Return of the Scarlet Empress [+3 intimidation]

Sounds like a plan, and everything/one is on the same page (in more than one way). Now I just need to prod the others to finish their charsheets and get to postin'.
Oh right forgot to mention, while I had asked about if anyone of the 4 of you had read the book from cover to cover or the directional focus, it really doesn't matter. I suppose that interested parties would have read it, somewhat at least no? ^^

Anyway send me sheets via pm or here. Once I've checked the sheets. I'll get a forum. (This way I know who all four of you are as well ^^)
Gods dammit.

I was all set to rage at you all about how I ST often and crash and burn more often than I ST and then you go and get all nice on me?!

I'd hate to let you down, Pants. Especially with a name like that. I'll PM you some insults shortly, over which you can feel truly (and personally) violated and offended.
Aight. This is basically just a Cliff's Notes of things so far really, I'll finish assigning abilities attributes and hopefully turn the backstory into a proper bio later. ...or just leave it in bullet points and fill out a bit more anyways, I don't really know. It's so boring to write backstories -_- I'm just in it for the RPing. But it's the primary core of the character and major facets, I'll drastically enhance personality later. Still trying to figure out her actual name but I'll get that by the next time I shower hopefully.



-Her parents were merchants, alongside the whole HOBBY: ENEMY OF ALL THAT IS GOOD IN THIS WORLD cult thing, and taught [HER NAME HERE] some part of their trade before she became the Wraithblade.

-The cult that she became a part of, and was conditioned to serve mind and body - read: prenaturally loyal assassin - was a Yozi death cult, specifically one revering the Principle of Hierarchy herself. The one who would become the Wraithblade, knowing little else and eager to please, became what they desired; little more than a silent, implacable killer, one who would not - could not - betray them, who would hound their foes until the end of time, and who, as the infernal taint permeating the cult shrine where she essentially existed slowly overtook her body, rapidly became something more - or perhaps less - than human.

-As the cult grew from a fringe society dedicated to mindless destruction towards something perhaps more stable, with connections and resources outside of the core group and a power base funded by more than crazy people, the ceremonies became more grandiose, the sacrifices more perfect - and when one of the Green Sun Princes in the area happened by at his amused master's behest, teaching a cult member versed in thaumaturgy how to summon demons, they suddenly had a link to the Demon City of Malfeas.

-Some time later - her perception of the flow of time had become so dilated by that point that she had and has no idea of the actual timeframe, really - the cult managed to procure a single bottle of Chalcanth, the distilled essence of a sacrificed demon, full of its dreams, memories, essence, even its very being. It was presented to the cult's favorite little assassin, who took it and drank it with all the apparent excitement of a corpse, her emotions blunted by a decade of conditioning and bloodshed.

-Whether as a reflection of her own pervasively tainted body being a suitable host, or the shadows in her mind providing an inviting refuge for what tattered remains of the demon's psyche still clung to existence, fragments of its mind coalesced within her, forming a vaguely coherent consciousness. As she drank in its memories, it took in hers.

-It was kind of a bad time to spontaneously combust in a bonfire of Solar essence as she exalted, in retrospect. Getting two new voices in her head in rapid succession made it (un)surprisingly difficult to focus on either, and the whole "bloodthirsty crowd suddenly deciding to kill her" thing really didn't make matters any better.

-The Wraith of Blades fought her way out with minimal bloodshed, averse to harming the only faces she had known in years, especially without being able to think two damn straight thoughts in a row.

-Momentarily after getting out, the whole impending-migraine thing had cooled down enough for her to realize a very important fact.

-Right after that, she turned around and fought her way back to the core, butchering everyone she could find in a lovely stream of blood and body parts, after realizing that leaving any alive would screw her over. A lot. Leaving any loose ends had a tendency to backfire anyways, and more importantly, she didnt' want any fo the cultists getting away and informing anyone capable of taking her down of what had happened - better that whichever demon, Infernal, or local authority found the wreckage assumed that a passing do-gooder had butchered everyone than tracing the slaughter back to her. Granted, they could probably figure it out anyways by the lack of her corpse, but at least it would take time.

-Too bad half the cultists had already been enhanced by the ambient essence to the point that some of them approached yozikin status.

-Covered in blood, her own and that of the slain, she quickly learned that apparently surviving in the outside world requires you to know the language, relevant social norms, all those handy little things. Without any of those skills, and without any real idea of what to do without the order and guidance of the cult, her state very quickly deteriorated, causing her to eventually collapse from starvation and a number of wounds.

-It also turned out that apparently exalting as a Solar caused the exaltation to purge some, though not all, of the miasma in her body. Apparently it was less pleasant than she might have hoped. A lot more of the "crippling pain" thing, really. Not painless at all, as she would have liked it to be.

-Grimoire found her unconscious and blood-spattered in a gutter, took and cared for her for reasons his own, and eventually taught her Low Realm as she acclimated to the outside world. She ended up sticking with him, partially because she didn't know what to do with herself or her newfound power, and partially because she felt that she owes him for saving her life, and so figured that she might as well use her talents to help. One way or another, anyways, whether it involved killing people to protect Grimoire, or just being company on the road. Not that she was very good at the latter, but she was very good at the former, and Solars tended to attract plenty of trouble. It was bound to be a useful skill at some point, right?


-Harbors no love for the Yozis or any of their spawn, but still tends to act much as she did during her stint as a death cult assassin - laconic, brooding, and with a penchant for quick but excessively brutal and oft-bloody kills, along with inhuman flexibility and agility that she hides poorly at best. While she isn't necessarily inherently an emotionless killer by a long shot, she suffers from blunted affect due to years of Yozi cult conditioning, and while she isn't necessarily happy about the fact, she is so used to death being a valid solution that she tends to look to it as the first or second option, rather than as a last result. Whether it is the result of primal bloodlust or just being used to it is up in the air.

-Partially tainted by Yozi essence from spending so much time (figuratively speaking) bathed in it; no mechanical affects, but something about her feels a little off, serious (read: supernatural) investigation could detect it, and she naturally feels more comfortable around any variety of Infernal essence, whether Yozi, GSP, or demonic. Not that she likes it intellectually.

