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Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

[QUOTE="Action Redmund]Hey also, could I get a dorm and class assignment? Action is squatting on the lawn and cutting down trees to build his home, and might attract wild animals with his cooking.

Yeah, I need one too.
Beyonder said:
Name: Name? My true name is Yivo...
Nick-name: I prefer to be called Evo.

Age: I don't know, nineteen.

Race: Evolutionary, Rage incarnate ((Self evolving being))

Gender: I'm a male.


Personality: Evo is very straightforward not caring for his identity as an individual. ((His personality would adapt and change as the rp progresses meaning he will be changed by the outcomes that will traverse))

Major: Physical education.

Minor: Art

Job: None

Preferred Dorm: Does not care.

Roommate: Doesn't know, doesn't care.

@Action Redmund All students have a dorm, just not a roommate until they find one or I assign one. Two. Your character just committed murder. Don't do it again. Violence on campus of that degree is enough to get you kicked off. This is your warning.

@Masked Imperial As I just explained, students have a dorm just no roommate quite yet until they find one or I personally assign one.
xEmoBunnehx said:
@Action Redmund All students have a dorm, just not a roommate until they find one or I assign one. Two. Your character just committed murder. Don't do it again. Violence on campus of that degree is enough to get you kicked off. This is your warning.

@Masked Imperial As I just explained, students have a dorm just no roommate quite yet until they find one or I personally assign one.
No murder! Just assault! His hand was cut off but the man escaped and destroyed the lean to.
[QUOTE="Action Redmund]No murder! Just assault! His hand was cut off but the man escaped and destroyed the lean to.

Regardless of what it was, violence of that level is inappropriate at a school level.
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Name: Taylor McCormac

Nic-name: (Optional) Tay, Taya, Tylor

Age: 15

Race: Australian

Gender: Female

Personality: (Make it as brief or in depth as you like c:) Clever, Sly, Kind Mean, Fast

History: (Optional)

Family: (Optional) Merta and Filbert McCormac (Mom and Dad) Dane (Brother)

Major: Art

Minor: (Optional)

Job: (Optional) none

Preferred Dorm: same gender

Roommate: assign me one

Appearance: look down

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Name: Nathaniel C. Vincent III(Mother's Side)

Nick-name: Nathan, Reaper, Nate, Grim, Vince

Age: 19(500+)

Race: Hybrid of Human and Archangel

Gender: Male

Personality: Nathan tho a Hybrid of an Angel he takes more from his Mother's side Kinda Short-Tempered, Perceptive, Competitive, Serious, Reckless, Curious and Easily Flustered and Embarrassed

History: Nathan's past wasn't alto pleasant as he wasn't allowed to stay in heaven for long but is allowed to visit his family every other month in heaven, while he was roaming Earth he became interested in taking up Arts and Law-Enforcement as Arts was taken up more that Law but as he finished his course in arts he bumped into a Fallen Angel Named Sarah as they had a similar reason for roaming earth they grew fondly of each other as a Relationship between them grew he found "New Moon Academy" where they agreed to study after the summer.


-Mother: Allison C. Vincent(Deceased:In Heaven)

-Father: Archangel Michael(Angel of Death)

Major: Fine Arts

Minor: Law-Enforcement

Job: Recruit in the Police Force

Preferred Dorm: Opposite Gender

Roommate: Sarah G. North(My other Character and Nathan's Girlfriend)


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Name: Sarah G. North

Nick-name: North, Grey, Angel

Age: 18(492+)

Race: Fallen Angel

Gender: Female

Personality: Sarah was Banished from heaven because of her Pervertedness but was Banished from hell because she wasn't "Evil Enough" but then her personality stems from her heart aside from her Pervertedness she is also Reckless, Short-Tempered, Humorous, Friendly and loves to Embarrass people especially Nathan.

