Elder World

[MENTION=962]Metronome[/MENTION] sorry, I didn't see your post, but um, yeah that would cool if you could be a medic, they're bound to get pretty injured throughout the rp and it'd be helpful to have a medic :) And like Unwavering Knight said, just post the character on here and you are automatically accepted, I myself find it annoying to have to wait for the leader to accept you and I don't really feel like I need to. If I feel you need to change something, I'll ask you about it when you post it but that's pretty much it. Thanks for the interest in the rp :)
Name: Zinzie "Zin" "Zinny" Searoby

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Race: Witch

Position: Medic

Power(s): Unlike most witches, Zinzie doesn't practice much magic. The only spells he knows are a protection spell, and one that makes things levitate.

Weapon(s): None

Talent: Zinzie's true talent is potion making. His mind is a vast memory of recipes, all he needs are the ingredients.

List of potions:

More to be added as I think of them.

(He doesn't actually have these on him, these are just the ones that he can make.)


Strength elixir: Gives you the strength of ten horses

Healing paste: Just rub it on the wound to make it all better.

Numbing draught: Causes the drinker's body to go numb. Useful for medical reasons.

Viagrus potion: Just one gulp, and you can fix those pitiful nights in bed.

Delirium draught: Causes the drinker to suffer temporary insanity.

Aging potion: Ages the drinker. Can be made to be permanent or temporary.

Cupid's arrow: I think you can probably figure this one out.

Various antidotes to various poisons.

Beautification Potion: Very popular among the less fortunate people.

Calming draught: Calms the drinker if they are experiencing shock, hysteria, anger, ect.

Draught of Sleep: Sleeping potion. Can be made more or less potent, depending on want the customer wants.

Tummy tonic: Fixes stomach aches.

Hair Regrowth tonic: re-grows, or grows, hair.

Completely worthless:

Everklena: A gag 'cleaning product' that actually makes more of that it's sprayed on.

Porfirio egesta: Turns the drinker's bodily waste purple

Farmer's dream: Produces vegetables the size of a horse. Only works on carrots.

Everlasting Elixir: It's actually just water that never runs out.

Elastic tonic: Causes the drinker's skin to become rubbery and stretchy.

Cocoa drink: Causes everything the drinker eats to taste like chocolate. Actually pretty popular.

Likes: Zinzie likes most people, but he seemed particularly fond of taking in the world's underdogs.

Dislikes: Zinzie dislikes people he sees as stubbornly ignorant. In other words, those who refuse to learn. He's even gotten a little cross with Orren about his stubborn refusal to take in information.

Appearance: Zinzie is a tall and lanky man, standing at 6'3". He has an olive complexion, a messy head full of curly brown hair, and a goofy smile that never seems to go away. His eyes are often half lidded, stuck in an expression that makes him appear to be only slightly aware of his surroundings. He doesn't really come off as an overly brilliant guy, but he's smarter than he looks.

Zinzie's father was a renown potion master in the quaint little town that he grew up in. Zinzie's mother passed away from illness when he was young, so naturally, he did he best to remain the apple of his father's eye. Zinzie took up the family business at a young age, working with his father in the shop. When Zinzie was old enough to fend for himself, he moved out with the plans of setting up his own little potions shop somewhere. However, it never happened.

Once Zinzie got out of his one horse town, he found that the world was a much bigger place than first realized. How was he supposed to just set up a shop somewhere and stay there? He wanted to travel, to see places, to meet people. So instead of making a stationary store, Zinzie decided that he would be a traveling merchant. Of course, to do so was also to choose a life of the unknown. He could easily be robbed, caught in a storm, contract diseases, ect. But that wasn't about to stop the eager young man. Zinzie has always managed to be an optimist. No matter how bad off he finds himself, there's always something that he can praise, and even he does well, he manages to keep himself humble.

It was during his travels that Zinzie came across his best friend: Orren. Zinzie was taught by his father that no one should ever be outcasted. This is why, despite the major social taboo, Zinzie has made his company with the very definition of an outcast: a leper. Zinzie helps his friend in many ways, even if he can't create a potion to cure him.

Name: Orren Lafrie

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Race: Human

Position: Team mascot

Power(s): It's more of a side effect of his disease than a power, but Orren can't feel pain on the outside of his body. His nerve endings are dead. This means he could lose a finger and not even notice, he could be on fire and not know it, he could be bleeding to death and be completely oblivious. Yeah, it's a pretty suckish power.

Weapon(s): Many might consider his very presence to be a bioweapon, but his leprosy is not contagious. He can only use his scare tactics on people who don't realize that.

Talent: Being a grump.

Likes: Unlike Zinzie, Orren tends to be a pessimist. Of course he likes his best and only friend, Zinzie. Orren is also fond of strawberries.

Dislikes: Everything else

Appearance: It's hard to say what Orren really looks like when half his body, including most of his face, is covered in bandages. Orren has lived with leprosy for several years now; long enough for the disease to disfigure his body. His frame is small and a bit too thin, standing at only 5'5". His skin is pale underneath all the clothes and wraps, and usually sickly. His one functional eye is blue-grey, the other is too corroded with sores and is blind. Orren's dark black hair contrasts greatly with his fair skin. It's usually covered by a hat to hide the fact that it is very unkempt. Orren is unable to properly care for himself, as his fingers are no more than stumpy nubs. Orren's body is littered with open sores that refuse to heal, including the bottoms of his feet. His toes are about as stumpy as his fingers, one foot so deformed that it causes him to walk with a limp. However, as excruciating as his appearance may seem, due to the nature of his disease, Orren can no longer feel pain on the outside of his body. He could burn his hands a scolding pot and not even realize it. Because the leprosy is essentially causing him to rot away, Orren has the constant odor of a dead body. However, Zinzie came up with the idea of treating his bandages with peppermint oil, so the smell isn't nearly as bad as it could be.

Orren once lived a normal, happy life. His family was dirt poor, but as a child, he never knew it. He played with other children who were also dirt poor, and sometimes joined his mother on the streets to guilt trip people into giving them food or money. His father was a laborer for a nearby farm, but got paid very little for his hard work. Because his parents could scarcely afford to feed themselves, they were rather eager for him to become independent.

However, even after leaving home, Orren remained poor. He lived in an overcrowded house with other people who were just as poor, worked hard for very little, and barely managed to scrape by. Because of the terrible sanitary conditions of his home, disease and infestation was nothing new. It wasn't all that surprising to find a few sores here and there. They could be infected wounds, rat bites, or really any number of things. But when Orren began to develop more and more, it became clear that something was wrong. The other tenants took notice and soon kicked him out. A home was no place for a filthy leper. And so Orren found himself jobless, homeless, and slowly falling apart. He was forced to find others like him if he wanted any sort of human interaction. Slowly, Orren grew into a bitter man.

It was by chance that he came across Zinzie, a few years later. The potion maker had apparently never been to a town big enough to see lepers roaming the streets. He was apparently horrified by the way others shunned Orren like some kind of stray mutt. Despite Orren's grumbles, Zinzie insisted that he talk to the poor man. It wasn't long before the two became friends. Orren agreed to travel with Zinzie, because honestly, what the hell else was he going to do?

(This is the correct body build and type of clothing, but about half of his face would be covered.)


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