-Drinking the chalcanth while so tainted caused an unusual reaction; some of the fragments of the demon's consciousness reformed inside her, retaining a limited degree of sentience and access to their shared consciousness and memories. it can't directly affect her or vice versa

-it was an Adorjani demon, so she is more sensitive to noise and prefers to not make or be near too much of it. It has a tendency to scramble her thoughts slightly, but the effect is not nearly strong enough to induce any serious psychosis - more than she already had, anyways - so it's more of a nuisance than a constant fight for her consciousness. The demon alternates between vaguely helpful, impossible to deal with, and aggrieved silence without rhyme nor rhythm, and she makes an effort to ignore it as much as possible, though it's unsurprisingly difficult to really ignore something that pretty literally lives in your head. Besides, it occasionally proves useful with some tidbit of information about the demon city of Malfeas, though never any pertinent information - that would be far too informative. It was only a first circle demon, and thus all it can really tell her is about daily life in Malfeas... what little it can dredge from the fragments of its shattered memories.
While certainly not my preferred method of background writing, its still a good one. If you have troubles with the background and such I shall not press you to format it beyond what you have. (But if you do cookies for you ^^)
Why, yes, Yes it is. ^^

One might find it odd that I find her to be quite the interesting character.
No no, she's a fascinating character... but I wouldn't choose her as an avatar... y'know, she has this whole "psycho manipulative bitch with so many personalities she's lost count" theme going on.

Sends an awkward message (says the guy with Ichimaru Gin :roll: )
don't be frontin'. Gin is a certyfied badass of the highest order, and one of the only GOOD characters in Bleach.
Alright, here we go. Officially done and done. Spoiler'd for convenience. Picture is incoming, a custom piece is actually in progress.

supplementary chargen guide used

Lunar Exalt - Full Moon

Name: Oresius Melason.

Alias: The Crescent Wing (title); Ore, Ori (diminuitives); Little Ore (Dock St).

Player: Gold.

Concept: Former street-rat scrapper - at least on the surface.

True Form: Ferruginous Hawk.

Tell: Hawk eyes - golden amber colored, with pupils that expand and contract dramatically.

Motivations: Survive. Avenge his mentor against any demonic force he encounters.


  • Trial by Fire - Though he is dead, Oresius learned much from him and still holds a great debt to his former mentor, at least in his mind. He will stop at nothing to identify who or what ever killed the elder Lunar and treat it to the same treatment.
    Solar Mate - Although he doesn't understand the fever dreams and confusing impulses that seem to strike him at the strangest times, he does know that he's missing something. His mate was a twilight caste exaltation, which unfortunately enough is still trapped in the jade prison.
    Dock Street Kids - His former gang in the Lower City of Lookshy, a bunch of rag tag street kids and young adults who stuck together for better or worse. Even though he was forcibly exiled years ago, he still owes most of them a debt that endures beyond the passage of time... at least in his mind.

  • Personality:

plucky, scrappy, seems shallow,

base, lewd, can't pull punches,

blunt, abrasive, between cultured/civilized and country/trashy,

observant, witty, cunning in his own way,

easy to please, enjoys a good meal, simple pleasures,

regal in his own strangely timed way,

feet firmly on the ground because it's practical and easier to get a head start running that way

  • History:

Oresius is a survivor.

He was born to a family that fell apart mostly because of him. They were never very wealthy, and his father decided he'd rather not deal with the additional burden, leaving early in his childhood. The economic climate was far from friendly at the time, and both of his parents seemed to be drifting between work opportunities. His lone mother just wasn't enough to support both of them, and out of a round-about sense of maternal nurturing she abandoned him. He ended up on the streets around the age of thirteen or so, living on the edge of Lookshy's Lower City.

It hardened him, taught him to be wary and alert, and to always have a plan in mind. Not necessarily cunning or intelligent by traditional means - but street savvy. He lived on the street and then with a series of gangs for most of his teen years, sticking together for protection and comfort. Never really petty, or into crime, it was a means to an end... and he ended up almost taking over the little 'family' they'd created. The Dock Street kids changed his life, really gave him a place to belong, and trusted him. He was reliable to them - he was smart and didn't take shit, and so he began to collect a following. He actually began coordinating the gang to STOP petty crimes, trying to garner rewards from the town inhabitants and officials.

He'd developed a sort of regal air to him, something that drew the weaker and newer members to his side. Long story short, about half the boys wanted him to take over for good. They thought he had better ideas, and actually would help them get ahead. They didn't want to live like that forever, and it seemed like he had a vision - an idea of how they could make their dreams a reality. However, the current leader of the rag-tag gang didn't really like that very much. Oresious was forcibly exiled, the leader and his friends beat him to a bloody pulp and left him in lying in the gutters.

This caused him to Exalt. He was almost eighteen.

This was pretty damned confusing, but lucky for him his stars had already been read by other Lunars. They knew an Exaltation was coming and sent a few to track him down before he could be exposed and get anyone or himself killed. For being wounded, he put up a pretty impressive fight, and didn't understand what the fuck was going on or why he was suddenly a few feet tall, covered in feathers and ...then he passed out.

They managed to get him out of town and into the wilderness where they explained things, and inducted him into the Silver Pact. Because of his plucky and direct attitude during his first impression and throughout his trials, he was labelled a Full Moon caste. Since then, he spent the last eight years or so learning under his appointed mentor, Trial by Fire, who happened to be a pretty brilliant magitech engineer. It sure didn't hurt that his first life saw him as one of the most skilled inventors among the Lunars. Why he's now a Full Moon is beyond any that were familiar with his history, but he oddly fits the description to a T.

Through a series of suggestions, trials and challenges, he was pushed by his mentor to acquire Heart's Blood of varied and unusual sorts - rarer and larger creatures, along with veiled suggestions of a more supernatural sort - for reasons the old man wouldn't divulge. He only implied that he had his reasons and loudly doubted his apprentice's acumen for the Sacred Hunt: that did the trick, and now Oresius boasts a fairly expansive library of Heart's Blood.

