fools. Did you really think I would swoon over such obvious move like that? You're in over your head kids. I'm far out of both of your leagues." Before either of them could utter another word she raised a finger to their lips. "You two clearly have not been burdened by a overabundance of education. So let me school you two. Blocking my path was your first mistake. It's agressive and blocking my exit is to make me feel small, helpless even? Don't let the antlers fool you boys. I am no bambi. Next time you try to pressure a girl into wasting her time with you. Why not take a more subtle approach? Not that it matters. If a girl had a quarter of a brain she'd know to steer clear from the likes of you two. I bet your mothers wished they'd swallowed." She push past them and made her way through the club.

I cant be wasting time I need to see if this Crogus knows anything about the disappearances of my warlock friends. In hindsight she should have used those two to find him. However, she just hated being told what to do. Especially by children. Sighing she looked around at the crowd, she noticed the fairie's outburst but ignored it. If the others cared this littered of her presence why should she, regardless of their betrayal. Lost in a sea of downworlders she couldn't help but be annoyed but also a but helpless. Sabriel was always the social one, she was always so bright and her sliver eyes shone with joy when she met a new friend. Always telling her that she should go out and meet new people again. In'ra missed her dearly. Sighing yet again she began to make her way towards the bar.
Nina saw everything and was shocked to see certain people with freaky features. She knew that something was up with this club, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. She set her eyes on Crogus and tilted her head she felt drawn to him, but she couldn't leave Calvin all alone in this freaky club. She turned to Calvin and smiled, "Could you get us some drinks? I just need to check something... Please?" Calvin sighs as he nods and goes by the bar. Nina then puts her hair up in a ponytail and walks towards Crogus.

Once she gets there she crosses her arms and stares at him, "Can I play?"  @JPTheWarrior
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Elliot grabbed a cup of hot coffee from the stall beside the ice rink wanting to both blend in and to have his daily caffeine fix. He constantly asked the house staff back in Alicante to get some but they all turned there nose up at "such a mundane hobby". Only when Elliot was out on mission or assignments could he grab some. 

The past few months however he had been staying in the NYC Institute to try and see if it would be his permanent position come the following summer when he would have to decide on his "Gaurdian Territory".

Taking his coffee he walked over to the ice rink and leaned on the side of the rink watching everyone skate. He had a thick dark green scarf and a jacket his Mother sent him. It was dark blue and had the family sigil on the cuffs. He was looking for a demon but wasn't taking it seriously. He knew it would be easy and that it would be a simple lure and strike. While gazing out into the rink he noticed someone and only thanks to his Sight he saw the true demon. Finally he found his target

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Said demon had gotten tired of taking a break and set his coffee back down on the ledge and was currently skating backwards, watching carefully over his shoulder. Then when he was sure his coast was clear and no one would be in his path he spun,righting himself, leaping off the ice managing to get four good rotations, landing it flawlessly but not only that: he'd raised an arm. Raising arms would increase points awarded for difficulty in competition. He stuck it, skating right past the shadowhunter by the rinkside as the mundane coach clapped.

To demon slayers, Isroh looked slightly different. Sure some species of demon were ugly, but not Isroh. He looked extremely human. His eyes were a light shade of violet, horns delecately placed upon his head. His inky black hair fell in ringlets over his shoulders where as it was a messy choppy look to humans. His tail was spaded, but he kept it wrapped around one of his legs while skating to keep from whipping anyone with it. He had one thing that other demons didn't have. He was happy. Happiness and demons normally didn't mix. Isroh felt like a foreigner among his own kind, so much so he never hung around with any others. He'd rather befriend mundanes. Atleast they seemed less uptight and angry all the time. 

He'd noticed the presence of a Shadow Hunter, but he had no idea they weren't discriminant with the demon killing. Isroh had never hurt anyone, so why would anyone be sent after him?  He thought Shadow Hunters were only hunting bad demons, which happened to be the vast majority, she he foolishly felt like he wasn't in any real danger. Linda stretches and steps off the ice. Congrats, you've made so much progress! I'll see you later I have to go walk my dog before he does his thing in the house. Isroh laughs, waving goodbye and stepping off the ice himself. He cringes at the idea of having to go in that crazy locker room. So many demons, all of which were incredibly creepy and irritating. But he'd left his bag in there so he had to. He groans heading into the mens lockeroom, walking right past all the demons and through a trap that wasn't intended for him, but for the hunter that would surely follow. Isroh had no clue he was the bait, nor would he ever agree to such, he was busy trying to get into his locker. 

