Elder World

(This used to be an rp made by a friend of mine on a different website but that site crashed and she gave me permission to use it on here!)


Long ago in an ancient land there raged a battle. After many grueling years it was resolved and the side of good won. However, a powerful sorcerer slipped away with his followers and secretly plotted revenge. Many years passed and the evil in the north began to stir, finally drawing notice.

The kindom started to rally their army, but soon realized that they would need a miracle to help them. Their land soon was destroyed and fell into ruins. People fled the major towns and formed smaller Fiefs. They waited for a day where they could make a stand once again.

All was not lost though, for a prophecy was told.The prophecy told of a group of warriors that would be able to conquer the coming darkness. However, they would first need to conquer their own darkness and find one another. Now the time of the prophecy comes and the members of the group are being called to take action



The summoner- has appeared to each chosen warrior and tells them that they must embark on a journey to find the others like them. appears to the warriors at random times to offer help or advice. FutureDictator

The Chosen Warriors- they are each called by the summoner to embark on a journey. All they are told is that they must find the others like them. each are astounding warriors and have certain powers. They are all good people but have an evil inside them that they each must defeat.


2. Coldwinters

3. Ember Bare

4. Doctor Who?

5. ​Mitaku

6. ​Saya713

7. GoddessOfGod

The assassin- A person that the warriors meet on their journey. His history is known by only him and he eventually joins the group.

The evil sorcerer- An evil person who has lived for a long time. They despise the kingdom for reasons that have yet to be unveiled. They are on an island shrouded in darkness, and they have many followers. They trust very few, and can be very harsh.

The evil sorcerer's men- The followers of the sorcerer. They are ruthless and evil in their own way, and they choose to stand by the sorcerer all the time.


2. ​WeirdBraxto





Trusted men/women- The only two trusted by the sorcerer. They are cruel and evil and will do anything the sorcerer asks them to do.


2. ​Unwavering Knight

(There can be more chosen warriors [up to 8 maybe?] but I'm not going to add them unless someone tells me they want to be another one...)

(If you have any suggestions please let me know)


Character Skelly:






Power(s): (please be reasonable)





Bio (sorry all):







You can't be all powerful, you must be beatable and have a mortal flaw

Please try to stay active (when my friend used this rp, only three chosen warriors stayed on, one of them being herself)

Don't kill or take control of any other character without the user's permission beforehand

You can be any race (magical or human if you want) as long as it's mostly humanoid please

Same rules as all rp'sHave fun!

Once you have posted your character you can go ahead and jump right into the rp whenever possible; you don't have to wait for acceptance or anything

Once you post a character sheet on here you are automatically accepted I will only specifically say that you are accepted if I will then ask you something about you character like if it is too powerful or something like that.
Name:John 'Blu' Further




Position:The chosen warrior


Power(s): Has great strength,has the ability to learn what he sees

Weapon(s): the sword in the picture

Talent: he's good at cooking,protecting and can take a beating before hitting the ground

Likes: the color blue,his friends

Dislikes:mean people

Bio (sorry all): Has forgotten everything,he doesn't remember how but something happened and his memory just can't hold up anymore. He gets bits of it but many are fuzzy,he hopes they'll all come back one day and his memory will be well again.

Crush: none


Other:tends to forget things easily


(Is this okay? xD )
@FutureDictator How far can our characters powers go? I was hoping to do something like pyrokinesis, but not as strong and sensory abilities.

Character Skelly

Name: Venn Svere Knightingdale

Gender: Male

Age: Nineteen

Race: Caucasian, British, Canadian

Position: A Chosen Warrior

Orientation: (Sexual Orientation? That is what the definition states mildly cx) Straight, but rarely talks to girls in the manner that he wishes for a relationship.

Power(s): Superhuman Senses (Ability to see, smell, taste, feel and/or hear more than a normal Human; very skilled), Superhuman Speed (the ability to move, run, fly, react, think, and sense at speeds much faster than a normal human. Those with this ability also have accelerated brain activity which allows them to process sensory information so fast that everything seems to be moving in slow motion while the user moves at normal speed; he isn't very skilled with this) and his skin absorbs heat or fire so sooner or later he will have the ability to control the kinetic energy of atoms to generate, control or absorb fire. He can eat it as well too absorb its energy and heal himself (like Pyrokineses, but he isn't very skilled with it).

