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  • Users: Zsan
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  1. Zsan

    Corruption [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  2. Zsan

    Left Behind [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  3. Zsan

    Cancen High [Inactive]

    Hakai stretched for a second or two, having let her mind fester for quite a while now. Allowing herself to get up, she stood up upon her windowsill for a moment then climbed back inside her room; dark and once again, fairly quiet. She shut her window and closed the curtains. Only then did she...
  4. Zsan

    Cancen High [Inactive]

    Nitro took in the fact that the two were pulled into their own conversation and sighed with a bit of releif. Knowing that she wouldn't have to say anything, she stepped back within her room and shut the door in silence. As the girl turned to glimpse around the room, it seemed to be a bit more...
  5. Zsan

    Cancen High [Inactive]

    It was dark. Acceptionally dark in the room she occupied. Nitro wasn't one to actually communicate with others and due to an unexpected conflict with another student within the school. . . well. . that was a whole different matter. She lay upon her bed and shifted her position every so often...
  6. Zsan

    Beyond the Frontier [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  7. Zsan

    Cancen High

    Name- Nitro Kurosame Age- 16 Gender- Female Dorm- Girls~Night themed dorm Power/Race- People assume she's a demon and that, for one, is a fact. Niro was founded within an experimental lab gone wrong and ever since that day, it seems though she hasn't been herself lately. Originally...
  8. Zsan

    The Black Crusade [Inactive]

    Hakai remained where she was located, a goo, typicall clearing that provided cover for both her and her companion. Bodies lay around the area as if there had been a slaughter that had just occurred not too long ago. The large reptilian that scouted the clearing had just finished pulling a man in...
  9. Zsan

    The Hunted [Inactive]

    Hakai remained where she'd always be; a small clearing not at all too far from the house. It was the only place where she'd be able to think in peace. Now, she stood under a fair sakura tree and blew upon a flute that seemed to bring peace and tranquility to her. What with the commotion earlier...
  10. Zsan

    The Black Crusade

    alright. I'll respond as soon as possible. Sorry for late response.
  11. Zsan

    The Hunted [Inactive]

    Hakai remained outside, as usual and remained anti-social to anyone who thought they could at least get her to say something back in reply. Her black cloak was snug upon her and her blue eyes watched every bit of space there was to watch; trees. . .buildings. . . more trees. . It began to bore...
  12. Zsan

    River Creek Wolf Pack [Inactive]

    Although Yuko bared her teeth, no growl was emitted. There wasn't a peek of aggressiveness that lurked through her veins but if it meant defending herself, than she wasn't going to risk anything. These two were of fair size and it was two over one. . Yuko's amber eyes followed one's movements...
  13. Zsan

    River Creek Wolf Pack [Inactive]

    Yuko, being the troublesome wolf she was, krept from each line of shadow, casted by the looming trees above. Her white fur coat was kept to a minimum and the deeper she went into the shadows, the darker her coat seemed. Her ears flickered back and forth, picking up small sounds as she padded...
  14. Zsan

    River Creek Wolf Pack

    Name: Yuko Tsuteru Gender: Female Age: unknown Mate: none Occupation: Lone wolf Looks: Pure white fur~ Black paws~ tips of ears are fairly gray~ Appears to have a fading scar across face Eye coloration: a luminecent blue within the night, yet an amber crimson within the morning...
  15. Zsan

    The hybrids rise

    Name: Currently known as Kuro. Known previously as Nitro Gender: Current physical appearance as female Appearance: Human form~ Sexuality: N/A Personality: Plays sweet and somewhat mind twisted. Has rage moments here and there but manages. Short Bio: Currently known as Kuro Ometeresu...
  16. Zsan

    The Hunted

    NAME( FULL ): Hakai Hariken AGE(9-23): 17 human years POWERS: Shadow minipulation~ nightmare recreation~ fire WEAKNESSES: Past memories reminder and being put into groups~ unable to reach perfect strength using darkness within day LIKES: Blood~ fire~ darkness~ nightmaric feel~ death~...
  17. Zsan

    Left Behind [Inactive]

    Haru glimpsed up and smiled, waving back at the child. "Bye you two. Don't get into any trouble now!" she called on out. For now, she would sit here. The fear of being attacked yet again within her own home ran through her mind. She wasn't going to take any chances.
  18. Zsan

    Left Behind [Inactive]

    Haru stretched and played with some small petals that fluttered on by. Since it was one of the few things that kept her sane, all there was to do was wait for any other things that would be similar. Erin's voice echoed within the distance and she smiled, shaking her head in disdain. Right now...
  19. Zsan

    Left Behind [Inactive]

    Rather than arguing with her, she bit her lip and held her toungue. How is it that this kid knows so much. . ?? I'm beginning to wonder if this child is suppose to be special or something. . "I'll be over there if you need me. " she said with a frustrated sigh, dropping her hands. At this...
  20. Zsan

    Left Behind [Inactive]

    "M-Melinda! That wasn't so nice now was it?" She stood up and crossed her arms, giving a look of disdain. Although she was lightly blushing, she relied on her pink hair to sort of hide it for now.