(Reboot) Main Roleplay

Isabella Piacere

Isabella pulled her necklace off, and it transformed into a long, intimidating black whip. She cracked it, sending purple sparks flying everywhere. Standing by the flag, she scanned the area for teammates or enemies.

(open for interaction) 

Tanya Harter

Tanya cursed in Greek, watching the Ares camper walk away. Standing up, she ran over to Evie. "Hey, are you okay?" Considering that she kept randomly slashing at anyone near her, the answer was probably no. Tanya thought, and brightened with an idea. Placing her hands on the girl's shoulders, she looked at her and tried to channel some of the charmspeak she knew campers could have. "It's alright. Calm down." Although weak, her words carried a trace of charmspeak. Tanya held her breath and hoped it worked.

Oakley had gone rather quiet as she tried to focus on her timing with the yo-yo. She had noticed that the pair they were after they were distracted by Jacob's attack. She glanced at the yo-yo to see it buzzing angrily and shaking in her hand. She darted her eyes, worried about it. She had it explode before and it almost took her arm off! At his command, Oakley released the yo-yo and immediately threw it. The net expanded and Oakley could only hope that this would have worked.

@Kojuen @AnimeGenork
Evie Saradana

"No, I am not okay." Evie shrieked, indignicantly, "Look at my hair! Look at my clothes! Everything has been completely ruined by this stupid game!"

That was when the other Aphrodite camper grabbed her shoulders and looked into her eyes. And she spoke. Her words made sense, calming down sounded like a good idea. Obediently, Evie took a deep breath and relaxed her shoulders. A hint of a smile reached her face. And the sword fell out of her hand, clattering, making her jump in surprise. She hadn't realised she'd dropped it. 

"Tanya..." She looked at her half-sister, "Thanks. But... Did you just-? That was charmspeak, wasn't it?"

( @Amity Girl )
"Ooof." The breath was knocked from Raven's lungs when he tackled her, sending them both to the ground. She recovered quickly, one hand on his shoulder and pushing him back to give her more leverage for a satisfying elbow to his head to stun him. With the help of a kick, she shoved him off to her right and attempted to pin him down.


"Shoes don't fail me now," Ari muttered under his breath. He had scaled the tree with the branch that stuck out the most into the clearing. Thankfully fighting demigods rarely ever looked up. When he had gone out as far as he dared, he braced himself a moment before delicately jumping off. "Maia." The wings fluttered to life and carried him forward quickly to the chaos around the flag. Don't look up don't look up... And then he had it! Grabbed it as he swooped in low, the heavy weight reassuring in his hand. But no time to celebrate, the wings were carrying him to the safety of the treeline...

"Hey!" Someone shouted over the din. Oh snap. The shout broke his concentration and the wings abruptly disappeared, sending him tumbling to the ground. (Good thing he wasn't too high up) Scrambling to his feet, he ignored his aching shoulder and the place he had landed on the flag, running for the safety of the trees.

((Anyone here to stop Ari?)) 
T.L. grabbed her wrist(the one opposite to which she had him by the shoulder with) and pinned Raven down himself, blocking her elbow with his knuckled hand and shifting over to the right whilst gripping Raven's wrist tight, taking the kick to the side with a wince and flipping her onto her chest before standing up and stepping on her back. just in time to see Ari fly through the trees with the flag in his hands.

"What?! NO!" He glanced at Isabella for a split second, giving her a look that simply read "Get him." Before jumping over Raven a ways to avoid her potentially tripping him and charging after Ari.


@Amity Girl


Fallon watched the others chase Ari and came to a moment of realization.

"Oh, no you don't..." The trees curled around as the forest began to shift.
Tanya Harter

Tanya simply stared back at her older cabinmate, shrugging in response. "Maybe? I don't know. Either way- we should get back in the fight. Work with me?" She figured that even if they both weren't the best of fighters alone, together they would be able to fend someone off. She could feel the adrenaline coursing through her blood, and couldn't help but grin. This was fun.


Isabella Piacere

Isabella followed T.L.'s gaze and saw Ari dart for the trees. Although he was her friend, Isabella was competitive in nature. And besides, no one harbored grudges over capture the flag. She leaped of Zeus' Fist and ran after him, whispering to herself, "Oh no you don't."

@Hollycrest @Skryx

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