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Futuristic Do You Remember Being Normal?

Ninja Warrior

I'm God Damn Superhero
Do You Remember Being Normal?
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/asylum.jpg.02fc6c5dee4fa457cbd9d58d3490339b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144689" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/asylum.jpg.02fc6c5dee4fa457cbd9d58d3490339b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Imagine waking up in a bed made of white sheets, you are in a room surrounded by white walls. A blond doctor walks in wearing a white coat. She tells you that the surgery was a success. She tells you that you are a very lucky person. Only you don't feel lucky, because you have no idea what she's talking about. Come to think about it, you have no clue about anything. Your name, your age, your home, your entire life has been wiped away, leaving an empty shell. But according to the doctor, a very lucky empty shell.



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KristenKristen sat on the bed in her room, staring at the wall in front of her. She could see a portion of the paint that was chipping away. She studied the chipping paint, it was so fragile. A person could just slip their finger under it and chip it away from the rest of the wall. Sighing, she stood from her seated position and walked over to her desk. The desk was covered with papers that held lines of writing and the occasional sketch.

Sorting through the papers, Kristen searched for one specific piece of paper. After much shifting she found the piece of paper that she was looking for. On the paper was a sketch on the room, the sketch had been done three weeks ago. Grabbing a pencil, Kristen etched in the section of the wall that had the chipping paint. She allowed the pencil to hover over the sketch for a moment before she slid the pencil back in the holder, and placed the paper back in the stacks.

Looking down at the desk she also saw a small black notebook, inside she saw the tally marks she had made a long time ago. Each tally symbolized a day that she had been trapped in this room. She had drawn these marks in years ago, back when she had thought that she could escape. Back when she had still had hope. Now, she didn't have the luxury of emotions. She was resigned to stay in the hospital forever.

If Kristen were to be completely honest, the hospital wasn't bad. There were three meals a day, a place to work out, a place to interact with other teenagers, and round the clock medical care when she needed it. But, wasn't a prison the same way? The only thing different was that she wasn't forced to wear some horrible orange jumpsuit. So, it was a prison, but not a bad prison, Kristen decided.
@MarvelDude @Johannes @LillaIsACat @Lava @NinjaCat
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[border]Harold Dread[/border]

Mood: Dismally Hungry

Tags: None; open for interaction

Harold slowly opened his eyes to see the all-too-familiar gray ceiling above him. He sighed aloud. Another day in this... well, one could call hospital. Surely, there was food, necessary utilities, other people, but Harold longed for something more than these basic necessities. Something that always puzzled Harold was how he got here. Harold has been here for as long as he could remember. But that was the issue. He's been here about a year, but he only remembers that year. What was his life before that? Did he have a family? Was there anyone outside these harrowing halls that cared for him? Wondering where he is?

Harold sat up in bed as these all-too-familiar thoughts floated in his mind. He looked down at his hands and the scarring at his wrists. He remembered the days after the surgery. How he touched another nurses bare skin and she fell to the floor convulsing. His hands, they could create toxin. Of course, after awhile, Harold could control when toxin came out, but the thought still remained in his mind. He was a freak. Mutated. Dangerous. Despite all these troublesome thoughts in his head, one primal urge persisted in his mind.

"I guess I'm hungry for breakfast." Harold muttered to himself as his stomach growled. The teenager sluggishly got up from his bed and made his way to the cafeteria.
Jemima Tait

Four years was a long time to stare at the same four walls every day without change. Mime still wondered why they were experimenting on every one of her senses but yet not willing to give her back her voice? Other people could speak yet when Mime tried no sounds escaped her throat. She supposed that was why she was called “Mime” quite regularly.

Mime’s eyes were perfect. her vision was better than the average human and she could see even if it was pitch black. Not that there was much use for that here, apart from lights out the whole place was always well lit. She lay on her bed staring at the ceiling. If only she could project her thoughts into others heads, then she could speak.

No use thinking about this now.

Instead, Mime Opted to do something that made her feel better. She would write stories. They’d given her a little notebook. in it you could see one half of ever conversation she’d ever had with someone. As well has many little doodles, poems, random thoughts. She’d filled a few of these over the years.

“Once there was a girl who had everything. Her name was Jemma. She had parents who gave her lots of gifts, and loved her and took her out to all these nice places. She loved the Zoo more than anything. Once she met a boy who stole her heart. He took her to her favourite zoo, but they snuck in at night time. The night was going great, but then they got caught. The boy ran away, and left her to take the wrap. She got into trouble with the police, and she disappointed and saddened her parents. She was so upset, she tried everything to make everyone forgive her, but her parents thought she had changed. They sent her to a cruel place which was supposed to set her right. One day she was going to escape, and get revenge.”

The story was quite sad. She knew this place had obviously inspired it. Although this place wasn’t cruel, they were nice to the test subjects. They fed them, let them wear normal clothes. But they took their memories, which was the cruelest thing. And one day Mime would escape.

For now, it was breakfast time. Mime got up and moved out of her room towards the eatery. On the way she saw a familiar face. it was Harold. She sped up her steps so she got in front of him and go his attention. She put on a smile and waved hello. @Johannes
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Secil Churchill

Secil woke up in a state of semi-consciousness. He wasn't sure where he was and it felt like he was simply floating there. The world was off white, the lights dashing around and an outline seemed to follow his vision for a moment. Everything was so damn bright. He tried to roll over and bury his face into his pillow... except he was falling.

