Dragon Riders

Skylar sighs and closes her eyes and sings to herself. Eros listens to her for a bit, but he then gets distracted by his thoughts. Skylar pauses briefly and looks over at Elias and frowns before she looks back at the sky in deep thought.
Elias finishes packing and jumps up onto Tatsuo's back. He nods toward one side of the clearing they are currently in. "Come on then Princess. Don't have all day." He was actually not looking forward to going to meet the other riders but knew he had to, even if he disliked it.
Skylar rolls her eyes and Eros starts walking in the direction he pointed to. "You sound grumpy." She had a passive look on her face as they pressed forward.
Tatsuo walks alongside them as they ride. Elias shrugs, saying nothing. He wondered what these other riders might be like and hoped they wouldn't annoy him like the others in his clan before they realized he was not to be trifled with. He did not wish to go through that process again, especially since Skylar was here and he didn't know how she would feel about his... techniques since most of them involved much violence... He glanced at her from the corner of his eye.
Skylar was not paying attention anymore and was digging through her backpack once again. All that can be seen at the top is two hilts for some type of blade and the top of a black coil of rope. "Where the heck is it?" She seems irritated and finally pull out a small little sphere. It seems to be filled with water and there is a white fish inside. "Oh...thats where you were..."
Elias looks over to her curiously. "What is that?" He saw that it was a sphere with water and a fish swimming in it but was wondering why she would have that in her backpack. It seemed like one of the weirdest things he had seen someone pull out of their bag. "Is that a... fish?" He was slightly holding back laughter, this girl was so strange at times...
She looked at him out of the corner of her eye and nodded. "Yes. Yes indeed. It is a fish. Do you find that amusing?" The little fish was swimming around cheerfully and looked down at it and chuckled.
Elias grinned a little. "Actually, yes I do." He watched the fish and Skylar amusedly. "So why do you have a random fish in your bag?"

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