(Reboot) Main Roleplay

Fallon smiled back. "Got it. I should be able to navigate pretty well, so I could go for a bodyguard..." Her eyes fell on Soren. "You want to do it?"

Isabella had almost no reaction. She simply glanced up from her map and said certainly, "Well, it won't happen again I'm sure." Dusting off her hands, she stood up and crossed her arms, musing, "Now I wonder what plan the other team will come up with..."

Veronica Winters

Brandishing her bow as her only weapon, Veronica could do nothing but wait. She was in charge of guarding the Red Team's flag as one of the prized Apollo archers. She felt like she should have informed her team that she wasn't as good of a shot as they thought she was. Veronica was only half-decent, only as good as a reasonably trained thirteen without much real life experience could be. Still, she plucked at her bow as she stood to attention beside the obnoxiously bright red flag. 

Veronica wishes the rules let them hide the flag because she felt that it was far too obvious lodged up there in the tree. Was it even within the rules for it to be stuck up there in one of the branches? She didn't think so. But it wasn't her job to question these things, it was her job to protect the flag. She scanned the forest for potential threats, bowed poised ready. It should take the Blue Team a while to actually reach the flag but still... It couldn't hurt to be prepared for them.

Soren Collins

Soon enough, the teams were divided and each camper was at their position throughout the forest. The game would start any minute. Soren, for one, was positively pulsing with anticipation and could barely stand still, waiting for the jump over the creek and the sprint towards the opponents. They were fully prepared to take down anybody that got in the way of their team and they were not afraid to be brutal. Soren could be a little brash. 

The echoing sound of the horn was the indication for the charge to begin and Soren pushed themselves to their feet, racing towards the creek. While they weren't entirely clear on where the flag was located, whoever was leading the charge of the Red Team clearly was and Soren focused on keeping up. They ran, not breathless due to their training, and flanked their group with a fiercely determined expression on their face. 

Evie Saradana

Meanwhile, Evie was manning the border as well as she could, considering. She was positioned near the creek, which meant that she was amongst the first to spot the Red Team charging towards them. Unsurely, she drew a sword that felt too heavy for her hands and almost dropped it immediately. She managed to recover quickly, gripping it tight enough that her knuckles turned almost white. 

What she lacked in skill, Evie made up for in enthusiasm. She loved Capture The Flag and she loved the game for everything it was, despite her pretty poor ability with a sword. Accompanied by a couple of the Athena kids and a handful of other campers, Evie waded through the creek to the other side. A couple of members of the Red Team were quickly upon them. She found herself clashing swords with a camper from the other team, who was no doubt more experienced with a blade than she was. 
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Tanya Harter

Tanya ran with Evie and a few of the other campers of different campers, trying not to trip and impale herself on the dagger she had chosen. When the red team came out and began attacking them, Tanya pushed back her first instinct to shriek and run and instead looked around to see how she could help. Seeing that Evie seemed to be struggling slightly, she ran up and panickedly kicked the camper she was fighting in the back of the leg, blindly hoping it would help.
T.L. Shang:

T.L. heard cries of battle and turned to Isabella.

"Looks like the game's afoot. Whatever their plan is, we'll have to figure it out later. Our first priority should be finding out where our flag is. I think I'm gonna go check the Fist, you in?"

@Amity Girl
Arrows fly to both sides as the archers from both sides attempt to take a side for themselves. In the midst of the chaos, Jacob is currently sending his celestial bronze arrows into the chinks of people's armor across the battlefield. Jacob then ducks behind a tree on the battlefield, and pulls out a small flute and an arrow with a rope attached. Playing a high C on the flute, he signals a few of the archers to take to the trees. Jacob grabs his trick arrow, and shoots into the trees, and climbs the rope to that his team could get an aerial advantage.
Evie was grateful when Tanya- the newer girl in their cabin, who she'd only spoken to a little- knocked one of the campers off her. She turned and offered her a brief smile, flicking her hair back out of her face so that she could see. Glancing over Tanya's shoulder, her eyes widened a little as she spotted a camper behind her. Then, she opened her mouth to yell to watch out but no word escaped her in time. 

Having snuck up behind Tanya, Soren aimed to hit the camper in the ribs with the blunt side of their blade, intending to knock her over and get her out of the way. Their footing slipped however and they ended up more falling on top of the poor Aphrodite girl instead, yelling in annoyance. 

"Foul play, sneaking up on someone like that." Evie muttered, before returning to fending off one particularly enthusiastic Demeter boy. 

( @Amity Girl )
Oakley, not being one for combat or even putting that much effort into anything, hung back as the rest of the team launched forward. Standing at the creek, she looked over at the other side of it, seeing everything that was happening. But looking at the creek itself, the girl felt a shudder down her spine. For as long as she could remember, Oakley had been afraid of water. She wasn't quite sure why though, the only explanation she got from her mother was that she almost drowned in a swimming pool as a toddler which was the main cause of her phobia. The only thing she could really do with water was drink it. 