Weapon(s): Multiple kunai with an orange ribbon tied to the handle. He then carries two large kunai's that are like swords. The same orange ribbons are wrapped around the handle (Kotutsu's personalized weapon from Naruto, Google it). Under his clothes he wears a special fire/ heat suit; usually without the suit he can burn himself with his own flames, so the suit protects him.

Talent: "Well I like to think my sensory abilities are my number one attribute, but, not too brag or anything, I believe I'm the best darn cook there is. It's nice to be able to cook anywhere, especially if you're basically made of fire."

Likes: "I love ramen noodles, mhm, and a blueberry pie once in awhile doesn't hurt."

Dislikes: "Pears man, those buggers are just disgusting."

Bio: Right after he was born, Venn's parents abandoned him on the streets of a village. He was taken in by a burly man who was too drunk to think about the responsibility of caring for a child. The man, whom called himself Piér, never watched out for Venn so at a young age he was already creating mischief. He would steal toys from the local shops and the women who did laundry on Saturdays always had to worry about sheets going a flame. Venn noticed his fire like abilities when he was ten, but they never truly manifested until just recently. His sensory abilities had been with him the day he was born and he always practiced with them. When Piér was around to discipline Venn it was a strict and cruel beating, lasting up too less then a whole hour of drunken punches or going as long as two days. This went on until Ven was fifteen and even before he was officially fifteen, he was miles away from the town. The Summoner found Venn relaxing by a lake when he came too recruit him, he was more than excited too help and become one of The Chosen Warriors.

Crush: Nobody

Relationship: Single








Shoes - He doesn't wear shoes, he just wraps white bandages around his heels and the entire foot except for the toes.

Suit - To the right is the suit underneath his clothes, it is very thin. To the left is what happens when he uses his fire/ heat abilities, but only when he eats it. If he just uses one body part to play with his fire only that body part will glow that color.

[Tell me if I need to alter some stuff. I won't be offended. :3 And yes he is mostly based off Naruto, but I don't watch Naruto so I tried super hard to change a lot of things. xD ]
[MENTION=3601]Kaleo[/MENTION] no, the assassin can be male or female :)

[MENTION=3924]Doctor Who?[/MENTION] As long as your character is beatable/ has flaw that will hinder him
[MENTION=2919]FutureDictator[/MENTION] Awesome! Then water and lack of concentration or focus can hinder his abilities.
[MENTION=2919]FutureDictator[/MENTION] Good can i call thet role untill im able to make a character tomorrow?
Sure! You got it :)

Name: Jessica Ashlynn

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Race: Elf

Position: Chosen Warrior

Power(s): Dream projections (she can make people see whatever she wants them to such as someone's worst fears, people they love dying, etc) because of this she can go into someone's head to see their memories

Weapon(s): Twin long katanas which she keeps tied to her back for easy retrieval

Talent: painting, singing, baking

Likes: kids, art, baking

Dislikes: males, small spaces, seeing people hurt, singing (even though she's good at it she doesn't like doing it), being around more than 1 person at a time

Bio (sorry all): She was an orphan at birth and was raised in her village's orphanage. She was always a kind and caring person, helping anyone who needed it. She didn't have many friends but had no enemies. Everyone was kind to her but none were very close. She was too shy to really make friends. When she was 16 she had her first boyfriend who didn't treat her very well. He was abusive. She had no idea what having a boyfriend was like so she just went with it at first. Soon, it got too much and she wanted out of it but couldn't out of fear of him. She stayed with him for 2 years before running away one night, telling no one. She was had only been on the run for a short time before the Summoner came to her and told her about the mission. She will never speak of her boyfriend and if you bring it up she'll simply shut down and not speak about it. All though she seems very scared and weak around everyone, if she's determined or legitimately threatened then she become ruthless and powerful. When she was 15 one boy constantly bullied her but it was nothing serious, until one day he pushed her and too far by also bullying a couple of kids. She then got in a fight with him, even though he was bigger and stronger, she showed him his his worst fears as if they were all happening using her dream projection, causing him to crack, he wasn't really the same after that...

Crush: none

Relationship: N/A

Other: Because of her boyfriend she has some trust issues and is uncomfortable around guys. She doesn't really stand up for herself but will always help someone else if they needed it.

Pic(s): She also has many scars on her arms, legs and neck and the majority are on her back so she always keeps them covered.