Not long ago, his mentor died in a mysterious magitech accident that had the stink of Yozi essence all over it, now he's striking inward to investigate. Running across MUNCH's trail, he mistook her for the infernal presence and attacked her, actually causing her to expose herself as a Solar. For his own reasons - mostly strength in numbers and the fact that they may be able to help one another - he stuck with them.


Compassion: 3

Conviction: 2

Temperance: 1

Valor: 3

Willpower: 6

Essence: 3

Personal Pool: 15

Peripheral Pool: 36


Allies: 0 (Former gang - Dock Street.)

Heart's Blood: 2 (4-10 Forms.)

Mentor: 0 (Trial by Fire, Deceased.)

Moonsilver Artifact: 2

Reputation: 1 (Silver Pact.)

Solar Bond: 2


Strength: 3

Dexterity: 5

Stamina: 4

Charisma: 3

Manipulation: 2

Appearance: 3

Perception: 3

Intelligence: 4

Wits: 3


*Athletics: 4

Awareness: 3

*Dodge: 3

Integrity: 2

*Martial Arts: 3

Resistance: 2

*Craft (Air): 4

*Craft (Fire): 4

*Craft (Magitech): 3

*Survival: 3



Humble Mouse Shape.

Towering Beast Form.

Deadly Beastman Transformation.


Hide of the Cunning Hunter.


Second Dexterity Excellency.

Golden Tiger Stance.

Wary Swallow Method.

Wind-Dancing Method.

Flowing Body Evasion.


Claws of the Silver Moon.


Spectral Talons (Tattoo Artifact 2)

Banded moonsilver tattoos that lace through and around the Lunar's fingers emit a bright luminesence, forming what seem to be claws or talons of light about two inches long from each fingertip. Although remarkably sharp and entirely unbreakable, their true benefit lies in their namesake: they literally pass through armor and defenses as though they were nothing more than shadows. This property makes them extremely deadly in unarmed combat, able to rake and tear at flesh beneath shields and even the heaviest of magical armor. Due to their nature, they naturally are capable of hitting spirits and other incorporeal beings, regardless of their intangibility.

  • Material: Moonsilver.
    Keywords: P, M, N.
    Speed- 5.
    Accuracy- 2.
    Damage- 4L.
    Defense- 0.
    Rate- 5.
    Attune- 6m.

*Ferruginous Hawk.

Str: 2, Stam: 2

*True Form.


Str: 5, Stam: 4, Dex: 6

Notes: Wings, Feathers, Talons, Enhanced Sight.

Alley Cat.

Str: 2, Stam: 2

Notes: An absolutely boring tabby cat with black, grey and brown coloration.

Burrow Lok.

Str: 6, Stam: 6

Notes: Giant trap-making badger.

Grass Snake.

Str: 1, Stam: 1

Notes: Non-poisonous.


Str: 9, Stam: 8

Ice Weasel.

Str: 4, Stam: 4

Notes: Giant white weasel.


Str: 1, Stam: 2


Str: 5, Stam: 4

Tree Pard.

Str: 5, Stam: 4

War Hawk.

Str: 5, Stam: 3

Notes: Giant hawk with a wingspan of thirty feet.
Hello! To those that don't know me (everyone except GuacAnole and Tabby!), it's great to meet you! My character's ready too, so I'll be posting her here. I hope to see you soon!


"Melodies may be ethereal, yet they are the voices of dreams. Let my heart's song flow forth from this lute to fill the world!"

Solar Exalt-Eclipse Caste

Name: Illyana Fahil

Nickname: Illya

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Player: Hoshiko

Concept: Wandering musician.

Motivation: Bring peace and prosperity back to her homeland, and become a world-renowned musician.


  • Family - Illya cares deeply for both her brother and father; even though she hasn't seen them in some time, she sends letters whenever her wanderings take her close enough to Greyfalls.
    Immaculate Order philosophy - The Immaculate Order's teachings have been deeply ingrained into her ever since she was a child; while recent events, particularly her Exaltation, have shaken her unquestioning belief, she still remains a follower of most of the doctrines proposed by the Order.


Illyiana is a young woman hailing from the city of Greyfalls, in the Scavenger Lands. Commerce is one of the strongest activities in the Realm-dominated region, practiced by many, and her family is no exception; her father runs a modest business, buying and selling glass ornaments and baubles for a living. He began by trading in goods from the Scavenger Lands, building a reputation for himself by proposing fair prices and special treatment for frequent buyers. He eventually met and married a fellow trader; the two of them became business partners, and their income and social status rose as more people were drawn by the merchant couple's goods and charm. In due time, they had two children; Cail, the oldest, was an enthusiastic young boy who could never seem to keep still, showing great physical prowess and a quick mind. Illya, born five years later, took after her father's character; cheerful and friendly, charming others easily with her innocence and wit. The four lived in relative luxury; even though they did not fall to excesses, the children were well provided for and kept happy. Illya discovered early on a talent for playing the lute, while Cail's mind proved extremely apt for memorization; the boy could retain information easily after a single glance. Both parents were overjoyed, even paying for irregular tutoring for both whenever the month's income allowed for it. Cail took up archery when he was seven, his small hands barely able to hold the bow properly; yet it was a pastime he enjoyed immensely, along with his love of adventure novels.

