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Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

Name: Amy Vokda

Nickname: Frost

Age: 7,526

Race: Werewolf

Gender: Female

Personality: To be blunt with her personality Amy hates anyone that she finds to be extremely annoying. She does not like to make friends and prefers to be alone rather than sociable. But that does not stop her from being professional at her job, unless someone purposely tries to piss her off. Her temper is something to be cautious of, her anger being the equivalent of every natural disaster blended together. She does have a somewhat dark sadistic side to her but tries to remain calm as best she can.

History: Amy likes to keep her past non-existant and gone for whatever her reason may be. No one knows of her family, or childhood. There is no record of her birth, medical records and school records, and yet no one seems to question her. Mysteriously though she somehow is able to buy a botle of perscription pills that she regularly purchases. The medication in question are pills that help keep her anger at bay to balance her temper.

Family: Unknown

Major: Magic

Minor: Unknown

Job: Teacher

Preferred Dorm: Individual


Instead of wearing typical clothing Amy wears a set of tribal gear that consists of a top and bottom piece of thick cloth made from animal skin and fur. She also keeps a large bowie knife on her at all times.
Ah another teacher. Awesome c: Accepted, though there's really no reason to carry a knife on school campus.. and the teachers have their own home areas away from student dorms c: (I desperately need to edit information but...you know x.x busy busy.)
Name: Annabel

Nic-name: Anna

Age: 18

Race: lamia

Gender: female

Personality: Annabel is a chereful inoccent and hyper lamia with a big heart and a warm hug. She loves to hug people and paint and draw and shes always happy to make new friends

History: tbr

Family: doesnt know

Major: art

Minor: photography

Job: none

Preferred dorm: open

Roommate: open


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Titianna Salvador

Nic-name: Tia, Tiana or titty ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Age: Around 43, but looks 18 and is at that stage developmentally

Race: Magical Ram-Human Hybrid

Gender: female

Personality: Warm, Loving and humble. Has a passion for sewing and garment making. Makes a great friend due to her

motherly instinct and gentle nature. However, is terrifying when angry and not to be messed with.

History: Comes from a family of rams and fairies. Mother was a human-fairy hybrid and her father was a human-ram hybrid.

She took after her father a lot with her curly white hair. She was the eldest child out of 5, and would help looking after them with her

parents. Had a very stable upbringing.

Family: I think I covered that in history lol

Major: Textiles

Minor: Art and Design

Job: Seamstress

Preferred Dorm: Same gender

Roommate: N/A



-All clothes she wears are made by her, is 5'2" (158cm) and 125lbs (57kg)-
Name: John

Nickname: n/a

Age: 35

Race: half-elf

Gender: male

Blood type: O+

Personality: quiet and reserved. Basically likes to be by himself, except for when he is teaching.

Major: History

Job: Teacher

History: it's a mystery/secret

Family: they all mysteriously disappeared. It's part of why he keeps to himself.

Appearance: 6 feet tall, muscular, brown hair, green eyes, wears simple clothing most of the time.
Name: river

Nic-name: nightmare, reaver

Age: 19

Race: nightmare (a being born from the darkness and fear of the world. His kind is proven to be the darkest of every being. So dark that even gods will tremble at the approach of one)

Gender: male

Personality: (subject to change based on how he progreses in the story) cold, ruthless, dark, sinister, has little to no contact with any other emotion besides fear hate and rage so that kinda molds him, has a secret protectiveness of people he thinks of as close to him (will be explained when history is explained i story)

History: tbr

Family: never had one

Major: dark arts


Job: no one will hire

Preferred dorm: open

Roommate: open


Shadow- being a nightmare grants river with absolute control over shadow and darkness which includes becoming shadow, traveling through shadow, creating phisical objects from pure darkness

Dream feed- a nightmares only source of sustinance is the fear of other living things. So nightmares have the abilites to reach into the minds of others and pull from there minds the deepest darkest fears or make the victim halucinate and beleive that there worst fears are happening

Corrupted blood- with blood so black it alone can dime the light of the heavens, with a mind so dark that to try and reach into it would be suicide.

Black aura- his kind gives off a natural aura of pure darkness and fear that affects all

Shadow dancing- a small side affect is that any shadow that is within a fifty foot radius will move from its caster in taboo yet rather facinating and beautiful ways

(I know he sounds op... And frankly hes kinda supposed to be but tis neeeded for what thy has planed > :)


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May i have it to were him being such a dark being is sort of a weakenning agent under the right conditions (most fights)?
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]May i have it to were him being such a dark being is sort of a weakenning agent under the right conditions (most fights)?

Er.. Explain said conditions.


...?Yuki Eve Ishgria?...






Chaos Intoner




Pretty easy going. Mostly silent. Pretty much the silent person in the classroom who nearly participates in class but will if she has to. Though, get to know her outside of school or personally, her personality changes




Pop Star/Voice Actress

Preferred Dorm:







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Full name: silith lavenza

Preferred title: miss mostly because shes single

Age: 29

Subject: history

Job: teacher


Magical form:


(Just you know add clothing that connects the lower part of her clothing to the part over her chest but leave the sleves how they are xD )

Personality: silith is a shy and quiet girl mostly because she is teased for the fact that shes so large if you know what i mean and that shes half spider. She tends to avoid talking to much and letting people get close to her for reasons that are to be revealed and doesnt like people calling her fat or ugly. Last guy that did that ended with his head ripped off and his spinal cord removed from his back

Powers in magical form:

Spin webs, super strength, can walk on walls and the ceiling, speak to spiders

Bio (optional): tbr

Dorm: has her own baciacly house because of her size

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Name: Evangeline Delta

Nic-name: Eva

Age: 17

Race: Immortal



Personality: Eva is a secretive, Dark, Kind, Gentle, Lonely, Social outcast.

History: Ummm, Dark okay? I dont like telling people about it

Family: I have one sister and three brothers. and my rich-ass hole father.

School Information

Major: Journalism

Minor: None

Job: None

Preferred Dorm: (Same gender, Indivdual.)



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