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Name: Lyra Evensong (Lie for short)

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Race: Vampire

Position: Trusted follower of the Sorcerer

Power(s): (please be reasonable) Venom burn (she can make people feel like they're burning from the inside out) (she prefers to simply taunt and actually fight people so she doesn't use it too much)

Weapon(s): Whip, daggers

Talent: lying, torture, fighting, playing tricks, most say she's the most annoying person they ever met, flexibility/gymnastic skills

Likes: blood, The Sorcerer, night, annoying people and playing tricks

Dislikes: children, animals, 'goodie-goodies', anyone who goes against her/the Sorcerer

Bio (sorry all): Her parents were also followers of the Sorcerer but were killed when she was ten for doing so. Since then she has been a faithful servent to the Sorcerer and swore to avenger her parents' deaths. Before they died however, she always resented their being evil. She was born in a small village where her parents were to 'keep the peace' by either killing or threatening any who tried to rebel. She would constantly run off and try to play with the other kids her age but none would play with her because they knew who she was and who her parents were thus fearing and hating her for it. She grew up alone with just her imagination and she wanted to be in the rebellion when she grew up but when her parents died for their cause she realized that if her parents would die for someone like the Sorcerer then he must not be very bad. She then grew to like him and became one of his most trusted followers.

Crush: none

Relationship: Single

Other: She will never admit defeat and even if she is severely out-matched, she will still insult her enemy no matter what


View attachment 9557
Name: Sage Greyhaven

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Race: Elf

Position: Chosen Warrior

Power(s): Lightning manipulation and Healing (herself and others)

Weapon(s): Katana

Talent: Dancing (also manages to incorporate it in her fighting), Fast, and Agile

Likes: Storms, dancing, some other stuff....

Dislikes: People who attack without a reasonable cause.

Bio (sorry all): When Sage was born her parents were killed and she was kidnapped. At age six she managed to kill her kidnappers and escaped, she immediately took to the roads where she met a man who was a famous knight. He took her in and trained her until the age of fourteen, when he was killed during a battle and she was left alone once again. However, she swore vengeance for her master and took off in search of the man who had killed him.

Crush: No....

Relationship: Single

Other: Quiet and calm. Also a very deep thinker.


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Name: Destiny

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Race: Elemental

Position: Sorcerer's follower

Power(s): Controls water(ice&snow included) and wind


, Bo staff

Talent: Singing

Likes: quiet, singing, night time

Dislikes: Not important

Bio (sorry all): At a young age Destiny's town found out she was an elemental and beat her, tramatized her, and then planned to execute her. She escaped and fled the town. However, due to her tramtic childhood she formed a hatred for people and wander alone. The evil sorcerer eventually found her and recruited her saying that she could finally take her revenge on those who wronged her. She awaits the day where she can see their blood spill...

Crush: None

Relationship: Single

Other: She is very calm but cruel.


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Name: Red Azarov

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Race: Wolf

Position: The Assassin

Power(s): Other than the abilities of being a wolf She has pyrokinisis (Water does effect her)

Weapon(s): A long sword with a gold handle and a white fox tail connected to the handle

Talent: Her voice is alluring. She can talk and lure you in with her voice. She really don't like it but it does come in handy with enemies.

Likes: "You would like to know" ~Grin~

Dislikes: "If I tell you ill have to kill you.... I'm already going to kill you" ~Snicker~

Bio (sorry all): "Only I know and You will not" unless she lets you in her head

Crush: "Do you mean crushing skulls?"

Relationship: "What do you mean? Have I had relations with a human? HA! never"

Other:Moves like a ghost. Will sneak up on you and not be heard or seen.

Pic(s): Most common outfit:
View attachment 9562Others:View attachment 9563View attachment 9564

wolf form:View attachment 9565
I was wondering if I could have the evil sorcerer. You see, my characters are more of the conniving, plotting type, but that's not to say they aren't powerful. So, I think I'd like that role very much. So, perhaps to keep this a secret, you should PM me the answers to the questions I ask. So, how powerful is he? I assume he is, individually, stronger than any one of the chosen warriors alone, hence the need for a group of chosen warriors, right? Also, how old is he? Personally, I think that if it was someone younger than the chosen warriors, it would be quite the tensiony plot twist.
Name: Eve Dreyer

Gender: Female


Race: Witch/Kitsune

Position:Chosen Warrior

Power(s): Ninjutsu and Chi & Aura manipulation (

Weapon(s): A spellbook and a sword from her grandparents

Talent: Naturally adapt at magic,healing,summoning,stealth,and deception because of her young appearance