All of that changed after Illya's sixth birthday. Her mother contracted a serious, unknown illness; the family was torn apart as she was carried away by the physician to prevent contagion, only to die alone a week later. Illya's father didn't fully recover from her death; his profits began to dwindle, both from the loss of his most precious business associate and his own lack of motivation as he retreated into himself. One by one, the small luxuries the children were used to vanished as their father simply couldn't pay for them anymore; at times, when sales were particularly bad, they were forced to endure hunger. A year after her death, the family moved to the poorer districts, selling their house for a fraction of its original worth to pay for that season's food. The man who had been their father was reduced to a husk of his former self, and the truth finally became evident to the children; the disease that had stolen their mother away had also vanquished their father's spirit. Food lacked, and the winter months were particularly harsh; unable to buy lumber, they were forced to stay beneath heavy blankets most of the season, often hungry, to keep warm. Only when the siblings couldn't endure it any more, when the night was particularly cold and they had not eaten for two days, did a small fragment of their father's old character return to comfort them, but it quickly vanished behind the haunted look in his eyes afterwards The two found comfort and consolation in each other, but the experience changed them; Cail became serious and taciturn, closing himself to others as he devoted his attention to finding jobs to supplement their father's meager income, showing his once-bright personality only occasionally to his little sister. Illya, too young to truly appreciate the situation of the family, grew selfish and devoted herself to her lute, hoping to draw her father's attention through her songs. She trained daily, listening to the bards and musicians that filled the streets, and seeking to imitate their melodies. Cail, concerned by his sister's sudden withdrawal, tried to get her interested in other activities, to little avail. While she did grow a small interest in archery, joining him periodically in his practices on the empty field outside the city, the girl kept a nearly single-minded focus on her instrument, spending entire days practicing, unwavering in her resolve to get her father to praise her work, to no avail. The boy, now twelve, coached his sister in archery during these irregular sessions, using bent branches as crude bows and cheap arrows as ammunition; his own bow, carefully kept in pristine condition since before their mother's death, was rarely used, if ever. She found the bow similar to her favourite instrument; while her aptitude for it was not as great as for her beloved lute, she grew proficient in its use under her brother's supervision.

The child's inexpert tones grew into beautiful melodies in a short span of time; shortly after her tenth birthday, she began playing in the streets of Greyfalls in exchange for money,not really out of any desire to actually provide another source of income, but as another way to show her talent to her sole remaining parent. While she remained mostly warm and loving towards her family, she began to see other people as tools; mere instruments that could easily be played for her benefit as easily as her lute. Using her natural charisma and taking advantage of her status as a child, she played with other's feelings of pity to acquire bargains, money and fame, until her melodies became well known in the district. One day, however, she arrived home only to find her money pouch missing, the strings that tied it to her rope belt frayed and cut. She remembered the looks of jealousy and embarassment that another musician had directed at her, when she had stepped into the rudimentary platform that served as a stage for the district. Furious, she took a dull knife from the kitchen and walked outside, bent on revenge. Fortunately, the first person she found was her father, who was just returning home as well. His eyes shone with fury as he snatched away the knife and led her back into her house, lecturing her for over three hours on the foolishness of her actions. Tearful and irate, Illya could only answer back in kind, letting the feelings of four years of repressed hurt and anger at him come out, as Cail stood quietly in the background. At the end of the tirade, the three embraced each other crying, promising to try to repair the family's bonds and recover the happiness they had shared when Illya's mother was alive.

Three more years passed in relative stability; her father's business was never the same, but at least they did not risk going hungry again. Illya continued to play her lute, now only for entertainment, though she did occasionally perform for lesser officers during their lunch breaks, receiving spare change and gratitude for her efforts. Cail, however, began to act strangely, leaving home early and returning late at night most days. Whenever Illya tried to find out her brother's intentions, however, he deftly evaded the questions. On her seventeenth birthday, another surprise shook the family; Cail had enlisted in the army, hoping to earn enough money to provide for their aging father. The past years had seen the economy of the Empire collapse, the disappearance of the Scarlet Empress having thrown the Realm into upheaval, and the old man wasn't as young and energetic as he once had been. He refused vehemently, but Cail was stubborn in his decision; he left shortly afterwards for training on a ship bound towards the Blessed Isle. Illya, finding her brother gone, decided that the best she could do was to stop being a burden to her father, and leave the town. Another argument shook the household as she tried, vainly, to persuade him; it was only a few months after her eighteenth birthday that he finally relented, giving the young woman his blessing. Tearful, she stepped away from the house with her lute and bow on her back.

A bit under two years passed, and Illya had made a name for herself in the local towns near the city, playing at inns and town squares as she sung stories and legends to the people. Bad luck, however, had her step into a town in the fringe of the Realm-controlled territories, where people had been planning to revolt against the newly-returned Scarlet Empress' rule. The town gates were closed soon after she arrived as the peasants rose up in arms; scared and confused, she could only play to calm herself and the masses, hoping that her melody would reach people's hearts. Surprisingly, it did, in a rather shocking manner; as she played her lute, her eyes closed, she felt a golden light bathe her entire self, infusing her music with power. As one, the people of the town put away their weapons and walked back into their homes, leaving the girl confused and exhausted in the middle of the street, the mark of the Eclipse Caste shining brightly on her forehead. The exaltation came as a shock to her; her family had always been devoted to the Immaculate Order, and the fear and hatred of Anathema had been deeply ingrained in her. She considered turning herself over to the Wyld Hunt, but decided that her own exaltation must have happened for a purpose; if she had to carry the power of evil inside her, then she would use it to quell the fighting that filled the land and caused so many families to go hungry, as hers had.


Illyana is a young musician, but her talent for music has made her slightly arrogant. While she does not quite consider strangers mere pawns or tools as she did in her childhood, she's still willing to manipulate or charm them to further her goals, and protect the people she does care about. She's bright and cheerful to those she is loyal to. While it might seem ironic, she's somewhat naïve and clueless as to other people's intentions, and tends to trust them by default; it never quite occurs to her that others might also have hidden agendas. Illya loves music and stories, and is passionate about her work as a musician; she dislikes people who mock her songs, and hates those that make fun of music in general. Illyana does not take criticism well, particularly when it is directed at her music. She is also a believer of the Immaculate philosophy and the Realm's teachings, though her own exaltation has caused the beginnings of doubt to creep along what was once adamant belief. Since she believes the power of the Solar is evil, though, she tries to hide her status as a chosen; of course, self preservation plays an important factor as well, since she knows the Wyld Hunt would quickly kill her if they found out about her condition. So far, she hasn't met another of the Anathema, and does not yet know how to react if she should meet one; the stories tell of horrible deeds and terrible atrocities, but she's willing to concede that someone else could have been tainted by the power without actually wanting it, like herself. Illya is afraid of loneliness, which is part of why she tends to remain near cities; she can't stand being completely alone in the wilderness, and fears her exaltation will make her an outcast. Illya is far from used to real combat; while she does know archery, her experience at shooting anything but a lifeless target is nearly inexistent, and might doubt or hesitate in the middle of a fight.


