White wolf - Publishing?


So after Return of the Scarlet Empress No more Exalted books will be put through an actual print run (unless it's really popular) In fact white wolf seems to be switching to this model for all their products. Great..

Personally I'm rather annoyed that all future releases are PDF only with a potential for print on demand and MAYBE a print run if demand is high enough.

Any way, what are your thoughts on this?
I'd give a link but I've decided to never ever visit ever again. That forum of theirs is highly unfriendly.

With that said I have heard it too. But I'm not concerned with it, as I can't have the books any other way. >< Of the few I have hardbound are protected from would be family members that would toss them into the trash bin (Its a long story xD )
Wait what ?

That seems somewhat hard to believe considering White Wolf needs to sell books to stay in business. You know, employees liking to eat and everything. Where are thye going to make their money then ?
http://forums.white-wolf.com/cs/blogs/p ... words.aspx

Talks about how the Afterwords in some of the major recent releases were meant to be a farewell to the old business model (Printing books), but was taken as a good bye to game lines altogether.

http://eddyfate.podbean.com/2010/05/24/ ... g-digital/

Podcast about how they are shifting to Digital medium of publishing.

Now they see that doesn't mean all PDF's but still kinda makes me feel eh since I'm one of the no laptop Luddite who doesn't like bringing them to the game table.
Midboss said:
Wait what ?
That seems somewhat hard to believe considering White Wolf needs to sell books to stay in business. You know, employees liking to eat and everything. Where are thye going to make their money then ?
Shifting to a digital delvery format, no more print books, maybe some print on demand mostly electronic and digital releases.
Honestly? I don't care.

I buy all my books in .pdf format anyway, with only core rulebooks as exceptions, as they need to be referred to often by players. Print books are expensive and hard to get delivered properly to my country.

I'm sorry for your loss, but it affects me not one mote. As long as they actually continue to release books, I'm OK with it.
Seems like a reasonable decision to me, if they allow for print-on-demand.

Ideally, everyone would like a deadtree copy, and they'd be shooting themselves in the foot not to at least allow for print-on-demand because it's so cost-efficient.

Trust me - actual print runs are a nightmare. You've got to gauge how many copies you might sell against the amount you need to sell just to break even, and then you need to commission a second print run to supply the customers you were too cautious to prepare for the first time around. And you have to be cautious, because otherwise you could cripple yourself.
I live in a city. In this city there are no RPG stores.

In fact, to my knowledge there are less than five RPG stores left open in this country.

In many places it's quite difficult to actually get dead tree RPG books. Obviously owning them is the ideal, but pdfs are very convenient, and the search functions are useful. So... I'd rather have the option for dead tree, but pdf is good, and POD is good if they get it running. It doesn't bother me.
Yeah, I'm cool with it. I like dead tree format (hence the foot-high stack of Exalted books with Infernals next to it, 'cause it wouldn't fit under the ceiling) but I'd prefer them to keep releasing as pdfs than go out of business due to not moving with the times- this way, they write more books, and everyone's happy!

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