Likes: Sweets,Learning new things

Dislikes: Rude people

Bio (sorry all): Eve's parents are wealthy people,and they love all of their children,but Eve did not the simple plush life.She enjoyed playing outside and adventures.So she always stayed with either of her grandparents.Her yokai grandparents lived far in a different plane,at which it took a lot of power to reach,so she would visit them often just for the thrill of the random battles,when she reached them they would even have a little battle,but on her last visit they gave her a sword specifically for her.She would often visit her witch grandparents,and when she did they taught her various spells and gave her a spellbook to practice

Crush: She does not have any at the moment but tends to flirt a lot



Pic(s):View attachment 9583

(Sword) http://www.trueswords.com/images/prod/c/battle_ready_cyborg_ninja_sword_540.jpg

(Spellbook) http://www.mourningwood.com/spellbook/spellbook_blood.jpg
Name: Xavier Nilestone

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Race: Fallen angel

Position: The Summoner

Power(s): Teleportation, can see flashes of the future and knows the past, controls wind

Weapon(s): A long staff

Talent: understands animals (he doesn’t know what they say but can understand what they mean by behavior), very strong

Likes: freedom, people (but tend to shy away from them because he feels different than every one else), animals, kids

Dislikes: not being able to know something that is needed, the Sorcerer/evil people

Bio (sorry all): He grew up in a large, loving family until age 10, then they were all killed in a bloody massacre. He will never speak of it but the memories from that night have haunted him ever since. He had somehow managed to escape with his life even though he was ‘killed’ in the fire which murdered his family. He didn’t die because, before the men came who killed them, his mother put a spell on him so no natural disaster could kill him. She did not do this to anyone else however because she knew that if she did so Xavier would stay with them and not achieve his fate and help the chosen warriors. Xavier does not know this though and is still confused as to why he cannot die. After his family’s death he wandered around from town to town, slowly discovering more and more of his powers until he finally got the vision of him helping the chosen warriors kill the Sorcerer. He then went on the search to find the people in this vision and bring them together with the help of fate.

Crush: N/A

Relationship: Single

Other: He can’t die of any natural cause, he must actually be killed by someone to die (not by fire, disease, suffocation, etc but actually stab, cut, etc. him until his heart stops pumping or until he bleeds to death).


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Name: Raven

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Race: Human

Position: Chosen Warrior

Powers: Aeromancy, cryomancy (ice magic)

Weapons: Bow and arrows, twin daggers, throwing knives, bombs (flash, smoke)

Talent: Stealth, speed, agility. Can make his own bombs, and has a vast knwledge of poisons. He can also play a flute.

Likes: Music, napping in a quiet place

Dislikes: having his nap interrupted, arrogant people

Bio: The first ten years of his life are a mystery, even to him. He was given the name Raven by the man who taught him everything he knows. After the man's death, Raven became a wandering Ranger, unaware of his destiny... until now. Raven is usually carefree and kind, but he will get mad if someone is threatened.

Crush: Jessica (affectionately calls her "Jess")

Relationship: Single... for now

Other: He has an intense fear of fire, which prevents him from using standard fire bombs. He also has burn scars on his right leg (covered by his pants), the origins of which are unknown.

Pic: View attachment 9702
While I haven't been on this site very long, I hope you'll find I make up for it with experience on previous sites and a general aptitude to play a variety of characters, and allow me to fill the role of antagonist, a role I greatly enjoy.

Name: Ch
'lottorath X'ncrorax


Age: physically
he's probably fairly young, due to magic slowing his aging. In reality, he's lived for centuries in relative seclusion, plotting and waiting as he planned his vengeance.

Race: Human

Position: Evil Sor

Dark, arcane magic beyond human understanding, the kind of which one must speak with Hell's darkest overlords and make forbidden blood pacts to obtain.

Weapon(s): A
gnarled, twisted wooden staff crowned with an unknown animal skull. The skull is said to be from some unknown beast from the netherrealm, and a conduit to focus and amplify his magic.

Talent: Magic, the arcane arts in gene

Likes: The Necro
nomicon, dark magic, power, general chaos and destruction.

Dislikes: Peopl
e getting is his way

Bio (sorry all): There
once was a young and beautiful sorceror. He gained powerful magic, but was deemed dangerous because of the fact that he used dark rituals involving blood sacrifice and archdemons. His army was beaten, and he haw gone into hiding in the centuries since.

Relationship: None?
I'm not sure what this slot means.