Headed to the bar she sensed a unfamiliar presence in the club. Full of downworlders she looked over her shoulder and saw a mundane walk beside her. A few feet away, but she ad to wonder how this poor creature made his way here. She tilted her head, her glamor hiding her antlers and translucent hands. The quickest way to scare unknowing mundanes was to see her more natural appearance. Letting him reach the bar she sat at the crowded bar a few seats away from the strange mundane. Inspecting what he'd do next, it was quite rare to see a mundane wander into another world. Always having a soft spot for such intriguing creatures, she'd watch him for a while. 

The bar was crowded usual, downworlders clamoring to get their pretty alcohol. Alcohol that was only slightly better then the gems sold  in prohibition era, then again a drink of water in the desert is always the sweetest. The bartenders didn't even look at the mundane as he tried to place his orders. Passing him by at every chance sliding drink after drink past him. In'ra raised a eyebrow as the mundane didn't put up much of a fight. If she didn't do something her little mundane watching hobby would become dull quickly. Sliding from her seat she moved over to him and raised a hand to the bartender, snapping loudly for their attention. "Excuse me, I'll take a Mata hari and whatever he's drinking as well." She tilted her head over to the mundane. 

The bartender eyed the mundane, but took his order as well and went to prepare them. In'ra smiled and turned to look at the mundane, "you have to be a bit more forceful to get their attention cutie. Especially when it's busy like this." She sized him up and then noticed the other mundane girl past him near a frog warlock. Along with ordering two drinks, she put two and two together and assumed that the couple had wandered in together. Looking back at him she arched her back as she turned the stool to face him. Extending her hand she smiled, "I'm In'ra. You don't seem like you belong in a club like this. Did you and your girlfriend wander in out of curiosity? Or maybe you were invited?" Probing she wondered if he had any knowledge of the warlock Crogus. Highly doubtful, but her curiosity was peaked. It wasn't often that she saw many mundanes run around downworlder spots, unless time truly have changed.

Calvin never lost his temper when he was ordering although he was wondering why the bartender wasn't answering him, 'Did I do something wrong?' Then when the girl helped he stuttered and blushed, "Uh thanks... Im not really the forceful type though." Then when the girl mentioned Nina Calvin blushed even more, "What?! U-Uh no! We are just friends... And uh she got more curious than I did with the sign out front... She said that she saw something in the sign but I think maybe that the pressure just went to her head." Calvin smiled looking at Nina, "But that's what I like about her... You can't really talk her out of anything either... She's stubborn too... Im sorry I don't mean to bore you with my life." Calvin smiled at the girl, "So who is that guy shes talking too? And What about this club? I mean Ive never seen it before?" @The Suspicious Eye
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In'ra smiled, "I can tell." She gave a light laugh as she noticed right off the bat that he wasn't forceful. Glancing at him through her eyelashes she deconstructed his personality through his body language. Sweet and a pushover, he's the type who'd never push too hard even if he wanted to. Watching him blush at the mention of the girl, she knew that even if they were just friends he wanted more. However, what intrigued her the most was the mentioning of her friend noticing something in the sign. Looking back to Nina she inspected the girl once more. Maybe there is something interesting about these mundanes after all. She couldn't lie her interests were peaked. Of course her first priority is to figure out what has happened to her friends.

Their drinks slid over to them as Calvin apologized about boring her. Catching her Mata hari she tapped the glass lightly before raising it to her lips. Sipping it, savoring the taste she shook her head. "Not at all. I've always had a interest in....other people's lives." As he mentioned never seeing the club before she held her glass in her hand and ran her finger across the rim. "Nor are you supposed to." Ignoring the obvious follow up to her comment she smiled, "a hole in the wall like this is rare to have newcomers. Only the regulars usually come to places like these. Not that I am one." She finished her drink and placed it on the bar table, taking his drinks in her hands. "As for who that gentleman is..." Handing one of the drinks to Calvin she smiled as she playfully clinked the glass, "shall we find out?"