Illya is a young bard; her body is lithe and slim, and she is somewhat shorter than her peers. While she's not the weakest person around, she does lack the sheer physical strength most of the Exalted seem to have; she has excellent fine motor control, however, as a result of her devotion to her instrument. She has bright brown hair, which falls freely down to the middle of her back; while it certainly gives her a fair bit of trouble, she believes that richer people wear their hair longer to show their status, and has adopted the style to bolster her apparent rank, adorning it with ribbons from time to time for her presentations. She has begun to let it cover her forehead on purpose recently, however, as a means to hide her caste mark. Illya has black, round eyes; while usually guarded, they become more expressive when she's excited or relaxed. She usually wears travelling robes in bright, vibrant colors that draw attention, along with sandals suited more to the city than the wilderness. She laughs easily at jokes, though crass or crude humor makes her uncomfortable, particularly when directed at her. When worried or nervous, she subconsciously chews on small locks of hair; she also tends to place a bit more of weight on her left leg when standing, but she consciously tries to avoid doing it during performances.


  • Strength: 1
    Dexterity: 4
    Stamina: 2
    Charisma: 4
    Manipulation: 4
    Appearance: 3
    Perception: 2
    Intelligence: 4
    Wits: 3


  • +Archery: 3
    +Performance: 5
    +Presence: 3
    Resistance: 1
    Investigation: 1
    +Lore: 2
    Athletics: 2
    +Dodge: 3
    *Bureaucracy: 3
    *Linguistics: 2
    *Ride: 1
    *Socialize: 3


  • Performance - Playing the lute: 2

Languages: (In order of familiarity, starting from the one she first learned)

  • Low Realm
    High Realm


  • Compassion: 2
    Conviction: 3
    Temperance: 2
    Valor: 2

Virtue Flaw: Overwhelming Arrogance - Conviction

Overwhelmed with feelings of superiority, Illya feels the need to assert herself as a greater being. She loses her usual restraint and uses her music, magic and charm to manipulate or force everyone to praise her greatness, basking in the feelings of fame and glory. She pays no attention to her goals and ideals; the only concern that fills her mind is to be worshipped at every moment. If anyone refuses her commands, or worse, directs slander towards her, she reacts furiously, throwing herself and her mob of followers wholeheartedly into erasing them from the face of Creation.

When she attempts to control the Limit Break, she can at least show some modicum of restraint towards her friends; while she still won't take criticism well, she's less likely to react violently to perceived insults from them.

Break Condition:Illya feels jealous of another person's prowess in an area she's interested in.

Willpower: 5

Essence: 3

  • Personal pool: 14
    Peripheral pool: 35


  • Allies: 2 - Cail, her brother, and Kahl, her father.
    Contacts: 2 - Merchants in the city of Greyfalls.
    Influence: 2 - Her songs are known in Greyfalls and the surrounding towns, though mostly by people of the lower social classes.
    Resources: 1


  • Second Archery Excellency-Essence Triumphant
    There Is No Wind
    Second Performance Excellency-Essence Triumphant
    Phantom-Conjuring Performance
    Heart-Compelling Method
    Husband-Seducing Demon Dance
    Ox-Body Technique - Two extra -1 health levels
    Shadow Over Water
    Reflex Sidestep Technique
    Frugal Merchant Method
    Mastery of Small Manners
Just a few comments on that last character :

-someone with Archery 3 is a professional marksman, so despite her innocent & peaceful appearance, that girl is trained / has memories from her past incarnations.

-I was surprised to see her so broke (ressources 1 :roll: ) it's rather strange for such a gifted artist.
Well, as for resources, she is broke; her family's income is enough to eat, though her father might be able to indulge in some luxuries now that both children left the house, and she herself doesn't fare much better. She's not playing for rich or powerful people, and is earning far less than she actually could, but I think it's very rare to see anyone, even a talented musician, being hired for high-class social events with her youth and origins in mind, without having already accumulated quite a bit of fame. She also doesn't have a house for herself; she's certainly welcome in her family's house, but her own belongings are mostly what she carries around!

As for archery, though, I agree fully. I thought archery 1, maybe 2, would fit her better; was her brother's training enough to get her to a professional level? I'm not sure. =P Dodge is more or less the same situation; it is somewhat easier to explain, considering she did live in the streets for a while, but having dodge 3 might imply combat experience she doesn't have!

Thanks for the feedback!
Well, as for resources, she is broke; her family's income is enough to eat, though her father might be able to indulge in some luxuries now that both children left the house, and she herself doesn't fare much better. She's not playing for rich or powerful people, and is earning far less than she actually could, but I think it's very rare to see anyone, even a talented musician, being hired for high-class social events with her youth and origins in mind, without having already accumulated quite a bit of fame. She also doesn't have a house for herself; she's certainly welcome in her family's house, but her own belongings are mostly what she carries around!
If I may insist, I would have accepted that from a mortal hero... but from an exalt with so many performance charms...
Chargen exalts are usually not fresh out of exaltation, they have some experience with their powers - enough to have combos - and have started living as exalts, using their powers.

In my humble opinion, fame would have come naturally to her, and her ressources should be at least 2... and I would argue furthermore that she has Influence 2 to reflect that fame :wink: - though 2 might be a bit too much for an entertainer- .
Cyl said:
Chargen exalts are usually not fresh out of exaltation
Oh, I hadn't taken that into account. I had assumed she had exalted less than a year ago, which would give a few RP opportunities with the rest of the group. Maybe influence 2 is too high, too; reading back through the book's description, it'd make it sound like she's rather famous in the region! She plays in streets and, occasionally, inns that hire her, so that's not entirely accurate. I'll probably take that one down to 1. I'm hesitant to raise resources, though, because she doesn't have any personal belongings or property to reflect that, and I'm not sure if she carries that much money around! That does leave me with a leftover background dot, though. Archery 2 will probably fit her better too, though I'm afraid she'll end up hiding behind the rest of the circle in every skirmish.
Chargen exalts CAN be freshly exalted or a few years old, really depends on what the person wants. If they were automatically assumed to have been around long enough to have a combo, starting combos would be free, rather than houserule'd, wouldn't they? But they aren't - they still cost bonus points. It's been a bit since I read Combo rules in book, but I vaguely remember them saying that while a lot of characters have combos, not all do, and many don't start with them. Or something along those lines.