Other: None wo
rth mentioning

I don't have any worthwhile pictures that fit the character on hand. Here's a text description instead! The sorceror's true face is unknown, hidden by an elaborately woven cloak of a dark red color. He also wears black gloves, ensuring that no inch of skin is visible. Beads and charms dangle from his wrist and belt, as does a single thick tome, its pages yellowed with age and its runes in a language lost to men.
Name: Tier Crimson

Gender: Female


Race: Human

Position: Chosen Warrior

Powers: Summonig and inflicting pain

Weapons: Wires attached to two black knives

Talent: Good with gathering intel, cooking, and climbing

Likes: Food, her blind fold, friends, her summonings.

Dislikes: people who arent her friends, disgusting foods

Bio:She was a small normal girl that lived in an oridary village like the rest, so she thought. It was a sunday night her and her parents came home from thier usual outting around town. The night was getting darker and the moon became more red. The mother clung to the husbands arm as the father took ahold of his daughter's shoulder to giude her. The mother gave the father a worried look. The father shook his head and gave off a small smile as they neared the path to their house. A scream could be heard from far off about 6 houses down. The father became worried. He wanted his little girl to live in an ordinary village with and ordinary life, have ordinary firends and grow up ordinary but he knew the time was coming that his wishes will not be fufilled.

The screaming stopped snapping the father back to reality. He Quuickly rushed the into the house. He quicklky locked the door when a bang hit the part of the house. The mother shreeked grabbing onto her daughter.The father gave a more serious look as he went into his drawer and pulled out a wand made of old ancient oak. He turned to his daughter and gave her a smile and kneeld down infront of her. " Sweetie..listen dear... momma and pappa are going away. We wont be here anymore but well be in you heart".he pointed to her heart as the mother began to cry. The girl was worried and touched her mothers cheek then looked back at her father."father..what do you mean arent you staying with me." Before the father could say anything. A reched demon broke through the house. A tall man came afterwards following him with his hands out. her mother hugged her and whispered in her ear."remember..you were born to do so much...we love you ok...we love you." " eat them". the older man barked out. Before her mother could kiss her the beast bite down on her leg throwing her up into the air and swallowing her whole. the girl screamed tears flowing through her eyes. the beast then snapped off the fathers neck eating him slowly. The man walked up to her and was about to take her life when she screamed as loud as she could releasing a magic circle underneath her. 1 mann appeard behind her holding her. The man was a replica of the little girl but was a male." a summoning..how could you..YOUR JUST A LITTLE GIRL". The man pushed off taking off with the girl and leaving the murdere behind. As they move away her tears never stop as her heart becomes cold only remembering the face of her parents killer and the dog he summoned.

Crush: None so far

Relation ship: single, parents died

Other: She usually sleeps in a magic door she summons., read the book of death and life.

looks:View attachment 9926
Name: Helbrecht Aschenwandler

Gender: male

Age: 146 years

Race: formerly human, now mostly demonic

Position: bound to the sorcerer via a bloodwoven pact, thus one of his most trusted servant

Power(s): terrifying strength and endurance, as well as a peculiar resistance to magic

Weapon(s): anything he can find and it fits into his hands, if nothing is found, he simply uses his fists and crushing might

destruction, slaughter, murder, bloodshed

Likes: heroes, warriors, anyone fighting him, his medallion, honor

Dislikes: his god, himself, almost all of the rest of the world, weakness of any kind

Bio (sorry all):
Born he was as the normal son of a blacksmith, not much known is about his mother, only that she was a valiant knight, who soon vanished while serving, only a few years after giving birth to her child.

While one may have thought that his father would have wanted him to become a blacksmith himself, his father rather saved all the money he could gather to send Helbrecht onto the academy of the order of the Templars, where he followed in the footsteps of his mother, of sorts.

Or so his father thought, at least.

Not much is known about what follows after, due to the fact that the order was highly secretive, except that he absolved his training, but always exhibited signs of mental instability, he complained about hearing voices in his head, speaking to him of untold destruction and never-ending bloodshed.

Some time after that, he deserted, apparently having gone utterly insane, and from then on sold himself as a mercenary, always only joining the side that seemed most unlikely to win, in order to be able to kill and slaughter that much more, proclaiming all his bloody deeds in the name of the God of Murder and Hate.