Raising her sword up, she looked around before guessing she could try to defend the flag rather than try and go into battle. From she could see, the flag was left out in the open. Hoping towards it, she keeps her sword up, she looked around for anybody that would try to jump out at her. Though Oakley was aware that she was probably the person who should be defending anything. But it was better than just leaving it for anyone to grab, right? Everyone else seemed so eager to attack. Though this meant if the flag got stolen, she'd get blamed for it. Oh well, it was just a game.
Raven yelled out a war cry as she led the charge over to the other side, leaping forward to engage the Blue Team members as quick as she could. Three of them turned to her, and she sized them up in an instant, running straight at the smallest one, a new camper. He yelped as she charged him, rugby tackling him straight into the creek and knocking the breath out of his lungs. She turned, activating her bracer in time to catch the downward swiping sword of another demigod, the paralyzing power of it stunning them, allowing her to surge up towards them, sword hilt slamming against their helmet. Two Athena kids double teamed her, but she managed to knock them out eventually with the help of an unseen archer, sustaining a nasty cut down her unguarded forearm and a bunch of bruises that were going to hurt tomorrow. 

Gods, she loved capture the flag. Looking around, she saw a Demeter teammate losing a fight with an Aphrodite kid. Evie Saradana, she recognised. It was about time they pushed past the creek, she didn't fancy getting caught out by the Poseidon kids here. So she stepped in to finish the fight, sword striking out lightning quick to parry her sword away from her teammate and then another, with the flat of her blade, aiming to  knock her down. 

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Fallon Erelia:

Whike all hell broke loose in the forest, Fallon was hiding in a tall tree on a small hill, not making a sound.

"Let's see..." She pulled the shield off from her back and threw it on the ground, dropping onto it like a makeshift sled as she slid down the hill. Time to get to work.

Everywhere she walked, plants grew; tree roots shifted to the surface, shrubs sprouted, and the area around the flag was slowly turned into a forested labyrinth of chaos to traverse through.

"Okay, that's done, now I have to screw with the paths of other people." Something told Fallon that Raven was already heading for the flag, meaning if she got caught Fallon would have to get her free.

@jinkx (Mention)

T.L. Shang:

"Alright, follow if you're up for it." With that, T.L. strode down the hill and headed for the fist. On his way there he had to fight past an Ares kid, whom T.L. fended off with a few punches to his sternum and ribs. He thought about grabbing the kid's knife but figured that wouldn't be necessary. Soon enough he was about 15 feet away from Zeus' Fist, which had the flag sticking out of the top.

"Figured. Now time to keep everyone away from this."

@Amity Girl
Evie Saradana

She wasn't expecting one of the Nike kids to intervene and knock her down. Evie landed on her butt like an idiot and her blade clattered across the earth away from her, falling just out of her grip. Then, it slid down into the creek and splashed into the water. Obviously, Evie couldn't reach it, so she just hooked her foot around the Nike girl's ankle and pulled it away, intending to trip her over. Then, Evie scrambled away to fish her sword out of the creek again. ( @Skryx )
It was a good move, Raven had to admit. For an Aphrodite girl anyway. Or it would have been if she had hooked the right ankle, but as it was she was leaning more on the other and only staggered a little. She took her time going after her, following her into the creek. By the time she reached her, she had her sword again and Raven stepped forward, wading through the creek with ease, sword slashing and striking, not really to win, but to drive the Blue Team girl back to her side of the creek. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a few more of her teammates pushing forward as well. As they neared the opposite bank, she struck out quickly, aiming to disarm her again. 

Shink! Shink! Shink!

Three arrows, three demigods, all incapacitated. Jacob and his team were on a roll today. Moving through the trees extremely quickly, it was hard to pinpoint their exact location. Jumping alongside some Apollo members, one mentions that the Blue Flag was somewhere nearby here. This was good news. However, he didn't know entirely where it was. This was going to be a problem. Hopefully the ground troops had caught wind of where the fla-

"Oh shit", he says, nearly falling out of the tree he was in. He stops, signalling the other to follow his example. He the points at a silver pole with a blue flag attached in the distance near Zues' Fist. There were several demigods placed around his, and even the Apollo archers couldn't take them on alone. Luckily, he had planned for that. He signaled all the archers in the trees to fire their flare arrows in the air. Hopefully the ground troops got the message. He then sent a few of the archers to certain positions for sniper support. This match was just about wrapping up
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Isabella Piacere 

Isabella hopped up and ran after T.L., following him to Zeus's Fist. Spying the flag, she grinned and pulled off her necklace, holding it loosely in her hand. "Excellent. Now, we wait." And with that, the young woman sat on a clump of boulders, looking all but as if she was dozing off.