Calvin looked at her funny, "What do you mean Im not supposed to? I don't understand." Calvin got up with her and looked over at the couch with the odd man covered with girls and Nina, "Your telling me that you don't know a thing about that man?" Calvin's heart was racing and he felt like something was very off about this place, especially about this so called "Girl" he just didn't know what yet. Once Calvin had gotten to Nina he had a plan to get out of this weird club and get back to her place or maybe his, "I don't suppose that you will just TELL me what's going on in this place?" @The Suspicious Eye

((Sorry if its short Im having a brain fart.)) 
Sage hummed and jumped off the table, unfazed by the people staring at her. She loved parties, loved the people dancing and the tight crowds and the overall feeling of aliveness. And, in the dark club, where no one could see anything, it was a chance for downworlders to be themselves. No one was going to question odd eyes or a pair of fangs, claws or rainbow skin. Mundanes could be strangely accepting if they thought everything was part of a costume.

Making her way over to the bar, she sat down by some others and ordered a drink. Her eyes wandered aimlessly and she waited for it to arrive, wondering idly if anything interesting would happen tonight. A fight, an argument, an appearance- it was all so fun to watch!
This was his chance. The demon was walking into the lockers and so he made his move.
Throwing the coffee in the bin he mentally made a check of his blades and the mundanes around him. He drew a simple "light footed" run on his arm and opened up the locker room slowly, trying to see if there was anyone inside.

Feeling he was safe he walked into the lockers and heard the demon walk to a locker, before it happened.
Out of nowhere a shadow figure jumped out from behind the lockers and hit Elliot over the head with a bar. 
His head buzzed and throbbed as he stumbled but before he could catch himself another figure pulled him to the ground.

Kicking and punching Elliot found the more he fouht back the more figures or demons kept appearing. His sight was still blurry from the blow to the head but he managed to scream before being knocked out


Damn there were a lot of demons in this locker room. Isroh thought it was so strange, sure usually there were one or two, but now it was closer to ten.  Odd. He'd just pulled his skates off and was cleaning off the slush as the sudden commotion jarred him out of his thoughts. Ten demons on one? That was hardly fair at all. A ferocious growl ripped from his chest and the ground began to split, ten vines reaching up and pulling the demons back against the walls, thorns beginning to grow back into the flesh to slaughter the creatures easily. Those vines were no joke, he could use the thorns like a chainsaw, make vines like razor wire or let their touch turn delicate enough to sleep on. 

The squealing demons wail as he clears the distance between the demon and the hunter, kneeling to check his condition. Upon resting a cool finger against his throat he found he was infact alive, but with a face like that? He couldn't resist tracing his hand across a cheekbone. Weren't these things supposed to kill demons? He supposed one would love to get their disgusting mitts on him... well... another demon would love to get their disgusting mitts on him. Isroh just wanted to help. He shifts his bag over his shoulder and slides a hand under his thighs and one behind his back, casting a glamour over the pair and carried Elliot out of the skating rink. He knew these people came from a place called 'the institute' but he was also told no demons could even get close to it, nor was he told where it was. So he took him to the one truly safe place: home.

Isroh lived in an abandon church, meant to look dilapidated from the outside, but the inside was actually quite nice. The sanctuary was his living room and they had a large backroom that served as his bedroom. He decided to let Elliot use that for now, setting him down, carefully unstrapping the uncomfortable looking weaponry and pulling off his shoes and setting those items beside the bed and tucking the injured man in.He drops his glamour, horns, tail, claws and his violet eyes all shimmer into place as he gets a better look at this boy's injuries. However the two were not alone. An even worse monster lurked in this church... Lola and Binx. 

Lola was a spoiled Pomeranian, Isroh spoiled her so much, painting her nails, putting a bow in her hair and giving her basically whatever she wanted, she got free reign of the place and was the queen of Isroh's life. She looked like a toasted marshmallow with black eyes and a wet nose. She jumps up onto he bed examining what Isroh had brought him, pink bow matching her nails. Binx, the sassy and obese tuxedo cat, leaps up onto the nightstand to watch from a distance as Isroh left for the kitchen to go get him an icepack for that nasty headwound while Lola licked Elliot's face vigorously.

"Harder...HARDER! For christ sake Elliot hit the damn dummy!" his father shouted but he couldnt.