This service warped him further, bit by bit, he lost his humanity, his body mutating to a staggering height of 12 feet, his chest as inhumanly wide as a carriage, his limbs like tree-trunks, all of his flesh purely made of grotesquely-swollen muscle, he is a frightening tool of destruction in the hands of the sorcerer.

Crush: none

Relationship: none apparent

Another slight peculiarity remains about him. On his chest, right above where is heart would be located, is attached, held in place a via chains, a small, cheap metal medallion of amateuristic craftsmanship, on its rough surface images of paradoxical peacefulness engraved, such as a calm water, bright, free sky, and a harmonic plain of flowers.

While Helbrecht is quite fine with being entirely gore-encrusted, this medallion is always kept meticulousely clean and safe from any sort of bloodshed, and he falls into an unrelenting rage if anything so much as scratches this trinket.

Pic(s): View attachment 9963
[MENTION=3733]Unwavering Knight[/MENTION] - Accepted! The only thing is to be sure Helbrecht can be defeated, he seems pretty indestructible right now...
Oh, he is quite difficult to be destroyed, certainly, but, as said, he is NOT entirely immune against magic, nor is even his hardened skin unpenetrable to conventional weapons. There are not many who wish to be the servant of the sorcerer, preferring to be a chosen warrior, a protagonist, instead, and since the sorcerer really seemed to need a good meatshield, I thought it would be most sensible to provide just that.

Besides this, you also still have to inspect Saya, VaporSnake and GoddessofGod's forms, which are above mine. They have been waiting longer than I, it would be unjust if they went unnoticed.
Ok, I'm just being sure.

I probably should have said this in the beginning of the thread but I do this so everyone is accepted even if I don't say it and the only time I do say you are if I then have something to ask you about.
Name: Cascare Rulet

Gender: male

Age: Appearance age is about 20

Race: Corrupt Elf

Position: Evil Sorcerer's men

Power(s): (please be reasonable) Blood swap (He swaps part of his blood with his targets freezing the enemies insides with his blood, cannot totally freeze them) Blood sacrament (He summons a frozen blood demon to fight with him) More to be discovered

Weapon(s): His 'cold' blood

Talent: The art of philosophy

Likes: the cold, death, the sound of blood rushing and heartbeats

Dislikes: his haunted dreams, hospitals, memories

Bio (sorry all): Being born in the high commanding family of his native homeland, he enjoyed his daily training with his mother who was a skilled poet. His father on the other hand would help in his studies of becoming a doctor which was his most sought after goal. Then around the age of 12 his home was invaded by a force known as hell itself. He didn't and couldn't explain to himself what happened as they invaded, slaughtering everyone in sight. Then as he went to the safe arms of his parents a blade went strait through his mothers head and on the back-swing his impaled his fathers chest. He was certain he was next but then the darkness settled into a form in-fount of him. The demon grabbed the now fainted boy, taking him to the underworld. In his days there he was tortured and experienced terrible things that the demons did to the world. He was taught his hidden abilities with magic, being exposed to the different forms of fire that was usually used by the demons but it would never work right, it only came out as ice. One day as the training went on he became frustrated with his instructor and went into a rage. His father had taught him the importance of blood to the body, and then out of no where he took his teachers blood strait out of his body, claiming it for his own and at the same time adding some of his own. The guards over watching this flew down and poised there weapons at the boy, he was ready to die. And as the blade struck down at him he wasn't there anymore, he was back in the regular world, without a scratch. He was traumatized by this, he didn't know what to do. Then a while or so passed and he gained a nice control over his blood and wanted to put it to use. He had grown cold and evil in those days and hopped the despicable people of this world would suffer like he did. War, it had come and he knew the evil side awaited him. He fought hard , using everything he had, but the time of defeat had arose and he fled with a man who called themselves leader. He know is with that man who is devising plans to attack again, while he is just in the corner thinking his dark thoughts...

Other: "The time rises when men become more then men. That time is when you realize you are different, for better or for worse" - Cascare's mother


View attachment 9972
[MENTION=3442]weirdbraxto[/MENTION] there is already an evil sorcerer for this rp, sorry. Please look at previous characters before posting next time.
[MENTION=2919]FutureDictator[/MENTION] Well I did see that character but you didn't say he was accepted but alright, can I still have him being one of the bad guy(can't remember the term you used at the moment) and still have him like he is now?
[MENTION=3442]weirdbraxto[/MENTION] I am sorry, I could have sworn I put VaporSnake's name on the positions list. Yes you can definitely be one of the Sorcerer's followers. Sorry for the confusion...

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