And archery [whatever] can be explained as past memories - not necessarily focused ones, it might just be that she's better at archery since exaltation without really remembering or understanding specifically why. Depends on her first age life really, and how much she remembers.

also finishing off yoru later today. /unrelated
Chargen exalts CAN be freshly exalted or a few years old
They are commonly assumed to be a minimum of a few months old if not a year, time to have mastered the flow of essence and their protocols / charms... and even more for those learning sorcery.
Which also explains why the favored / caste abilities can be raised for a cheap cost with BP, as well as backgrounds.

No chargen exalt is reasonably fresh out of exaltation... but some STs like the sudden burst of power.

I'd suggest talking to your ST to have a clear and set view on this.

As for the archery 3, I was suggesting that you change your background (inserting something about the memories), not your sheet :wink:

But I would really recommand Martial Arts for a musician and an Eclipse... in my experience archery is far too lethal.
Few months to a year I think the general range was, with outliers on both sides in unusual cases? Anywhere in that range, from freshly exalted to having had some time to fiddle with things or even having had to lay low for a couple years and thus not accomplished a ton, at least openly. I'm not sayin' everyone in chargen exalted ten minutes ago, just that there's a range, and "exalted within the last few weeks and is still trying to figure out what happened" is just as viable as "exalted three years ago in Nexus and has spent most of the intervening time taking control of a couple gangs and VERY VERY CAREFULLY testing powers, that's all. That's the approach the book took, iirc, and I think it's pretty reasonable. Not everyone has a great handle on their powers, while some already had enough experience in certain fields that Exaltation skyrocketed them to stellar excellence already in said field(s) based on a combination of muscle and mental memory.
While I agree that not all exalts are equals in terms of development, some stuff take more time to accomplish (sorcery & raising essence) than other (charm training), but on the paper, you have the same number of points to build your character, while normally each year that passes awards you like 10 xp.

Anyway, my original point was: Illyana should be more like an exalt and less like a mortal hero with charms. :wink:
um anyways. moving on.

Illyceria: I'll turn the biography into a proper writeup later. For this I was mostly focused on getting the character into working order so we can start, but I'll make it all pretty later.


Name:[/b] Elysse Zasalamel


  • Wraithblade / Wraith of Blades - primarily around the area she originally worked in in the South, though out of some twisted sense of humor, she occasionally ensures that it is propagated somewhere new. Generally speaking, regardless of how well or little-known the name is in the area, it isn't connected to her specifically. She doesn't like taking credit for most of her work.
  • Anathema is both the de facto name for any of the returning Solars and occasionally the title she refers to herself as, with slightly deeper meaning than pure sardonic humor - even for a Solar she's a bit out there, as she very well knows. Having an ex(?)-demon in your head and still nursing a touch of Infernal taint isn't quite par for the course for the flawless god-kings of old. Then again, occasionally referring to yourself as Anathema isn't super bright from a completely detached perspective, and it'll probably come around to bite her in the ass someday.

Caste: Night

Concept: Tainted - but not corrupted - Solar serving the greater good.

Out-of-Context Quote: "Changed my mind. Wearing a dress. Casual, with a side of breasts."

Motivation: Serve Creation by doing what needs to be done.

Tongue: Low Realm,


  • Grimoire - he very literally saved her life and helped integrate her back to society. She owes him. Elysse travels with him partially because she still responds to orders rather than striking out on her own, a result of a lifetime of dependency and a habit she's still working to shake, and partially because it's just easier to have him do the talking rather than try to do it herself. She isn't lazy by any definition, but every bit as ruthlessly pragmatic when inspecting her own abilities when gauging someone else's, and Elysse harbors no delusions about her skill in diplomacy outside of impaling someone to a wall and working from there. That approach is very effective in certain scenarios, but doesn't tend to work out as well in real life.
  • Raziel - neither Elysse nor her co-conspirator are quite sure if it's an intimacy of grudging acceptance, udnerstanding, love, hatred, exasperation, or some combination of the lot of them, but neither of them would argue that some sort of intense bond exists. It is only through Elysse that her compatriot exists, and it is through him that she is in posession of memories not her own, a mind linked to her own, and occasionally-solid advice when she's about to do something really stupid. They can argue, ignore each other, compare notes, or debate whatever they want; each is a central focus of the other. For better or for worse... that remains to be seen. She wouldn't mind if he - or she, or it... whatever xe actually is - would be a little more forthcoming sometimes, but can't win 'em all. And it's not really all Raziel's fault, xe is still more or less pulling itself together.


-Her parents were merchants, alongside the whole HOBBY: ENEMY OF ALL THAT IS GOOD IN THIS WORLD thing, and taught the Wraithblade some part of their trade before she became the Wraithblade.

-The cult that she became a part of, and was conditioned to serve mind and body - read: prenaturally loyal assassin - was a Yozi death cult, specifically one revering the Principle of Hierarchy herself. The one who would become the Wraithblade, knowing little else and eager to please, became what they desired; little more than a silent, implacable killer, one who would not - could not - betray them, who would hound their foes until the end of time, and who, as the infernal taint permeating the cult shrine where she essentially existed slowly overtook her body, rapidly became something more - or perhaps less - than human.

-As the cult grew from a fringe society dedicated to mindless destruction towards something perhaps more stable, with connections and resources outside of the core group and a power base funded by more than crazy people, the ceremonies became more grandiose, the sacrifices more perfect - and when one of the Green Sun Princes in the area happened by at his amused master's behest, teaching a cult member versed in thaumaturgy how to summon demons, they suddenly had a link to the Demon City of Malfeas.

-Some time later - her perception of the flow of time had become so dilated by that point that she had and has no idea of the actual timeframe, really - the cult managed to procure a single bottle of Chalcanth, the distilled essence of a sacrificed demon, full of its dreams, memories, essence, even its very being. It was presented to the cult's favorite little assassin, who took it and drank it with all the apparent excitement of a corpse, her emotions blunted by a decade of conditioning and bloodshed.

