Other Trying to make friends!

By trying to make friends I don't mean with anyone on this website currently, I mean with someone I met in real life.

So I met a person at school recently and they seem pretty cool, they have a lot of the same interests as me and I feel like we could be really good friends. Problem is? We are both extremely awkward and shy and our conversations have gone well but are very brief. I have always had social anxiety and have been shy all my life so I mainly rely on other people (like this one) to initiate a conversation with rather than me walking up to them and starting one, though as of late I have been really desperate in making friends and get the feeling I am going to need to start being a little more social and talkative in order to actually become friends with them.

I guess all I am really asking for is a little bit of a confidence booster, just enough so that I can talk to this person and finally start a conversation myself rather than just waiting around for someone to walk up and start one with me. Any advice is appreciated!
Like everything in life depends in what you are willing to do, in how much are you willing to fight in order to become the person you want to be our stick to your insecurities and blame everyone else about your faults and mistakes.

Once you have this one clear its time to make a change, changes are scary because they are new, but its when we change that we learn, we dont learn inside the comfort Zone, we learn outside of it, with this i mean that you have to be willing to talk to this person, and little by little belive that your social anxiety its just a way of thinking of your brain that has been built with in you. Changing that is as simple as making a change and believing that you are not a person with social anxiety and that you are just like everyone else is.

Cause i want you to understand something, everybody, and i mean everybody, either they are tall or small, fat or thin, beautiful or ugly, weird or cool, famous or noobody, rich or poor or anything you can think off, everybody is built out of the same thing, same material, we are all just less than dust in this infinite space called universe, we are not important, we are just less than a microscopic atom in the middle of the universe, once you understand and accept this truth you will be able to change and youll be able to understand that even we mean nothing and we are not special, we create our reality, and we are what we think we are, and i want to make specill focus on this, we are who we think we are, so the best advise i can give you is start thinking different and start changing and soon with practice all your insecurities and all those things you are bodered about will go by, but, remember, new ones will come, cause it dosent matter who you try to think is the happiest person in the world cause its rich famous or beautiful he or she has their problems as well.

Life is and endless road full of traps and rocks that you will avoid and some you will fall into, but its up to you how to get out of this traps, how to fight against the adversities or just back down and die...

So do it, just change, think of who you want to be and become that image.

By the way a good advise i would give you since i guess from what i have read i can make a good prediction, i guess you play a lot of videogames and spend to much time in front of the pc probably watching too much YouTube, one of the best things you can do to break with your social anxiety is getting out of this virtual world of yours that sometimes becomes the real one for most people, make the outside world the one you spend the most time in and make the virtual reality like what is meant to be, "virtual reality" not reality itself, dont forget it.

A lot of people this days tend to stuck into the virtual world as their Dream World, inside it they feel powerful, they are called as they want, they look like they want to look and they are whatever they say they wish they were. This make them feel powerful and gives them a 2% taste of what their real life could be if they had the will to change, but they do not, they get the easy road, they hide behind a virtual world complaining about the world and creating false images of themselves instead of living their wishes in real life, and its so sad...

Ill finish quoting one of my favorite phrases: "Things you own end up owning you... " Do not let them do so, material possesion are another tool to keep you from getting new relationships and focusing your mind on buying new shit to have your mind busy in things that you do not really care about but companies have made you to believe they do ;)

Sorry about my English by the way, Im from Spain, but i try my best to express myself XD
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Like everything in life depends in what you are willing to do, in how much are you willing to fight in order to become the person you want to be our stick to your insecurities and blame everyone else about your faults and mistakes.

Once you have this one clear its time to make a change, changes are scary because they are new, but its when we change that we learn, we dont learn inside the comfort Zone, we learn outside of it, with this i mean that you have to be willing to talk to this person, and little by little belive that your social anxiety its just a way of thinking of your brain that has been built with in you. Changing that is as simple as making a change and believing that you are not a person with social anxiety and that you are just like everyone else is.

Cause i want you to understand something, everybody, and i mean everybody, either they are tall or small, fat or thin, beautiful or ugly, weird or cool, famous or noobody, rich or poor or anything you can think off, everybody is built out of the same thing, same material, we are all just less than dust in this infinite space called universe, we are not important, we are just less than a microscopic atom in the middle of the universe, once you understand and accept this truth you will be able to change and youll be able to understand that even we mean nothing and we are not special, we create our reality, and we are what we think we are, and i want to make specill focus on this, we are who we think we are, so the best advise i can give you is start thinking different and start changing and soon with practice all your insecurities and all those things you are bodered about will go by, but, remember, new ones will come, cause it dosent matter who you try to think is the happiest person in the world cause its rich famous or beautiful he or she has their problems as well.

Life is and endless road full of traps and rocks that you will avoid and some you will fall into, but its up to you how to get out of this traps, how to fight against the adversities or just back down and die...

So do it, just change, think of who you want to be and become that image.

By the way a good advise i would give you since i guess from what i have read i can make a good prediction, i guess you play a lot of videogames and spend to much time in front of the pc probably watching too much YouTube, one of the best things you can do to break with your social anxiety is getting out of this virtual world of yours that sometimes becomes the real one for most people, make the outside world the one you spend the most time in and make the virtual reality like what is meant to be, "virtual reality" not reality itself, dont forget it.

A lot of people this days tend to stuck into the virtual world as their Dream World, inside it they feel powerful, they are called as they want, they look like they want to look and they are whatever they say they wish they were. This make them feel powerful and gives them a 2% taste of what their real life could be if they had the will to change, but they do not, they get the easy road, they hide behind a virtual world complaining about the world and creating false images of themselves instead of living their wishes in real life, and its so sad...

Ill finish quoting one of my favorite phrases: "Things you own end up owning you... " Do not let them do so, material possesion are another tool to keep you from getting new relationships and focusing your mind on buying new shit to have your mind busy in things that you do not really care about but companies have made you to believe they do ;)

Sorry about my English by the way, Im from Spain, but i try my best to express myself XD
Wow that's a lot O.O Thanks for the great advice, it really helped!

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