Dragon Riders

Elias looks up at the sun and sees that a good couple hours have passes and it nearly noon already. He sighs and walks over to Skylar and Eros. "We should be getting back to the clearing soon. It's already just about noon." He crosses his arms lazily, unknowingly flexing his muscles as be does so.
Skylar doesn't really look at him and nods. Eros stands up as she does and they start going back the way they came. Skylar is walking ahead of Eros and Elias and is singing very quietly to herself. Eros is trying to not laugh at his owner's way of ignoring him and Elias.
Skylar just kept her pleasant expression on and sounded calm, "I am not wandering off, I am just ahead of you and Eros." She however doesn't look at him and keeps walking forward.
Elias rolls his eyes at her. "I was talking about before. You know, when you wandered off and got attacked. Why did you just leave go wander in the forest?" He had been curious about this for a while but just now got a chance to ask her about it.
Skylar kept her calm and cheery attitude but was felt slight panic. She was hoping he would not ask and that it could just be forgotten. "Oh! You should be more specific." She chuckled softly and continued. "I just wanted to go walking for a bit, and since you were busy ar-talking I decided I would just go." She smiled and hoped he would not press the matter further.
Elias pinches his lips together at this. "You should go wandering off all alone like that. You were fine this time but next time you might not be." He glances at her, just realizing that she hasn't looked at him this whole time. "Princess, look at me."
Skylar sighs, "I will be fine don't worry." She glances his way and makes eye contact with him but then looks ahead once again.
"Princess..." He speaks warningly to Skylar, still wondering why she won't really look at him. He sighs then walks right in front of her and grabs her arm lightly, stopping her from continuing to walk and forcing her to look at him. "Why won't you look at me?"
Skylar blushes so lightly that is almost hard to tell. "What is it?" She keeps her cheerful voice so that she can hide her embarrassment. She thought to herself 'why?! what did I do to deserve this??"
Skylars blush becomes more pronounced when he crosses his arms. "umm..no! Nothing is wrong at all." She tries to focus on something else.
Elias looks at her doubtfully. He then moves so she's still looking at him. "Just tell me the truth will you?" He grabs her shoulders and makes her stay facing him.
Skylar took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes. "Fine. Put a bloody shirt on!! I can't focus!!" She is definetly embarrassed and her eyes are closed. Eros is muffling his laughter.
Elias mouth drops open in shock slightly and his arms fall to his sides as he just stares at her for a moment. Then he bursts out and doubles over himself with laughter. "What... the... heck?"
Skylar rolls her eyes and walks over to Eros and climbs onto his back. "Punks..." She then sits down as Eros resumes walking, the dragon still chuckled lightly.
Elias stands back up, still chuckling but is calmed down for the most part. "Hey, wait up." He jogs to catch up with them and walks alongside Eros. "It's not my fault you bled all over my shirt." He mock glares at her jokingly.
Skylar sounded a bit mocking, "I am very sorry about that. I guess the knife was a bit much...no?" She had a mischievous gleam in her eyes.
Elias rolls his eyes at her but goes along with it. "Yes, actually. Maybe next time you should chose something less messy. Ok, princess?"
Skylar rolls her eyes and zones out. Her mind wanders back to what happened the other day and she blushes. "Out of all things,,,,"
Elias shakes his head at her and they finally arrive at the clearing. "Here we are, finally." He walks over to Tatsuo who is sleeping nearby and he kicks his dragon lightly to wake him. "Tat, wake up." Tatsuo slowly opens his eyes and looks at his rider lazily. "Yes? What is it? Have you rescued your princess?" He asks sarcastically. Elias rolls his eyes at the creature "Yeah, yeah. Make all the jokes you want you overgrown lizard." He replies with a smirk. They were usually like this; playfully insulting each other back and forth. Tatsuo playfully growls at his rider then notices his lack of a shirt. "What happened to you shirt?" The dragon immediately smirks at his rider and opens his mouth to further comment, except this time more teasingly but is cut off before he can, "Don't you dare comment. Skylar simply got injured and I had to use it to soak up the blood ok?" He tells him while rummaging around in one of his bags then finds and pulls out a new shirt then quickly pulls it on. Tatsuo nods patronizingly, "Uhuh, sure. That's why you're not wearing a shirt. Elias glares at the dragon but his eyes show he's not serious. He glances at Skylar then speaks in a lower voice so she couldn't hear, "But she did say she couldn't focus because of it." He tells the dragon with a smirk and chuckles. This then causes Tatsuo stifle a laugh too.
Skylar snaps back to attention when they get back and she looks at Eros. "Never. Again." She sighs, "There are just certain things that will never be lived down." She opens her bag and starts looking for something after a while she pulls her hand out with a small pendant and puts it around her neck. "This, Eros, is why I was injured. I swear I forget this thing all the time..."
Elias chuckles but becomes semi-serious again, "We should get going on our way to the clearing again, we can't assume the other riders will stay there forever." Tatsuo nods, agreeing with him. Elias then turns and walks over to Skylar and Eros to tell them with Tatsuo trailing behind.
Elias nods then smirks and motions toward the shirt he is now wearing, "And is this better, princess?" Tatsuo can't help but laugh at his reider's teasing.

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