-Whether as a reflection of her own pervasively tainted body being a suitable host, or the shadows in her mind providing an inviting refuge for what tattered remains of the demon's psyche still clung to existence, fragments of its mind coalesced within her, forming a vaguely coherent consciousness. As she drank in its memories, it took in hers.

-It was kind of a bad time to spontaneously combust in a bonfire of Solar essence as she exalted, in retrospect. Getting two new voices in her head in rapid succession made it (un)surprisingly difficult to focus on either, and the whole "bloodthirsty crowd suddenly deciding to kill her" thing really didn't make matters any better.

-The Wraith of Blades fought her way out with minimal bloodshed, averse to harming the only faces she had known in years, especially without being able to think two damn straight thoughts in a row.

-Momentarily after getting out, the whole impending-migraine thing had cooled down enough for her to realize a very important fact.

-Right after that, she turned around and fought her way back to the core, butchering everyone she could find in a lovely stream of blood and body parts, after realizing that leaving any alive would screw her over. A lot. Leaving any loose ends had a tendency to backfire anyways, and more importantly, she didnt' want any fo the cultists getting away and informing anyone capable of taking her down of what had happened - better that whichever demon, Infernal, or local authority found the wreckage assumed that a passing do-gooder had butchered everyone than tracing the slaughter back to her. Granted, they could probably figure it out anyways by the lack of her corpse, but at least it would take time.

-Too bad half the cultists had already been enhanced by the ambient essence to the point that some of them approached yozikin status.

-Covered in blood, her own and that of the slain, she quickly learned that apparently surviving in the outside world requires you to know the language, relevant social norms, all those handy little things. Without any of those skills, and without any real idea of what to do without the order and guidance of the cult, her state very quickly deteriorated, causing her to eventually collapse from starvation and a number of wounds.

-It also turned out that apparently exalting as a Solar caused the exaltation to purge some, though not all, of the miasma in her body. Apparently it was less pleasant than she might have hoped. A lot more of the "crippling pain" thing, really. Not painless at all, as she would have liked it to be.

-Grimoire found her unconscious and blood-spattered in a gutter, took and cared for her for reasons his own, and eventually taught her Low Realm as she acclimated to the outside world. She ended up sticking with him, partially because she didn't know what to do with herself or her newfound power, and partially because she felt that she owes him for saving her life, and so figured that she might as well use her talents to help. One way or another, anyways, whether it involved killing people to protect Grimoire, or just being company on the road. Not that she was very good at the latter, but she was very good at the former, and Solars tended to attract plenty of trouble. It was bound to be a useful skill at some point, right?

Personality & Bearing

She harbors no love for the Yozis or any of their spawn, though she doesn't actually hate them, but still tends to act much as she did during her stint as a death cult assassin - laconic, brooding, and with a penchant for quick but excessively brutal and oft-bloody kills, along with inhuman flexibility and agility that she hides poorly at best. While she isn't necessarily inherently an emotionless killer by a long shot, she suffers from blunted affect due to years of Yozi cult conditioning, and while she isn't necessarily happy about the fact, she is so used to death being a valid solution that she tends to look to it as the first or second option, rather than as a last result. Whether it is the result of primal bloodlust or just being used to it is up in the air.

-Partially tainted by Yozi essence from spending so much time (figuratively speaking) bathed in it; no mechanical effects, but something about her feels a little off, serious (read: supernatural) investigation could detect it, and she naturally feels more comfortable around any variety of Infernal essence, whether Yozi, GSP, or demonic. Not that she likes it intellectually.


-Drinking the chalcanth while so tainted caused an unusual reaction; some of the fragments of the demon's consciousness reformed inside her, retaining a limited degree of sentience and access to their shared consciousness and memories. Raziel can't directly affect her, nor vice versa.

-Raziel was an Adorjani demon, so she is more sensitive to noise and prefers to not make or be near too much of it. It has a tendency to scramble her thoughts slightly, but the effect is not nearly strong enough to induce any serious psychosis - more than she already had, anyways - so it's more of a nuisance than a constant fight for her consciousness. The demon alternates between vaguely helpful, impossible to deal with, and aggrieved silence without rhyme nor rhythm, and she makes an effort to ignore it as much as possible, though it's unsurprisingly difficult to really ignore something that pretty literally lives in your head. Besides, it occasionally proves useful with some tidbit of information about the demon city of Malfeas, though never any pertinent information - that would be far too informative. It was only a first circle demon, and thus all it can really tell her is about daily life in Malfeas... what little it can dredge from the fragments of its shattered memories. As mentioned in Intimacies, both parties are still testing the waters of their relationship, trying to figure out where they actually stand.



  • Strength - 4
  • Dexterity - 5
  • Stamina - 2


  • Charisma - 1
  • Manipulation - 2
  • Appearance - 4


  • Perception - 4
  • Intelligence - 2
  • Wits - 3



  • Athletics 4
  • Awareness 4
  • Dodge 4
  • Stealth 5 [blur +2]


  • Martial Arts 5 [Kukris +3]
  • Presence 3 [intimidation +3]
  • Bureaucracy 4
  • Integrity 3
  • Investigation 3


  • Linguistics 1
  • Lore 1


  • Compassion - 2
  • Conviction - 3
  • Temperance - 1
  • Valor - 3

Virtue Flaw: Deliberate Cruelty - the character wholly embraces cruelty. Her conscience vanishes, and she uses terror and cruelty to acomplish her goals, with only contempt for any perceived or exhibited weakness. She casually tortures and mutilates prisoners to sow terror and inspire obedience. This cruelty causes a minimum two-die penalty on all Social interactions not involving fear or intimidation.

Partial Control: The character can moderate her cruelty when necessary. She casually intimidates and tortures wherever effective and is incapable of kindness. However, she can show restraint and indifference when cruelty would be less effective. She still suffers from a one-die penalty to other Social interactions.

Duration: one full day.

Limit Break Condition: the character is subjected to severe stress or backed against the wall.