Tanya Harter

Tanya saw Evie's eyes widen at a point over her shoulder and whirled around just in time to be squashed by a falling camper. Opening her mouth to start yelling at whoever it was who had fallen on her, she couldn't help but notice that the camper was very pretty. Also, they had a large sword and were death glaring her. With her dagger having fallen out of her hand, she decided to see if she had inherited any of the charmspeak her cabinmates had explained to her. "Uh, hi," she said stupidly. Maybe not, then.

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"Ugh." Evie muttered as she met the other girl in the creek. Her best sneakers were going to be soaked for the entirety of the foreseeable future at this rate. Not to mention her pants. A mix of frustration and instinct was how she was able to just about block the next hit, catching it with her blade. She wasn't expecting to block the hit at all and drew her sword back to swing it again, leaving herself vulnerable. Evie wasn't the best at swordfighting but she was really trying. ( @Skryx )

Soren was stopped in their tracks as they scrambled back to their feet and tried to look like they hadn't just tripped up in the heat of the game. They spared the girl they'd nearly crushed a look and considered helping her up, since they had kind of knocked her down unfairly. But then, they just frowned and turned away instead. Most of their team seemed to be crossing the creek or trying to, at least. Soren considered... They weren't meant to go for the flag. That wasn't their job. But they wanted to, they really wanted to. Soren headed towards the creek. ( @Amity Girl )
T.L. Shang

T.L. heard faint rustling in the trees, then saw a few things shoot up above the treetops, blazing.

"Company." He relayed to Isabella and any surrounding demigods at the flag. "And somethin' tells me they've got arrows..." His eyes were still aimed at the sky.

@Amity Girl @Kojuen

Fallon Erelia

Fallon jumped out of a tree and accidentally landed on someone from the Blue team with her shield.

"Whoops, sorry!" It looked like her weight had incapacitated him for now, so she ran off. Red was going straight for the flag, and she figured she'd set up enough snares and traps through the forest, so she walked behind the others at a semi-leisurely pace as a sort of backup flank to the Apollo kids along with Raven and Soren.

@jinkx @Skryx (both mentioned)
Isabella Piacere

Isabella opened her eyes and smiled eerily, glowing with a slight purple aura. "It's about time, I thought the match was going to be boring." She stood up and walked at a leisurely pace to next to the flag, still holding her necklace in hand.


Tanya Harter

Tanya grabbed her dagger and stood up, still staring at the pretty camper as they walked away. Shaking off her daze she ran after them, determined not to let them get to the flag. Turning her head, she realized that Evie was fighting another camper, one she didn't recognize. Torn between going after Soren or helping Evie, she hesitated and then kicked a rock at the camper Evie was fighting before turning and dashing after Soren.

@jinkx @Skryx
Raven took her chance when the girl left herself open, sword striking out quickly to slash against her armour. Harmless, but enough to stagger her. With a grin, she dropped low and swept both legs out from under her. Normally she'd stay to finish the fight, but she was taking too long here, the flag wasn't going to capture itself. And so she abandoned it, splashing up to the bank and into enemy territory, rallying the rest of her team to her. The Apollo cabin had gone on ahead. Someone yelled and she looked up to see flare arrows in the direction of Zeus's Fist (but where else did anyone hide their flags on this side of the creek, honestly). She led the bunch of them straight over, trusting their archers to set up as they needed. 

Another war cry and they burst from the trees and into the clearing of Zeus's Fist. She lunged straight for T.L. who was distracted, staring at the sky, sword lashing out and aiming for his torso. Around her, she could hear the clashing of metal as the rest of her team engaged the blues. Hopefully they remembered the smoke arrows.

Ari followed a fair distance behind Raven's group with one of his half brothers, making sure to stay out of sight. Once the Nike girl had successfully had successfully distracted those guarding the flag, they would move in and steal it. 

(@Kojuen @jinkx @Hollycrest @Amity Girl because everyone is pretty much here)
Evie Saradana

Evie yelped in surprise as her legs were swept out easily from underneath her and she fell into the creek for good. She cursed under her breath as the Nike girl got past her easily and climbed up onto the bank on the other side. Not to mention that she was soaked. Stumbling a little, she managed to get to her feet and stared down at herself in dispair.

"Oh my god, my hair." Evie wailed in dismay, as she brushed her hands through her soaking wet curls. Soaking wet with creek water. Hours of effort completely wasted in a matter of seconds. She muttered to herself darkly as she waded back to the bank of the creek and climbed back onto land, looking annoyed. 

