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Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

Melody was still looking for Liz and went back to the room where it happened and said "has anyone seen liz" she said with teary eyes
"Oh, you can talk." Kathlianna said, surprised. "But where'd you come from? You weren't here before that girl caught on fire.." She thought out loud curiously. She looked back up at the other girl and the boy. When Melody came back, Kathlianna looked back down at the little wolf. "Are you Liz?" She asked.

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Melody saw a little wolf and ran to it say "Liz are you ok I was looking for you after all that happened". She picked her up and hugged her
She smiled as she was scooped up by Melody. She then answered the other's question. "I'm Liz indeed. That was a glitch that keeps showing up..."
CellistCat606 said:


"I'm Rachel nice to meet you. Sorry for bumping into you again, is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

"It's alright and I just have to try and find my dorm again so that I can settle in." She told Rachel as she flashed a smile.


"Well thank you, and I guess I will see you around. Hope to see you soon." Rachel then began walking past Marella, she then realized she was going the wrong way. "Oops, my dorm is this way," she said while turning around and then heading to her own dorm.

Kathlianna waved as the two left. Sitting back down on the desk, she looked over to where the experiment had been going on.
Acelynn had finished cleaning everything up, her mood being spoiled by the unexpected demon child. "Well Damien..still want drawing lessons?" She asked, her face now blank and expressionless.

Damien chucked all the remaining tissues he was holding in the bin, a frown on his face. "Sure, but do you want to wait 'til tomorrow. I don't know about you, but I need a break. That thing really freaked me out."

Acelynn shrugs. "I don't really take breaks much. Which explains why you found me sleeping." She chuckled softly. "But if you need a break then enjoy. I'll be off drawing somewhere. Come find me if you want." She said, the faintest of smiles on her face.

At the mention of drawing, Kathlianna's ears perked up and she smiled, tail swishing happily once more. Looking over at the other table she noticed her sketchbook still open to where she was drawing the Liz on fire with the other girl hugging her.

@FictionalReality @xEmoBunnehx
"Will do. But remember, sleeping on books crinkles them. Sleeping in your bed is much more comfortable." He smiled at her, before grabbing a notepad from his bag, ripping a page out, and scribbling a few numbers on it. "That's my number and dorm room. If you need me for anything and can't seem to find me, try one, ok?"

Dom stood outside the academy with his hand on his pocket. "Hmm." He continue on repeating that to himself as he walked, not exactly knowing where he was going. "Should had listened to Ry and skipped school so I could continue sleeping." He said while yawning, today was really gonna be a bad day for him.

Ryan passed his hand through his hair as he sat down on a tree, feeling completely sleepy. "If I go to sleep now, I don't know what's gonna happen but if I don't I will just fall asleep anywhere." Ryan said to himself.
Jace looked at the campus in a panic for the third time in a row. "It's huuuuge..." he stressed. "And I don't know anyone here! I wanted to stay at home, not transfer to... wherever this is!" He gasped sharply as an image flashed before his eyes. "Right. Deep breathing. That's what he said. But try not to sleep." He took a few deep breaths to calm himself. "Right." He slowly approached the school.
Dom yawned as he walked. "Stupid huge place, can't even have a place where I can rest." He muttered to himself, completely annoyed after getting lost. "Where's the map for this place?" He growled out.

Ryan was fast sleep, hiding on top of some building he didn't know.
As a wise man once said- when in trouble or in doubt, stick some candy in your mouth. Jace obliged with a chocolate bar. He was tempted to try teleporting around but didn't want to end up on top of another mountain. Instead, he wandered, engrossed in the school handbook. As such, he barely managed to stop himself before he ran into Dom. "Ah! Sorry, sorry, my mistake..." That was close-
Acelynn nodded and folded up the little paper and place it in her pocket. "Will do! Thanks again Damien. If you ever need to find me well..I'm a mess to find so..good luck!" She joked before gathering her things and waving a quick goodbye. Acelynn snapped her fingers and the giant canvas floated again the dragon still finally detailed as she left, it following behind her. Acelynn was headed to one of her favorite spots on campus to be..the old willow tree in the courtyard. It was always the most peaceful for her..and held a strong connection to her favorite element, Earth.
As a wise man once said- when in trouble or in doubt, stick some candy in your mouth. Jace obliged with a chocolate bar. He was tempted to try teleporting around but didn't want to end up on top of another mountain. Instead, he wandered, engrossed in the school handbook. As such, he barely managed to stop himself before he ran into Dom. "Ah! Sorry, sorry, my mistake..." That was close-
Dom raised his eyebrow looking at the guy in front. "It's alright." He responded. "Nothing happened so it's fine." He added with a yawn.
Jace sighed, relieved. "Good. I'm glad. Yes. Uh." Internally, he kicked himself repeatedly. This was going very vey very very very very badly. He wished his abilities included the power to turn invisible or melt into a little puddle, because he hated situations like this. "Um... do you have any idea where I can go before Psychology starts? I, ah... sort of left my map... somewhere.... and frankly, I don't know where it is now..." he admitted sheepishly.
Jace sighed, relieved. "Good. I'm glad. Yes. Uh." Internally, he kicked himself repeatedly. This was going very vey very very very very badly. He wished his abilities included the power to turn invisible or melt into a little puddle, because he hated situations like this. "Um... do you have any idea where I can go before Psychology starts? I, ah... sort of left my map... somewhere.... and frankly, I don't know where it is now..." he admitted sheepishly.
Dom shook his head. "I would say that i know where it is but I would be lying, I just arrived a few minutes ago and got lost." He scratched his head. "This is troublesome." He though to himself.
"I see. You're in the same situation as me..." He sighed. "Sorry to bug you..." He wished he had enough control to actually use his abilities constructively- right now, he was totally helpless. If he was properly clairvoyant, maybe he could've divined up a map, but NOOO...

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