[Elysse probably qualifies as partial-control Heart of Flint pretty much permanently, but that's more of a RP thing rather than a mechanics deal]

Willpower - 6

Essence - 2

Personal pool - 12

Peripheral - 14/29 (15 committed to kukris/charms)


  • Artifact 4 [Dual Vitriolic Soulsteel Kukris] - Speed 5, Accuracy +3, Damage 8L, Defense +3, Rate 3, 10m Attune. Tags: M, D, P. Must be dual-wielded to use any of their mote-costing powers.
    The kukris have the following powers:
    Silent Wind - the bearer becomes slightly indistinct, their movements vague, and all the more terrible for it. For an expenditure of three motes, the bearer adds two dice to attempts to re-establish stealth in battle for the rest of the scene.
  • Dance of Pales - with the expenditure of three motes and a reflexive action spent mentally preparing, both blades spring to life, writhing, inchoate shadows engulfing them both in vaguely tenebrous tentacles. From that point onwards, the blades are kept constantly in at least slow motion less the obfuscating effect ends - but until it does, all attacks reduce the opponent's defensive DVs by two as the quick movement and murky movements prove more difficult to follow than it would first appear.
  • Vitriolic Infusion - any target struck with either weapon (read: at least 1HL of damage) is at -1 DVs for the rest of the scene as their body is wracked in agony, trace amounts of vitriol scourging their body and poisoning their reflexes. The effect stacks with multiple applications and is innate to the blades.

Not quite the glowing, holy Orihalcum Grand Daiklave of a conquering Solar god-king, but they were one of the few constants in Elysse's life for most of her life, and since unfortunately Solar Exaltation didn't happen to also provide her with replacements, she sticks with her old weapons. Given to her as gifts by something passing as human when she still lived at the cult - Elysse had and has no idea what specifically it actually was, save that it was clearly Malfean in some way given its smell and essence - she still uses them, and neither of them are particularly ornate, so they serve her purposes well enough without proclaiming her new Exalted status. A close inspection could quickly give away both the Infernal taint of vitriol and the horror of Soulsteel intermingled, but she tends to be possessive of them, doing whatever is necessary to keep them out of anyone else's hands and keeping them in excellent condition and polish. No evil possessed blades or mind-stealing powers sadly - they're just very high quality, with a number of interesting powers belying their origins, and house a host of memories.

[*]Resources 3 - While Elysse isn't a particularly adept saleswoman, she does have more than a little skill at the art of being a merchant, courtesy of a combination of skills imparted by her parents and a few related charms granted by her Exaltation, though none of the memories she's managed to dredge up so far of her past self - or whatever it is, she's not quite sure on that note, and knows naught of the First Age - in any way relate to being a merchant. As such, she has managed to cobble together a "ring" of assorted merchants during her travel, primarily those specializing in appraisals, whether of goods large or small, people, or animals, and through a combination of judicious application of her formidable personal presence - when invoked - and relevant charms, she's managed to create a loose string of businesses, ostensibly privately owned and operated, but loosely under her control. All are staffed by owners who receive the primary cut of the profits, though she initially created the businesses or brought them into her fold and generally hired the owners later, but she does receive a cut of the proceeds - not a particularly large one, relatively speaking, but there are enough branches that the proceeds add up.

[*]Cult 1 - Each of the merchants in her (loose) employ is aware of what she is - Elysse insures that, both so they understand what they're getting into, and to intimidate them into loyalty just in case they had any other plans. None of them know of the identities of any of their fellows, and very few see her as any sort of god, but most are at least grateful enough, and vague enough in their understanding of her divinity, to toss a few prayers her way every so often. Whether or not it actually does anything for them is debateable, but Elysse doesn't really mind the occasional benefits and doesn't bother setting them straight on her "divine" qualities.



  • Graceful Crane Stance [always on, 3motes comitted]
  • Monkey Leap Technique
  • Soaring Crane Leap [always on, 2motes comitted]


  • Reflex Sidestep Technique
  • Shadow Over Water
  • Seven Shadow Evasion


  • Insightful Buyer Technique
  • Frugal Merchant Method


  • Easily Overlooked Presence Method
  • Mental Invisibility Technique


  • Join Battle: 7
  • Accuracy: 16 dice (5+5+3+3)
  • Base Damage: 12 dice (8+4)
  • Speed: 4
  • DDV: 6 ((5+5+2)/2)
  • PDV: 8 ((5+5+3+3)/2)
  • Movement: 5 meters, reflexive
  • Jump: 80meters, reflexive (strength+athletics total (x2) = base jump, x5 for crane leap = (4+4)x2 = 16, 16x5 = 80m)
May I suggest taking 3 dots in Larceny and Lock Opening Touch (this one's a must have).

Also I think there's an error in the Soaring Crane Leap always on... should be monkey leap techique :wink: (and I dunno if your st accepts scene long charms to be permanently on... some don't, should ask her ).

My, am I in a grumpy nose picking mood today... sorry for the inconvenience :roll:
I built the character backstory/personalitywise first, then added dots to fit it. If something's not there, it is as such for a reason. Of course, I'd love to have Larceny, and I would have liked to work it into the "base" package, but had to prioritize basic points to fit the character, rather than purely for metagaming. Soaring Crane Leap is the successor to Monkey - identical save for mote costs and the size of the multiplier, I think, though they don't stack. So no, it shouldn't have been Monkey Leap.

It would be nice if you'd let us - the players and ST - work this out amongst ourselves, though, rather than telling us the things we didn't do wrong. Just saying.
One more thing and I'll leave you guys be...

Soaring Crane Leap is the successor to Monkey - identical save for mote costs and the size of the multiplier, though they don't stack. So no, it shouldn't have been Monkey Leap.
Unless there is an errata I'm unaware of regarding SCL, its duration is "until next action"... so while a generous ST might allow you to have MLT "always on" throughout the scenes (because it's a scene long), he certainly would not do the same with SCL because of the until next action duration.
Normally a charm with such a duration has a very powerful effect (more than a scene long, check Bulwark Stance and Fivefold Bulwark Stance for example, same logic as MLT & SCL) which is compensated by a reduction of the duration.

During its duration the motes are committed and can't be regenerated through any means.

At the end of the duration the effects end, and the motes are spent and released and can be regenerated again.

The only way to benefit from such a charm continuously is to activate it on every action... or at least that's the way I've always STd it.

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