The Hunted [Inactive]

Loke Fullbuster

The Language Enthusiast
Loke Fullbuster submitted a new role play:

The Hunted - Will the group survive the hunt.

People with powers who live under one roof are forced out of their house by an organization against people. The organization was made by an envious leader who's powers were stripped from him. He now hunts people with these gifts to fill the gap his absence of power has made.
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Jason stared at the ceiling then looked over to his clock. He was shaking violently. "The nightmares are getting worse." he though. "Only 2:32 am. I can at least get a few hours before school." Jason closed his eyes and the nightmare restarted.
Flare was sitting in her room, not even tired as she played with her own powers. Some of the people at the home thought she was a bit weird because of the way she dressed. Which was a kimono. She sighed and got out of her room, walking about in the house, not sure what to do right now even if it was late at night.
No, Don't take me." Jason moaned in his sleep. "Help!" Jason yelled, his eyes still closed. Around Jason everything in his room started to levitate. " Flare, please don't go." he cried out. Suddenly a shrill scream filled the house.
Flare instantly ran towards Jason's room. The scream had really scared her out of her wits cause she never heard it. She busted open the door "Jason!" she yelled, breathing hevily from the running, her kimono hanging off one shoulder
Flare ran inside and lit her finger on fire and took his palm, burning it slightly so he could wake up. She instantly made the flame disappear "Wake up."
Flare felt a bit awkward and she looked at Jason "What happened?" she asked, not taking her eyes off of him
Jason continued to sob and tremble. "I can't tell you." he responded. "I'm not even sure what happened myself." he finally calmed down and let go. He looked up at Flare." I'm sorry I over-reacted. Did I wake you?" he said picking at the red spot on his palm.
Flare shook her head "I was already awake." she simply said, sitting next to him "I had to burn your hand to wake you."
"Figures." he said. "I don't know whats happening to me." he told Flare." I have been having these nightmares for the past week, and this is by far the worst of them all." he looked down. "I don't know what to do."
Hakai remained outside, as usual and remained anti-social to anyone who thought they could at least get her to say something back in reply. Her black cloak was snug upon her and her blue eyes watched every bit of space there was to watch; trees. . .buildings. . . more trees. . It began to bore her out more and more as time had passed. Perking her senses, she's been ignoring the sounds that came from within the house. It appeared though Jason had been a bit troubled in his sleep and Flare seemed to be accompanying him as well. Having been leaning upon the home wall, she looked to her left just slightly to tune into their conversation. "Nightmare huh? . . I wonder why. . " she said to herself, laughing softly as she let her mind fester for a while. Of course, there were other things to attend to , but what more than to just listen to one's nightmaric feeling? For Hakai, it was a story that she'd be more than just interested in.
Halo dashed into the room as a small tabby cat, knocking down things as she ran in, ears flattened, "You ok?! I heard screaming an- oh," she paused as she noticed Flare, "you two aren't doing anything... Weird, are you?" She giggled jokingly as she twitched her whiskers.
Jason looked at Halo shocked. "Is it really the time for a joke." he asked. "You know what? Get out!" he yelled kicking halo out of the door and slamming it.
Hollering from the door " Just tryin to lighten the mood! Can't stand to see someone upset ya'know!" She started walking away before shouting back, "Sorry for caring! It's an animal thing"
Halo turned around and hugged him back. "We are gonna have to find out how to stop these nightmares soon." She said softly
Flare watched this whole time before she stood up "I'll burn the nightmares out.." she said softly, walking to the door to leave as well. It was late at night and Flare needed her sleep. If she didnt get it, she would be cranky.

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