Soren Collins

Soren realised quickly that they were being chased by the Aphrodite camper and turned to fend her off, never one to back away from a fight. Spinning around quickly and wielding their blade, they intended to knock her down quickly again before moving on. Up ahead, they could just about make out Raven in the confusion and prayed that their plan was working. 

"Will you get lost?" Soren growled in frustration, as they aimed to hit the girl in the ribs with their blade. With the blunt side, of course. It wouldn't kill her but they hoped it would be enough to slow her down. ( @Amity Girl )
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T.L. looked down just in time to see someone come at him with a downward slash. Unlike his half-sisters, he wouldn't be beaten by her; at least not that easily. He twisted his body to the right so the sword would miss his armored body by a hairline fracture before landing on the balls of his feet on Raven's left side, nearly right in front of her to make her weapon's reach useless against him before delivering a quick, yet powerful punch with his right fist, clad in a bronze knuckle. If not blocked it would make contact with her left ribcage underneath her arm. With the positioning her sword wouldn't do much good, and neither would her other arm.

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Coralie Magoveny and Noah Kerridge (Team Blue)

Cora and Noah were simply waiting for the right moment to jump into the action. Okay, fine, they were just waiting for their teammates to be overwhelmed before they jumped in to help. But Cora couldn't deny the urge to disturb the "peace" around the creek. Vaulting over a rock, and leaving Noah behind, she leaped toward the water and landed in it feet-first. Standing up, she smirked, her fingers twitching now that she was in her own domain. "Hey, Noah! Cover me!" she yelled behind here, where the son of Dionysus waited on the bank.

"Got it!" He gave her a thumbs up and turned to any advancing campers, blocking their way to daughter of Poseidon.

Meanwhile, Cora unsheathed the twin swords on her back and shoved them into the pebbly bottom of the creek so they stood straight up. Using her power over water, she created tiny whirlpools along the length of the creek. They only targeted those campers on the Red Team, and sucked at their clothes to make them lose her balance. "Take that, Vi," she murmured, staring off into the trees on the other side of the creek, and hoping her teammates from the Athena, Iris, Hecate, and Aphrodite cabins would pull through. 

Violet Evslin (Team Red)


Violet was perched high up in a tree, waiting with her bow and arrows to strike at the right moment. She glanced back through the trees and spotted Veronica waiting by the flag. Thanks to Matt, she was able to climb pretty high up into trees, but now she couldn't see him or anyone else. In fact, it had been some time since she'd last seen Matt. Was he alright? He wasn't hurt, was he?

As enemy campers came to the clearing, Vi shook herself and peered down at them. Nocking an arrow, she aimed it just in front of the campers, and let it fly. It was a smoke bomb arrow, courtesy of her teammates from the Hermes cabin, and it did its job, covering the immediate area in smoke. Though she wasn't the best archer, Vi knew she could at least do this.

Her hand went to her neck, where her sun-shaped birthmark was. Since the sun was setting, she couldn't use her sun power, which put her at a disadvantage. Not only that, but she had no idea where the Thanatos or Ares kids were, and she couldn't tell from her position whether the Demeter and Nike kids were alright, as well as those from the Hermes cabin.

She only hoped there wouldn't be too many injuries tonight.
Raven dodged out of the way, leaping backward and almost crashing into some other demigods who were thankfully preoccupied with their own battle.She attacked again, jumping up for an exaggerated downward strike. It was a feint and she landed a couple feet in front of him instead, sweeping low to take him of his feet, making sure to keep out of range of his fists. 

In the middle of Raven's feint, T.L. took advantage of the fact that she was in the air, unable to dodge and rushed forwards, attempting to slam his right fist into her collarbone while keeping his left open to block another potential attack with.

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Isabella Piacere

Isabella dropped into a defensive stance as she heard a commotion. Twisting to her left she saw T.L. fighting a Raven, a Nike camper. Although it seemed like T.L. had the situation under control, Isabella aimed and sent a small dark purple bolt slashing at Raven's side. It wasn't enough to actually hurt her, but it would certainly throw her off.

@Hollycrest @Skryx

Tanya Harter

Tanya held her dagger gingerly, not having much training with it. When Soren hit her with the blunt side of their blade, she staggered back with a winded "oof" of surprise. However, she was determined not to let them get past her. Even though she had next to no training and had to ask for help with lacing up her armor, she was still proud, and that pride made her brave. Baring her teeth, she slashed out with her dagger and hoped it worked.

Raven thought it worked out pretty well, all things considered. T.L. was rushing in and about to hit her when the someone sent a bolt of magic into her side. She was wearing armour so honestly all it did was push her off course and out of the way of T.L.'s fist. She landed on his left side, slightly behind him, immediately whipping around trying to catch him unawares with an elbow to the back of his head with her armoured left arm as she used her momentum to turn, sword at the ready to fend off any counterattack. She kicked out, aiming for his lower torso to send him off balance.


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