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  1. Pant's O' Doom

    Woaw, has it really been two years?

    And I wonder why I ever left.
  2. Pant's O' Doom

    Woaw, has it really been two years?

    No, seriously, has it? I've been dead. Now, where's the chips and women at?
  3. Pant's O' Doom

    Old World of Darkness

    Wait. What. I can't really comprehend the fact that someone would actually run Mummy, let alone that I return from the depths of IRL to see this on the first page.
  4. Pant's O' Doom

    Mass Effect through WoD- Who wants some?

    Did someone say Drell?
  5. Pant's O' Doom

    Scion: The End of Times(recruiting)

    My guy's a beachbum from a line of cops, so take that what you will.
  6. Pant's O' Doom

    I wish to be the cactus girl.

    Beastmen are just half castes with mutations that represent their beastliness. So scroll of heroes, 106. And the books are much better than they sound.(though I can't find any copies in my local library)
  7. Pant's O' Doom

    I wish to be the cactus girl.

  8. Pant's O' Doom

    I would like to play Scion.

    *Gasp!* Custom Scion game? Be still my beating heart. Could I be a scion of Rainbow Serpent? Please? The Australian Pantheon is so cool, and I want a troop of parrot girls as followers.
  9. Pant's O' Doom

    White wolf - Publishing?

    I agree with you there.
  10. Pant's O' Doom

    Chat Game - Shadowrun

    Yes. wadledo Other stuff.
  11. Pant's O' Doom

    Chat Game - Shadowrun

    If Bardlebee can decide to be face, I can decide to be ninja gecko.
  12. Pant's O' Doom

    Chat Game - Shadowrun

    Monday anytime after 6 works best for me. Also, do you allow things like Changelings from Runner's Companion? Gecko Ninja! Power GO!
  13. Pant's O' Doom

    Of Demons, Airships, and Trolls.

    tI was mostly the fact that the setting in the pdf was not the setting of the game, leaving me bereft of information about the world aside from what you had posted. Also, the fact that some of the parts were in double columns while others left a wide portion of the space blanks was a bit...
  14. Pant's O' Doom

    Chat Game - Shadowrun

    TEEEEEEEEEEE! Wow, this is a happy coincidence. I've been looking over my shadowrun stuff for the past week. I'm mostly available after 5 PM (EST).
  15. Pant's O' Doom

    Of Demons, Airships, and Trolls.

    I'm very sure I tried this, but was left confused and disoriented. Once more into the breach!
  16. Pant's O' Doom

    Return of the Scarlet Empress [+3 intimidation]

    Gods dammit. I was all set to rage at you all about how I ST often and crash and burn more often than I ST and then you go and get all nice on me?! RAGLFRAGLEFROGLEPOGGLE! &*^%(^ #@&^$(@!
  17. Pant's O' Doom

    Return of the Scarlet Empress

    Where's that comic again?
  18. Pant's O' Doom

    Return of the Scarlet Empress

    Yes. Though I think they confuse the mouth of peace (Mr. Chronic masturbator) with Mr. Acting Empress.
  19. Pant's O' Doom

    Return of the Scarlet Empress

    For those of you who don't have the book, the people in charge of the Lotus Massacre do something that prevents teleportation outside and any sort of magical contact. It specifically mentions Avoidance Kata as not working, but that still raises the question of what about perfect parries and...
  20. Pant's O' Doom

    Return of the Scarlet Empress

    Two words: Expected Pain