Search results for query: *

  1. LotusBlossom

    Fantasy Windermere Academy

    Daphne shrugged, "I don't know there's got to be someone willing to talk to us." She didn't realize how heavy Tiny Lorin was until now, she was starting to sweat a little, "I'm getting more of a work out carrying him than I did in gym class!" She yelled, laughing a little. Thankfully for them...
  2. LotusBlossom

    Fantasy Windermere Academy

    Daphne placed her fingers on her temple and rubbed,"I honestly don't know. I wish we had a healer in the group. But we can't let him be sick, I guess we no choice but to take him back to the school..." Daphne sighed and walked over to Lorin and helped carry him out of the diner door, "I...
  3. LotusBlossom

    Fantasy Windermere Academy

    Daphne shoved her food away and looked around the diner with panicked eyes, "Leave. We need to leave right now. Does someone have Lorin? Do we need anything to carry him?" Daphne questioned as she pushed her way out of the tiny booth that they were all pushed into. She was running towards the...
  4. LotusBlossom

    Fantasy Windermere Academy

    Daphne and the group slid into a tiny booth in the back of the dinner and were coldly handed menus. The people in this village weren't as nice as she was suspecting, in fact, the moment they got here it seemed as if every store decided they were closed for dinner, she was obviously going to have...
  5. LotusBlossom

    Fantasy Windermere Academy

    "Hmmm" Daphne sighed as she entered the village. This place looked like it was stuck in the 1900s, there were shops, small and tiny, no street lights (maybe one or two stop signs), and one diner that looked like a small place owned by locals. They obviously weren't going to get any Mcdonalds...
  6. LotusBlossom

    Fantasy Windermere Academy

    (omg sorry everyone!! I ended up taking a trip to Sanibel the other day and when I got back there was a huge storm and we just got power back) Daphne followed the group and looked around the scenery, there wasn't much too even look at, just millions of trees and a one way street. Sneaking away...
  7. LotusBlossom

    Fantasy Windermere Academy

    Daphne made sure to bring a backpack full of supplies they might need for their adventure (it's never a bad thing to be prepared, right?) she made sure she packed a flashlight, extra money, a note book, and some pens and pencils incase they found anything interesting. After placing her backpack...
  8. LotusBlossom

    Fantasy Windermere Academy

    ~I have to go, I'll be back later~ *THE BELL RINGS*
  9. LotusBlossom

    Fantasy Windermere Academy

    "Awesome!" Daphne replied, "If you want, just meet us outside near the front flag pole and we'll meet you there and walk together to the village...probably like 5:30 or something. Okay?" Daphne was getting a little ahead of herself though, she didn't know what to do when she actually got to the...
  10. LotusBlossom

    Fantasy Windermere Academy

    Daphne smiled and stuck out her hand, "I'm Daphne, it's nice too meet you! I was wondering if you want to go to the village for dinner with my friends and I?" she gestured towards Natalia, Miki, and Lorin. "Don't feel like you have to go! I just saw you sitting alone and well, I just dont like...
  11. LotusBlossom

    Fantasy Windermere Academy

    Ms.Winters slightly nodded to Lorin, she didn't really hear what he had said because she was too enchanted by his eye. "What is he? What is his power?" she wondered to herself. She shook away the thoughts and walked along the desks and gathered up the test tubes, apologizing again to everyone...
  12. LotusBlossom

    Fantasy Windermere Academy

    Daphne laughed a small light laugh, "No raw meat, I promise." she sat back down in her seat and stared at the test tubes..should she? She didn't feel right about this school and why did they need her blood? No other school shes been to has ever asked for blood like that. How strange...she pushed...
  13. LotusBlossom

    Fantasy Windermere Academy

    Daphne slammed her hands on her desk and stood up to look Natalia in the eyes, "Natalia, it's fine you're going with us. Everyone we meet is going to come with us. No one gets left behind." Sh hoped Natalia understood that they weren't just going out to eat and that they were actually going to...
  14. LotusBlossom

    Fantasy Windermere Academy

    Daphne looked up at Natalia and at first wanted to scream at her but decided that wasn't the best option and instead decided to forgive her, it wasn't really her fault, "It's alright!" Daphne said cheerfully, "Why don't you come out with us to the village for dinner so that doesn't happebn...
  15. LotusBlossom

    Fantasy Windermere Academy

    Daphne looked at Lorin that seemed to be in a lot pain and shot him a worried looked and mouth, "Are you okay?" she turned back and looked at Natalia, her face turned red a little bit and she turned her gaze away from her and look out the window and waited for Natalia to say something to her...
  16. LotusBlossom

    Fantasy Windermere Academy

    Daphne heard Lorin in her mind and replied back, after much debate, " she fine now? I'm embarrassed a little a guess..." She stopped and let thoughts drag back out to lorins powers and what Natalia would have to say to her. She wasn't mad at her, just a little scared. Sent from my...
  17. LotusBlossom

    Fantasy Windermere Academy

    Daphne was still flustered from the mess and was actually super embarrassed that she froze in that situation, if she couldn't handle Natalia transforming then what was she going to do in the real world? Daphne felt bad for not going to thank Lorin he practically saved her life(how he knew to...
  18. LotusBlossom

    Fantasy Windermere Academy

    Daphne stumbled back holding her hand to her face where she was just hit, "N-n-NATALIA! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?" she yelled from a distance, "Why are you acting like this!?" Daphne searched her thoughts and why Natalia could be like this when she remember shape-shifting class and what Natalia had...
  19. LotusBlossom

    Fantasy Windermere Academy

    Rafael leaned in closely to the black and white computer monitor, he's been watching them all day and nothing too interesting has happened He just watched the blind girl break a desk without even trying. He was baffled and he hurry to reach her file, almost spilling coffee over the...
  20. LotusBlossom

    Windermere Academy

    Sorry everyone ~ ive been busy redoing the bathroom & my room! but I should be back to posting normally