Every time his fist came close to the dummy it fell short. With each punch a rise in anxiety hoping to land even one hit to please his father.

Elliot woke up with a jolt. It was the same dream he had ever since his sister left. His forehead was sweating as was his body but more than that, it ached everywhere. Trying to turn he realised he had wounds all over his body and as the memory of how he got them slowly flashed across his mind the one that was missing was how he ended up in this bed. 
Panicking he looked around for his steele and his weapons and found them beside the bed. He pushed his body to move and grab them and tried to hold back screams as he did. His ribs were definitely bruised. He just needed to draw a healing ruin and he should be able to escape.

As he stood up he made his way to the end of the bed before collapsing at the foot of it. The noise was loud and hard enough for the steele to pop out of the belt and land on the floor rolling away from him.
Elliot lay there and began to panick as he heard footsteps coming closer to the room. Picking himself up onto one arm he crawled as fast as he could across to the steele and held it in his hand quickly trying to try a healing ruin on his ribs when the door flew open

Lola wasn't too pleased with the sudden movements, she was so irritated that she barked. Of course that wasn't what alerted Isroh to his guest's awakening. He could hear his heart rate spike. He was on his way back anyway and only came into the room He noticed his new friend on the ground. Hey, what's wrong? Fall out of bed? He asks as Lola continues barking at the flustered stranger. Lola, that's quite enough. I'm sure our friend here probably has the mother of all headaches. He sets down the soda he'd gotten for Elliot, kneeling down and setting the icepack against Elliot's head.

Those demons jumped the shit out of you.Had to pull them apart to get them off you. I've never seen them attack anyone quite like that before. Isroh's lilac eyes definately weren't human in color, but they were strange. Most demons, when unglamoured, didn't look human at all. Even the shape of his eyes still resembled a mortal. He scanned the other man's face for a moment. I'm Isroh by the way. Lets get you back in bed. Those ribs looked bad. He innocently offers a hand, sweet smile on his face.

Elliot smacked the demons hand away

"Get the hell away from me!" he looked around and grabbed his steelers again, wincing as he did so. 

"Mericel" he muttered as the blade shone to life. He tried to hold it stead but it kept tipping to the the floor

"I don't know who or what you are but where am I. I want to know now!-" but he was cut off from the pain in his side again. He panted trying to keep the pain at bay but it felt like fire now. Jesus what had he gotten himself into. The demon looked at him with his horns and tail and although Elliot was okay with warlocks small traits of his family came through. To be seen favouring a downworlder would be catastrophic

 Best react to them all the same he thought and stuck with it. 

His hands shaking now he looked back to the demon

"I'm Elliot Sunspears of the Nephilim. Ifor you intend on killing me or holding me captive I promise you people will look for me...and find you."

he said trying to sound threatening. But with his weak pants and grimacing at every second word it came out like a plea

Understandably, the boy was defensive. New place, new person. Although he didn't realize he'd led Elliot to believe he was abducted. Kill you? Why would I do that!? I've never killed anyone in my life. Well anyone but other demons. That was the truth. The only thing he'd killed were other demons, but Isroh didn't care for other demons. He held his hands up defensively, knowing he could still do damage without his hands. So really the gesture was just to keep Elliot feeling better. 

I just didn't know where to take you. It seemed dangerous leaving you where bad demons can get to you, they seemed to not like you very much but I have no idea as to why. A vampire once told me people like you came from 'the institute; but I had no idea where that was. So I brought you home. You can leave whenever you want, I'd just prefer you do so when you feel alittle better and look like you're not about to die.  He took an expreimental step forward before realizing what was happening at his feet. Lola was poised defensively, snarling at the Shadowhunter that threatened her friend.He smiles lightly, bending down to pick her up. Lola seems to be a bit afraid of you. Why don't we set the sharp pointy things down, get you back in bed and just talk for a bit. The smile he gave was nothing but friendly, just happy to have someone in his house. I hardly ever get guests anyway. People don't generally like to hang around demons, although I can kind of understand why after seeing what they've done to you.

Isroh let Lola back down as she squirms. So what do Shadow Hunters do exactly to get demons to be so angry? He asks curiously, settling himself in a rocking chair a good distance away. 

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