History: She was banished from heaven and hell, She wasn't Evil but she wasn't good either so she roamed Earth seeing Lovers come and Go until she became the age of 482, She met Nathan as he was studying to become an artist, they grew fondly of each other even tho she flusters and embarrasses Nathan time to time.

Family: None

Major: Acting

Minor: Modelling

Job: None

Preferred Dorm: Opposite Gender

Roommate: Nathaniel C. Vincent(My Other Character and Sarah's Boyfriend)

Appearance: She has Grey Wings and wears either: Polo and Skirt with a tie or Long Pants with a Hooded jacket

Name: Archangel Michael

Nick-name: Death, Angel of Death, Coach Michael

Age: 35(50,000+)

Race: Archangel

Gender: Male

Personality: Kind, Serious, Caring, Friendly, Strict and Forgiving

History: In the Bible, While travelling to earth he fell in love with a Texan Woman Named Allison after two years into the relationship she announced to Michael she was pregnant, Michael was joyful of the announcement but confessed that he was an Angel telling her that the baby will outlast her in Earth, Allison was shocked as of his confession but hugged Michael saying it was okay knowing that their son will grow up into a good person but as a year past and Nathan was a toddler at such a young age Michael was called to heaven for an emergency as he was tasked to keep the front-lines stable from an incoming war as the war was averted he returned to heaven to give God the news he saw his wife waiting for him surprised he asked her how long he was gone she replied, 341 years Michael started tearing up as she comforted him she said"Do not worry my Husband our son grew up fine... he's also still alive he is currently 342 years old, though he looks like he's still 15"As he looked up to her he hugged her before asking God permission to see his child, God was happy to let him see his son but as Michael visited his son while he was in his apartment Nathan didn't recognize him, Michael told him who he was, Nathan wasn't happy to see him asking him why he left with his face starting to tear up"I had to leave to protect everyone in the world I had to-"Just leave me alone"Uh..."Seeing his son was mad at him for leaving he tried to comfort him but Nathan just moved away, knowing his son doesn't want to see him he returns to heaven but God gave him permission to go to "New Moon Academy" knowing Nathan will study there in the future Michael went to the N.M.A. as a Gym and Law-Enforcement teacher seeing that it accepts every race in the whole world.


-Father: God

-Wife: Allison C. Vincent(Deceased:In Heaven)

-Son: Nathaniel C. Vincent III

Subject: Gym and Law-Enforcement

Job: Coach and Instructor

Preferred Dorm: Teacher

Roommate: None teacher's Dorm

Appearance: Has four white Wings, Wears a White and Gold Jumpsuit in Gym and Polo with Black Pants Shortened Sleeves

Name: Rachel

Nic-name: Rachel Ray

Age: 16

Race: Human/Mermaid

Gender: Female

Personality: (Make it as brief or in depth as you like c:) Not one to start conversations with new people, Nice, Fun, Outgoing, Goofy, Thinker

History: (Optional)

Family: (Optional)

Major: Arts

Minor: (Optional)

Job: (Optional)

Preferred Dorm: (Same gender, opposite gender, individual, same race) Same Gender

Roommate: (Ask the person to be your roommate. If you don't have one, I'll assign you one.)

Other: She can change from mermaid to human at her own will.


Mermaid Form

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Human Form

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.b07ef85a14c17609f4f5cff1cae46f4a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105197" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.b07ef85a14c17609f4f5cff1cae46f4a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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Name: Marella Emberhelm

Nic-name: Mar, Mary or Ella

Age: 250 years old (but she has a body and face of a seventeen year old)

Race: half human/half water nymph

Gender: female

Personality: She's dauntless, adventurous, confident, and sometimes stubborn when it comes to things. She is very blunt towards others at times. She really wants to explore the world and see new creatures and new places. She can be a bit harsh, and rough around the edges but at times once you get to know her she is a pretty friendly person but doesn't like to show it at times so that people don't take advantage of her. She is pretty calm, nice, and funny.

