Search results for query: *

  1. E

    Huddled In The Dark (OOC Thread) [Broken]

    I'll go ahead and sound off, then. I'm ready and willing to go anytime, :lol:
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    First Age ahoy! [interest]

    Interesting. A few questions, friend: 1. Do you want just Solars for the established exalts or are Lunars cool too? 2. If Lunars are cool, are we going with standard character creation or the usual alternative?
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    Tora [Broken]

    Combat ------ Join Battle: 7 Join War: 3 Natural Soak: 2L/5B Dodge DV: 6 Parry DV: 6 Movement: Land 6, Climb/Swim 3 Dash: Land 12, Climb/Swim 6 Jumping: 12 vertical, 24 horizontal. Claws: Speed 5, Accuracy 12, Damage 5L, Rate 3, Tags: N Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 11, Damage...
  4. E

    Tora [Broken]

    ...••••(+2 dice to sight and hearing based rolls from Enhance Senses) Dodge ••••(••• Unarmored) Integrity ••• *Martial Arts •••••(•• Claws) Melee Resistance •••• Thrown War LIFE ---- Craft Larceny Linguistics •(Native...
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    Tora [Broken]

    Background: Long ago, a Twilight who also fancied himself the greatest hunter in Creation, fashioned an island game preserve in the West. However, as the centuries passed, he became bored with hunting natural creatures, and the creatures of the Wyld were often too strange to survive long on...
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    Huddled In The Dark (OOC Thread) [Broken]

    ...••••(+2 dice to sight and hearing based rolls from Enhance Senses) Dodge ••••(••• Unarmored) Integrity ••• *Martial Arts •••••(•• Claws) Melee Resistance •••• Thrown War LIFE ---- Craft Larceny Linguistics •(Native...
  7. E

    Huddled In The Dark (OOC Thread) [Broken]

    ...Awareness ••••(+2 dice to sight and hearing based rolls from Enhance Senses) Dodge ••••(••• Unarmored) Integrity *Martial Arts •••••(•• Claws) Melee Resistance •••• Thrown War LIFE ---- Craft Larceny Linguistics •(Native...
  8. E

    Huddled In The Dark (OOC Thread) [Broken]

    Old Realm makes the most sense, given where most of our characters come from. It'd be the first time I've ever seen it in a game(Old Realm as the common language, that is), and I think it would be pretty darn cool. :wink:
  9. E

    Huddled In The Dark (OOC Thread) [Broken]

    Post edited to reduce length. :D [spoiler=] Okay, here's the rest of the story! The anti-poaching screens provided by the long-dead Solar's manse made the island seem both extremely dangerous to approach and completely desolate to those who did not bear the hearthstone or were not...
  10. E

    Huddled In The Dark (OOC Thread) [Broken]

    Ah, there we are. Nice concepts, folks. Things will most certainly be interesting. :D Now, as for mine, I am thinking... the most dangerous game. Long ago, a Twilight who also fancied himself the greatest hunter in Creation, fashioned an island game preserve in the West. However, as the...
  11. E

    A Number of Games, For Your Deliberation:

    I will endeavor to have a character for Broken reasonably ready by this evening. Thank you, good person.
  12. E

    A Number of Games, For Your Deliberation:

    Broken interests me the most. I've been on a weird monster person kick, lately. Would we just be making them with standard character creation rules regarding mutation or is this more of a "Make something interesting and don't think about the rules too hard" kind of thing?
  13. E

    New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dragon"

    Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra The next few days are gonna be pretty hectic but I'll do my best to get Mhenlee's sheet posted ASAP. Between studying for exams next week and my birthday and mothers' day both being this weekend I haven't had a lot of time...
  14. E

    New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dragon"

    Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra Okay! My idea is for a Dawn caste gladiator. Likely focusing on Solar Hero Style with a bit of Melee and a healthy dollop or Resistance. Although I'd like to wait a bit and hear what the others come up with before I set anything...
  15. E

    New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dragon"

    Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra I am interested and will post more when I get back home and have had a little more time to formulate ideas and whatnot.
  16. E

    The Court of the Storm Mothers (Rules + OOC) [Treasure Island]

    Well, I think it's fair enough that the one who owns the ship should get the final say. Besides, I think Kamina would totally name a boat King Gorilla. :P
  17. E

    The Court of the Storm Mothers (Rules + OOC) [Treasure Island]

    This gets my vote. It's _metal_.
  18. E

    Tempest [Treasure Island]

    ...Awareness â—â— Dodge â—â—â— Larceny Stealth ------ Bureaucracy Linguistics â—â—(Native - Riverspeak, Low-Realm, Sea-Tongue) Ride *Sail â—â—â—â— Socialize BACKGROUNDS =========== Inheritance â—â—(2 dots free) Contacts â—â—â— Resources â—â—â— CHARMS ======...
  19. E

    Creation's Treasure Island

    Okay, here goes... I'm going to go with an Elemental God-Blood who goes by the name of Tempest, child of a water elemental to be precise. She's an ex-mercenary marine in her mid 30s who's seen a lot of action and isn't easily intimidated. She's seen a lot of action and can fight as well as she...
  20. E

    Creation's Treasure Island

    If that's the way it's headed, I don't object. It's not difficult to modify the idea. However, are there any other houserules you have in mind aside from no Artifact/Manse Backgrounds?