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    Other Trying to make friends!

    Wow that's a lot O.O Thanks for the great advice, it really helped!
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    Other Trying to make friends!

    By trying to make friends I don't mean with anyone on this website currently, I mean with someone I met in real life. So I met a person at school recently and they seem pretty cool, they have a lot of the same interests as me and I feel like we could be really good friends. Problem is? We are...
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    Other What do people have against fandoms? (Role Playing Discussions)

    I am a part of multiple fandoms and I have a lot of favorite fictional characters from those fandoms. It is however, impossible for me to role-play a character that isn't mine in their own unique personality (it's just odd role-playing someone else's character that I didn't create)outside of...
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    It's consuming my life too 

    It's consuming my life too 
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    Futuristic Do You Remember Being Normal?

    Lillian awoke slowly from her nap. She stared up at the dull, grey ceiling of her room and thought for a moment before getting up out of her bed. She had awoken from a dream that she had, one that she could faintly remember as it was beginning to drift away from her now, but it seemed to have...
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    Futuristic Do You Remember Being Normal?

    Basics Full Name: Lillian Cassidy Nickname: Lily Age: 18 Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual Appearance Hair: Short, messy brown hair Eyes: Hazel Height: 5'6 Weight: 110 lbs Build: Medium build Visible Mutations (depends of surgery performed): Identical scars on...
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    Anime & Manga anime suggestions

    I just started watching this one anime called Another. It's on Crunchyroll, and so far I think it's pretty interesting.
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    Realistic or Modern Survive the Night..

    She felt a little less worried hearing Damon's response. It was not long after Lily heard three distinctive knocks on the door and watched as Kobe opened up the door to the storage room. "Oh, finally," Lily breathed a sigh of relief, she was ready to get started on this, and was also happy to...
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    Futuristic Fledging

    Name: Oliver Hollows Age: 17 Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight Personality: Oliver has an adventurous, and reckless nature. He's not afraid to take risks or try new things and is curious about pretty anything. This however leads him to be quite mischievous, always causing trouble...
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    Futuristic Fledging

    This looks really cool!
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    Realistic or Modern Survive the Night..

    Lillian sat still in the dark, cramped storage closet, surrounded by the rest of her comrades as they anxiously waited for the sound of their friend, Kobe to alert them of his return with three knocks on the outside of the door. Most were crouching, but Lily was sitting with her legs crossed...
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    Realistic or Modern Survive the Night..

    Full Name: Lillian Ash Edeson Appearance: Gender: Female Age: 18 Sexuality: Heterosexual Personality: (6+ sentences) Lillian (or Lily for short which is what she goes by) is a happy, caring, funny, and daring young girl. She's actually becomes quite popular with the people...
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    Other A question of orcs.

    That's a pretty interesting idea, I've never heard of orcs being evolved from bears/ ursines before O.o Anyways, if your not looking for a hybrid of both a human and a bear, I advise maybe looking at one of those classic evolution chart things showing how humans evolved from apes gradually...
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    Explain it badly!

    Tokyo Ghoul: Guy finds hardest way possible to dye his hair.
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    How High Can We Count Without A MOD?

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    Fantasy The long-lasting thread building

    Sounds good, also I totally agree with you as well about the religion thing, I'd much rather have a made up religion rather than one based off of some other one in real life.
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    How High Can We Count Without A MOD?

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    How High Can We Count Without A MOD?

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    How High Can We Count Without A MOD?

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    Fantasy The long-lasting thread building

    Not sure this counts as an "environment," but I've had this idea in my mind since I heard about this and I wanted to save this until we started brainstorming ideas. Perhaps we could have a modern society mixed in with fantasy elements and creatures. Like the world will be on a planet like our...