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    Fantasy Iris Halo

    Great :)
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    Fantasy Iris Halo

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    Fantasy Magical girl/boy something

    That sounds good to me.
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    Fantasy Magical girl/boy something

    I'd do that. I also like Madoka Magica, but I'm cool with pretty much anything.
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    Fantasy Iris Halo

    Iris Halo is a fantasy roleplay based on a free-use plot from Springhole. In essence, it is about a group of people who have been granted special powers to guard the Earth from vicious monster/alien attacks. Normal humans and ordinary weaponry would be completely ineffective, so it's up to the...
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    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    Jace frowned at Flame. "Well, I'm not necessarily used to falling out of trees... Just to falling off of things in general. I always seem to teleport to high places... At least trees don't have cliffs.
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    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    "Yeah, fine... I'm getting used to it, to be honest." He flicked a leaf out of his hair.
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    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    Jace teetered and fell out of the tree with a crash. He sighed, brushing himself off. This was getting tiring.
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    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    Now that he knew the number, it took Jace no time to find room 337 on his own. It was no trouble to get settled in, so he decided he'd do some practice. He had telekinesis mastered, but teleportation was still a shaky subject for him. He closed his eyes and concentrated on where he wanted to be-...
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    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    "Right. Nice to meet you," Jace nodded.
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    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    "And I'm Jace L'Fevre," Jace added.
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    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    Jace nodded and began following behind. He was happy that losing his map hadn't totally screwed him up.
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    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    Jace looked over to Acelynn, a little bit startled. "Oh... um, actually, yeah... I have no clue what I'm supposed to be doing or where I'm supposed to be..." he admitted, frowning.
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    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    "I see. You're in the same situation as me..." He sighed. "Sorry to bug you..." He wished he had enough control to actually use his abilities constructively- right now, he was totally helpless. If he was properly clairvoyant, maybe he could've divined up a map, but NOOO...
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    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    Jace sighed, relieved. "Good. I'm glad. Yes. Uh." Internally, he kicked himself repeatedly. This was going very vey very very very very badly. He wished his abilities included the power to turn invisible or melt into a little puddle, because he hated situations like this. "Um... do you have any...
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    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    As a wise man once said- when in trouble or in doubt, stick some candy in your mouth. Jace obliged with a chocolate bar. He was tempted to try teleporting around but didn't want to end up on top of another mountain. Instead, he wandered, engrossed in the school handbook. As such, he barely...
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    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    Jace looked at the campus in a panic for the third time in a row. "It's huuuuge..." he stressed. "And I don't know anyone here! I wanted to stay at home, not transfer to... wherever this is!" He gasped sharply as an image flashed before his eyes. "Right. Deep breathing. That's what he said. But...
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    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    Name: Jace L'Fevre Age: 14 Race: Human (Psychic) Gender: Male Personality: Jace is still fairly young, and his sweet tooth knows no bounds. He is fairly mature and intelligent for his age, but it isn't unheard of for him to act like a child younger than he really is on occasion. He...