Of Demons, Airships, and Trolls.


Dialectical Hermeticist

Recruitment Thread for The Darkening

As some of you know, I'm working on a commercial RPG of my own. There is presently a game called The Darkening here on Patternspider that uses the current, first edition ruleset, and a variant, magi-pulp setting. Just be aware now that this is a recruitment for that, and not for an Exalted game - but coming from Exalted, Crucible is pretty easy to get into.

The Darkening has come to Eliphay, in the far South.

The once proud warrior nation is destroyed, replaced by dark and eldritch creatures that twist the landscape and living things. In an unlikely truce, the Vampires, Skinshifters, and humans of Lama wage a desperate war against the Black Princes of the Outer Dark. Further north, in Central Imeria, the Sorceror-Kings send what forces they can spare between their internecine wars and politicking.

The skies are alive with magical airships - and piracy too. The Changelings and Treekin defend Sylanna viciously from aggressors, and the Stormlords of Kelen grow fat controlling shipping lanes. In H'kaer, The Glorious Soldiers Republic, duty does not end in death. Kroms runs a profitable slave trade, though the other Vampire clans are scattered to the winds. The Technocracy of Hrothgard strives for perfection, gradually leaving their flesh behind. The Dead Regiments defend the borders of the Curselands, at whose black heart lies Shaydensea, a place of distorted gravity home to all manner of brigands and cutthroats. And quietly woven throughout it all are the Infernal Houses, great and noble bloodlines who trace their lineage back to demonic parentage.

Looking for more players to join the crew of the Spitfire!

Presently we have a Troll Engineer, Troll Magus, and a pair of House Dellebron Scions.

Your options are broad. Let us call species the X axis-


Trollkin (Troll, Orc, Goblin)


Demonspawn (Houses Lezek, Dellebron, Djuke, Lybar, Hulbrad, and Yrva)

Changelings (Windborn, Icebound, Clawtorn, Steeltooth, Fireheart)




...And your profession the Y axis...



Eotran Monk






Twilight Caste (Twilight Guard, Twilight Surgeon)


Well, lots of choice, I like to think.

If you're interested, I can provide you with a link to the forum, and thus setting material to help you develop a character, and to the rulebooks.

Looking for... any number of players, to be honest. Having a big pool means people can come and go from active posting without detracting from the game.
Colour me interested, like I said. Probably looking at some sort of mojo-slinger, but obviously it's a bit difficult to talk concepts when I have no idea what a Phayder is, for example...
Awesome! I am thrilled at both the interest, and the source!

I shall add you chaps to the group shortly to take a look. PM with any questions you have, and I will be happy to help.

I do apologise right now for the content being a bit... mishmash. Like I say, it's a variant of the actual setting, so it may be a bit unpolished. System should be solid, at least, though the 1st ed incarnation is woefully deriviative and will be replaced with 2nd ed around March.

The second attempt is much appreciated, Pants, and if you can tell me where the problems were or are, I would be grateful.
tI was mostly the fact that the setting in the pdf was not the setting of the game, leaving me bereft of information about the world aside from what you had posted.

Also, the fact that some of the parts were in double columns while others left a wide portion of the space blanks was a bit visually disarming.
Those formatting decisions have plagued me since day one. The next release will be less unpleasant to try and read.

And yes, I can see how the variant setting would cause confusion. It's a bit like when someone uses Exalted to run a custom setting.

If there are any details you need, feel free to ask. My biggest problem has always been having everything so internalized that I neglect to write down certain things. Being bombarded with questions aids my focus.

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