A Number of Games, For Your Deliberation:


Dialectical Hermeticist


The creation of life is almost a triviality to powerful Exalts. And to those who master it, can be not just their means to an end, but the end in and of itself. For all the Lunars creating species to thrive in Creation and fend for themselves, there is the mildly unhinged No-Moon who believes crocodiles should be poisonous. For every Solar who ever elected to breed Tomb Guardians, there was, inevitably, one who demanded something with new and prolific genitalia.

This is the story of six little monsters in the Age of Sorrows. The lone and broken products of Exalted meddling, they band together to survive in a world that rejects their existence.

Inspired by Crasical's cactus-girl, I have decided on a game of artificially created characters. That they be notably inhuman is the only real requirement, but we'll see how the applications look. I suggest starting with a Heroic Mortal and then applying mutations until you have what you're looking for.


Magic & Mayhem

The year is speculated to be 103 Foundation (700 years after The Fall, and 100 years of seemingly stable society), and the land is split into dozens of city-states. Each city is a magical marvel, a bastion of safety in a world gone mad, a utopia fueled by Sorceror-Kings.

But this is a lie, to prevent... defection. Each ruling Magus has near godlike power, and a personality to match. They enforce their philosophies and magic on the cities that they rule. From the Iron City of Helene Clocksmith, where the people are more machine than mortal, to the Trifene Hive where Heartwright Trifena has mind-scrubbed her subjects into a single entity, few city-states can be described as sane or safe.

To make matters worse, Magi do not get along together terribly well, and the cities war constantly.

As if this was not enough, the lone or outcast Magi of the world have loosed - accidentally or deliberately - a host of terrors on the world, from magically created monsters to thinking golems to hungry wraiths.

Not this concerns you, of course - you're a Magus, too. You are a law unto yourself, a nascent god, a fearsome and mighty conduit of magical energy.

Or you will be, one day. For now you can reliably conjure a fireball without scorching your eyebrows off.

The PCs are a collection of Magi, all Weavers, who by some as-yet undetermined mechanism are cast into a relatively peaceful and uninhabited region of Imeria to forge their destiny. I am quite happy for this to turn into a game of competing magical cities, if party coherency breaks down, or of rip-roaring magipulp adventure.

To The Waters And The Wild

From a moment of powerful emotion. From a century as a favoured sword. From a lifetime of venerated practice. You have clawed and fought and fed your way from such humble beginnings to real sentience. From a simple parasite on mankind's psyche to a more refined predator of the soul. You are denied passage through the Ivory Gate by the Nobles, but know that for the strong, the cunning, and the ruthless, there are places to be filled in the pantheon. Mortals find new beliefs every day, afterall.

Can your Troupe raise themselves from Sprites to Gods, and carve out Dominions in the Overworld?

A test game of Fair Folk! The rules for this are... complicated. I won't go into too much detail until I know if anyone wants to play.
Exalted fairfolk or something else? :lol:

Althou, the artificial something sounds interesting. :shock:
Crucible Fair Folk, Haku. I like Exalted ones, but they often feel a tad too limited for my liking. I will no doubt run a game with them too, when I find a way of using them that feels right to me.

I'll consider that one vote for the artificials. ^_^

And I am pleased by your enthusiasm, Orzhov.
I'll play any of these quite happily, but Magic & Mayhem gets my vote as favourite. Not sure what Pattern I'd go for yet, but there's time to think.

I like the title for To The Waters And The Wild...
Magic and Mayhem sounds quite interesting.

Although I'm not familiar with (i think your system) Crucible.
Admittedly it would be fun to play a necromancer if it ends up being Magic & Mayhem.
I'm all for Broken, myself. ^^ Granted its all Haku's fault for the links. Now i've lots of ideas for that. xD
Orzhov; Awesome. Necromancers are some of my favourites to see played in a high-power game because they get access to more intriguing stuff than your usual raising of dead or belting ghosts in these kinds of setting.

Dingo; While the current core book layout is something of a kick in the face, the system is very, very easy to learn if you're an experienced gamer. I actually introduced five or six people to RPGs with an early alpha test, and they took it within an hour.

I'm actually trying to resolve those layout problems right now, as it happens.

So, two votes for M&M, three for Broken, one undecided.

Bearing in mind I could easily run two of the games on the list. This is just to decide priority, really.
I'll throw in for Magic & Mayhem simply because I never really get a chance to delve into my favorite type of magic very often.
A tie so far, then.

So, a preview for you, Orzhov:

- Ally loses arm. Replace with bonework (usually clockwork made of bone, but not every Necromancer goes for that aesthetic), most likely with weaponized elements.

- Construct handgun that fires ghosts at people.

- Ally dies. Place soul in another ally's weapon for the time being, providing sweet bonuses.

- Construct undying battle-shell of lead, bone, and necrotized flesh for your dead ally to inhabit. Accidentally trade ameythyst core for ale & whores.

- Provide ghost of ally with corporeal form by way of apology.

- Ally ghost tires of the icy hunger of undeath. Make him a magical amulet to live in, give amulet to NPC - POSSESSION!

- Ally would like his own body, please. Attempt ressurection:

- Good news, everyone! There is now a Vampire in the party.
I'd be very happy if you did decide to run Magic & Mayhem AND Broken...

Just so's you know, I'd probably be looking at a Chronomancer or a Torchbearer in Magic, and a hideous poet in Broken.
Not sure what I'd do for Broken, but I'll come up with something if that's the one that goes up. More than willing to divide my attention between multiple games obviously so I'll likely try to jump into any of these.
Broken interests me the most. I've been on a weird monster person kick, lately. Would we just be making them with standard character creation rules regarding mutation or is this more of a "Make something interesting and don't think about the rules too hard" kind of thing?
I would think the best way is to start with a standard Heroic Mortal, and pile on mutations or other quirks until you feel they serve the concept you had in mind. Of course, if you have other ideas, feel free to suggest them.

I'm not enforcing positive/negative point limits because I don't recall seeing any optimization-obsessives on the site.

EDIT: And I'm considering yet a fourth game, very similar to Broken, starring a bunch of Magus-crafted in Crucible. Which opens to the door to playing as Necromantic constructs or sentient stone Gargoyles in addition to organic creatures.
Broken sounds awesome. I have this idea for a girl with wings...but not pretty feathered wings. :twisted:
Predictable result is predictable.

Broken gets first priority. I shall request a forum and await your concepts.

Anyone fancy one of the others to get my second priority? Two for Magic & Mayhem so far.

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