Crap! He screamed mentally right as his face collided painfully with the floor. His nose in particular took the brunt of the impact. He lifted his head until he could set his chin down on the floor instead. "Ow." He muttered, rubbing his nose and picking himself up off the floor to stand back on his feet. He looked around the room, finding it... oddly in disarray. The walls were lined with deep claw marks set in them. He looked over at his bed and it was also in disrepair. The sheets had small holes in them and the covers were in a crumpled heap at the end of the bed. Must've been some night.

He looked down at himself, particularly the claws at the end of each of his fingers and thumbs. He remembered trying to escape the room but eventually gave up after months. He figured they would have repaired his room by now. Or maybe they did...? The days all seemed to just blend together for him these days, especially with how slow the world was to him now. He glanced over at the desk, the only place in the room that hadn't been touched or damaged. Recently, the floor had marks in them underneath the desk. A white leather book was on the top of the desk. The diary he was given.

He thought about going to look through the book before his stomach grumbled. Investigating seemed it would have to wait until he got some grub. Shrugging off his curiosity for now, he left the room and headed towards the smell of food.

[border]Harold Dread[/border]

Mood: Hungry

Tags: @Lava

Harold was walking through a hallway when he heard some shuffling behind him. A girl quickly got in front of him with a kind smile and waved hello. Harold was slightly startled and instinctively brought his hands to his chest. It was Jemima, another teenager stuck in this hospital. Seeing that it was a familiar face, Harold relaxed and put his hands in his pockets.

"Ah, hello Jemima." Harold said with a small smile. Harold didn't know the girls name when he first met her due to the surgery performed on her. Eventually, through some ink and Jemima's notebook, Harold was able to learn about her and her surgery here at the hospital. He glanced Jemima's scar on her neck before resuming his smile again. "On your way to the cafeteria as well?" Harold asked as he started walking again.
Kristen Kristen heard voices down the hall they sounded as though they were coming from the cafeteria. She began to make her way towards the voices. Walking down the hall she wondered who it could be. She had seen a few of the people in the hospital but new people popped up and disappeared everyday. When she made it to the cafeteria she saw a boy and a girl. She had seen them before, she believed their names were Harold and Jemima but she wasn't positive.

"Hey guys," she said walking into the room. "How's it hanging?" As Kristen asked this she moved to get herself a glass of water, getting the water straight out of the tap. She figured it was a hospital, their water should be safe, right?

Harold stopped and put up his fists- she had a habit of surprising people like that and this was a common reaction, so Mime wasn’t startled. Everyone was kind of on their guard all the time here. But Harold relaxed and put down his fists, replacing his defensiveness with a small smile. He greeted her and asked her weather or not she was going to the cafeteria as well. She gave him a smile and a wave and then nodded ‘yes’ to answer his question.

She fell into step with him and took out her notebook In it she began writing a sentence before holding it up to him

“Did you sleep well?”

She held it up for him with a smile and then heard footsteps coming from the hall. She turned and saw another young lady. Kristen, she thought her name was. Mime smiled and waved at her hello. She wrote something else in her book.

“We’re going to eat, want to come?”

She held up the note and waited till she’d read it before putting it in her pocket again.

Lillian awoke slowly from her nap. She stared up at the dull, grey ceiling of her room and thought for a moment before getting up out of her bed. She had awoken from a dream that she had, one that she could faintly remember as it was beginning to drift away from her now, but it seemed to have some kind of importance to it. She remembered people in her dream, though she couldn't place their faces. She felt like they were members of her family, or at least, the family she thought she had. That was the one thing Lily could not stand about this place, the life she could not remember, nor her family that she might possibly had been stolen away from. She wondered what it was like before all of this, and if her family missed her...

She sat up in her bed, and just as she did her stomach began to grumble. Well it's not that bad here, I suppose, at least they have a cafeteria with decent food here she thought to herself. Lily hopped out of her bed and headed out of her cramped room and into the narrow, white hallway that led to many places around the hospital, but luckily, Lily knew the way to the cafeteria and it was conveniently not too far away from the room in which she stayed in. On the short trip their, Lily pondered and tried to think of something else besides the life and family she had forgotten, trying to fill her mind with more uplifting and positive thoughts. Well, it's not like they can keep us all here forever, I mean they did give us these strange mutations for a reason Lily almost stopped in her tracks, it seemed ridiculous how she could have forgotten about it, but she somehow did. Her, as well as the other people around her age that had been brought here, were all given surgeries, or at least awaiting to be given surgeries and operations. These operations had given them strange abilities. Each one had their own unique ability for example, Lily's senses had been improved on greatly, making her be able to see, hear, and smell more efficiently and better than normal humans could. This had also allowed her to harness the power to move objects with her mind by using telekinesis. Lily wasn't really sure why she, and her fellow "inmates" as she liked to call them sometimes, were given these abilities. She also wasn't sure whether or not she really wanted her abilities, or what good they would do for her and others.

Lily approached the doors that opened up into the cafeteria. She didn't need to even open the doors to hear the voices inside. They weren't speaking loudly, she just had incredible hearing and was able to hear them from this distance, almost as if they were conversing next to her right beside herself as she walked. She heard some familiar voices of people she knew as she walked inside, ready to get something to eat.

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