History: Marella was born to a water nymph family. Her father, Argo, who is the water-nymphs ruler and her mother, Miscel, who is the care taker of the clan. One day their clan was attacked by huge beast who wanted their tears for their evil doing. The tears of a water-nymph are very important because they can heal the slightest wound or even make someone immortal by combining the tears with the spring waters and drinking it. During this invasion many were taken and some were killed, like her sister, Lali. Marella watched her sister die in her hands and that day was the hardest day for Marella and till this day she still thought that she could of saved her sister during the attack. It's been a hundred years ever since Lali had past away. The family and the clan found a safer and more secure location in an underwater cave that was barricaded by an enchanting spell that shocks any unwelcoming visitors a hundred feet away from the cave if they try to attack the barrier.


Argo Emberhelm- Father (alive)

Miscel Emberhelm- Mother (alive)

Lali Emberhelm- Younger Sister (deceased)

Fio Emberhelm- Older Brother (alive)

Major: Marine Biology

Minor: Oceanography

Job: Works at the aquarium

Preferred Dorm: (can't choose, please pick for me)

Roommate: (Ask the person to be your roommate. If you don't have one, I'll assign you one.)


(her true water nymph form)


(her human form but she has blue eyes like the one in the picture above)


Other: This is when her sister was killed in the attack

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Name: Jace L'Fevre

Age: 14

Race: Human (Psychic)

Gender: Male

Personality: Jace is still fairly young, and his sweet tooth knows no bounds. He is fairly mature and intelligent for his age, but it isn't unheard of for him to act like a child younger than he really is on occasion. He doesn't like to involve himself in things, and he's not a fan of approaching people, because he isn't good with trust. He's rather kind when around friends, but also sarcastic, so beware of his sharp tongue if you manage to irritate him.

History: Jace was adopted at birth by a single man who wanted children. His adoptive father, a baker, was loving and kind, and Jace had a fairly uneventful childhood. As a young kid in school, he was sometimes excluded from activities or exploited by the older students due to his inability to stand up for himself. Eventually, he developed sarcasm as a way to lash out at those who would treat him unfairly.

When Jace hit eleven years old, things got a little messy, as he was coming into his abilities. When he blew out the candles on his birthday cake, an entire row of books fell off of a shelf nearby. He began having odd dreams. Many were symbolic dreams representing dreams of what would come- but within four months, he had two dreams that were vivid and accurate depictions of the future. This scared him a lot, and he began becoming solitary again. His father, concerned, had him examined, only to discover that what was happening wasn't a psychological problem at all.

At age thirteen, Jace found himself locked into a dream he couldn't escape. He had projected himself into another plane altogether, and could not find a way out for months. This appeared as a coma to everyone else. The only way he was able to leave was when another psychic found him and helped him escape. This experience shook him and his father up, badly. In a last-ditch attempt to help his son, he enrolled Jace in a school where there would be others with supernatural abilities in the hopes that it would help Jace.

Family: Allen L'Fevre (Father)

Major: Psychology

Minor: Culinary

Job: None

Preferred Dorm: No preference.

Roommate: No preference.






Dominic - Dom

Ryan- Ry

Age: 20

Race: Half - Human Half- Vampire

Gender: Male


Dom- reserved to himself, Like to read, spend most of his time reading, intelligent.

Ryan: can be funny sometimes, friendly, trustworthy, is a pacifist

History: They were raised by the streets by homeless people who taught them how to survive. When they were 10, a kind old woman named Darlene adopted them into her home, teaching them what she could before sending them to school. She died when they were at their last year of middle school. They continue to study and stayed on her home. They both suffer from narcolepsy but Dom has it the worse sometimes.

Family: Darlene (Adopted Mother: Deceased)


Dom- Biology

Minor: Art

Ryan- Chemistry

Minor: Programming


Dom- Mechanic

Ryan- Cashier at a Starbucks ( ha xD )

Preferred Dorm: Any


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