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  1. Coldwinters

    Elder World

    Sage's eyes narrowed, "It matters a lot, because you won't be going back at all if one of the sorcerer's men walk by." she closes her eyes and releases a frustrated sigh. She is silent for a few more minutes before opening her eyes again. She looked at Venn and then at Jessica, she knew they...
  2. Coldwinters

    Elder World

    Sage's eyes snap to him and she pushes herself off the tree, "I might be, but then again I may not. However, I suggest you don't yell it too loud. If all of us wandered here what means another will not?" She sounded to calm and kind, her face remained impassive though. "Not all people mean well...
  3. Coldwinters

    Elder World

    Sage watches everyone in the clearing and thinks over things in her head. They all were in the same place and she had just spoken to the summoner so the chances of this being a coincidence were very slim. She had hoped that when she followed the summoner's directions that she would be allowed to...
  4. Coldwinters

    Elder World

    Sage's eyes snapped to the person who had shouted and she raised an eyebrow. Something told her that it wasn't mere coincidence that they all came to this place. She sighed and moved a few trees to the left before she hoped down and strode into the clearing. She leaned against a tree and didn't...
  5. Coldwinters

    Elder World

    Sage quietly moves onto another tree and crouches on one of the high branches so she isn't spotted. She sees the source of the girl's nervousness and slightly chuckles but quiets herself. The girl obviously didn't know the man but to react so strongly showed that something was mentally wrong...
  6. Coldwinters

    Elder World

    Sage looked around and saw no one draw near and she let out a sigh of relief. She continued walking and stopped when she thought she saw something move in the forest to her right. She jumped into a tree and looked down, sure enough there was a person standing next to a tree who looked liked they...
  7. Coldwinters

    Elder World

    Sage was walking and sighed. She had run into the mysterious summoner but had no idea where to go, after all she still had a goal she needed to complete. Lost in her musings she slips and rolls down a steep hillside. Life had been like this as of late, annoying and unplanned. She stood up and...
  8. Coldwinters

    Elder World

    Name: Sage Greyhaven Gender: Female Age: 20 Race: Elf Position: Chosen Warrior Power(s): Lightning manipulation and Healing (herself and others) Weapon(s): Katana Talent: Dancing (also manages to incorporate it in her fighting), Fast, and Agile Likes: Storms, dancing, some other...
  9. Coldwinters

    Dragon Riders

    She looked at him out of the corner of her eye and nodded. "Yes. Yes indeed. It is a fish. Do you find that amusing?" The little fish was swimming around cheerfully and looked down at it and chuckled.
  10. Coldwinters

    Dragon Riders

    Skylar was not paying attention anymore and was digging through her backpack once again. All that can be seen at the top is two hilts for some type of blade and the top of a black coil of rope. "Where the heck is it?" She seems irritated and finally pull out a small little sphere. It seems to be...
  11. Coldwinters

    Dragon Riders

    Skylar rolls her eyes and Eros starts walking in the direction he pointed to. "You sound grumpy." She had a passive look on her face as they pressed forward.
  12. Coldwinters

    Dragon Riders

    Skylar sighs and closes her eyes and sings to herself. Eros listens to her for a bit, but he then gets distracted by his thoughts. Skylar pauses briefly and looks over at Elias and frowns before she looks back at the sky in deep thought.
  13. Coldwinters

    Dragon Riders

    Skylar glared at him when he made that comment, "You are such a jerk at times. Right now is one of them."
  14. Coldwinters

    Dragon Riders

    Skylar sees him approaching out of the corner of her eye. She sighs and speaks louder, "I suppose it's time to go?"
  15. Coldwinters

    Dragon Riders

    Skylar snaps back to attention when they get back and she looks at Eros. "Never. Again." She sighs, "There are just certain things that will never be lived down." She opens her bag and starts looking for something after a while she pulls her hand out with a small pendant and puts it around her...
  16. Coldwinters

    Dragon Riders

    Skylar rolls her eyes and zones out. Her mind wanders back to what happened the other day and she blushes. "Out of all things,,,,"
  17. Coldwinters

    Dragon Riders

    Skylar sounded a bit mocking, "I am very sorry about that. I guess the knife was a bit" She had a mischievous gleam in her eyes.
  18. Coldwinters

    Dragon Riders

    Skylar rolls her eyes and walks over to Eros and climbs onto his back. "Punks..." She then sits down as Eros resumes walking, the dragon still chuckled lightly.
  19. Coldwinters

    Dragon Riders

    Skylar took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes. "Fine. Put a bloody shirt on!! I can't focus!!" She is definetly embarrassed and her eyes are closed. Eros is muffling his laughter.
  20. Coldwinters

    Dragon Riders

    Skylars blush becomes more pronounced when he crosses his arms. "! Nothing is wrong at all." She tries to focus on something else.