The Black Crusade [Inactive]

It started out as a normal day for Zantiln Dragonsbane, a young up and coming Knight in the Warriors of the Raven. However, unlike most of his fellow Knights, Zantiln believed that the Warriors of the Raven should make peace with the other Legions. Even though he himself was not fond of of outside influence, the other Legions were also Human, like he was. Today, he was unsure if he was going to battle, as the Demons can be very unpredictable. Since he had no immediate orders, he decided to take his horse, Ignacio, out for a ride.
Issler Arrives in his usual jolly fasion. "oh hello there fellow knight. i must say what a fine horse you must care for it well."
"Indeed. A good horse is a healthy horse I always say. Got no orders from your commander either?" he asked, seeing that Issler was all happy as usual. Only times he remembers seeing Issler being serious is during battle.
Hakai remained where she was located, a goo, typicall clearing that provided cover for both her and her companion. Bodies lay around the area as if there had been a slaughter that had just occurred not too long ago. The large reptilian that scouted the clearing had just finished pulling a man in two and blood stained the beast's jaws. The female walked across the clearing and reached down towards a fallen man who was once thought as a pridefull leader. Her hand grasped the hilt of a kunai and with one forcefull jerk, the blade was ripped from the man's chest with ease. "What pity. . what was thought to be such a strong knight came to be ruler of the weak. I'd expect more of a fight when it comes to it. . " Hakai snapped, taking a good look within the area. No one? Alright, next possition. After retrieving her weapons, she called to her companion and they were off.
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