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  1. Shiyoumi

    A Life Full Of Danger is the Best Life

    "ばか じない よ。(you look stupid)" Sho said to the girl, "てをどけてよ!(take your hands off her)" Sho did speak Japanese and he wasn't about to be his servant's translator. If she didn't understand, that was her problem. He was little irritated that someone had even thought of laying a hand on his...
  2. Shiyoumi

    A Life Full Of Danger is the Best Life

    (Sorry for the late response) "The servant asking the master for a favor?" He laughed and pulled his arm away from Agile, "Alright, we'll go, but I won't always be so generous." Sho rather enjoyed her begging. It was humerous and what was even more amusing than that, was that he could have...
  3. Shiyoumi

    Ambrose a Vampire RP

    Ryoma awoke to the smell of Poached Salmon, mint salad, with a side of scones, toast, and Ceylon tea. A breakfast fit for a prince no less. His parents' serfs were scrambling around endlessly tending to his parents' needs. Today was his one hundreth birthday and he had heard that his parents had...
  4. Shiyoumi

    Hogwarts Is Always in Trouble [1x1 with Shiyoumi]

    Kage saw a familiar look spread across Liza's face. "He's single you know." Kage said slyly. She brushed past Liza and hopped in a boat. It rocked side to side scaring a few of the others. She smirked and settled down below with her things. The water was as dark as raven feathers. Sheer had...
  5. Shiyoumi

    Bayford: Day 8

    The last thing we need is two werewolves... Good God
  6. Shiyoumi

    The World Knows no Bounds

    It was then that Ryo finally realized what was coming... It was time for the hunt once more. He started to bleed from his eyes. It looked as though he had cried blood. He turned around quickly hoping that the other had not seen. It was highly likely that the other had seen. "Thank you... for...
  7. Shiyoumi

    The World Knows no Bounds

    Ryo didn't really pay attention much to how the boy got out of his room. He just followed him out. There was no telling what was going through Ryo's head as he left. Apart of him wanted to know if the boy had some answers to his questions and if he did not have answers, would he be willing to...
  8. Shiyoumi

    Bayford: Day 7

    Well now I don't know who it is... I will have to vote now because I have to work later too.
  9. Shiyoumi

    Ambrose A Vampire Signups

    Name: Ryoma Kikuchi Age: 1oo (18 in vampire years) Gender: Male Appearance: Personality: Quiet, hot-tempered, nice, can be a jerk sometimes, womanizer, not serious about love, his family is filthy rich, owns a manor and is from Japan Race: 吸血鬼 (vampire) Background: Ryoma was born...
  10. Shiyoumi

    Bayford: Day 6

    I would also like to engage in the activity of prayer.
  11. Shiyoumi

    Misery Loves Company [Private 1x1]

    "I'm sorry..." the she whispered. Sakura started floating off the ground and with her Jace. She was hoping he would remain calm as it was easier to fly with someone who was calm. She could glimpse a bird's eye of the infected. They were so close to the spot they had been previously standing it...
  12. Shiyoumi

    Bayford: Day 5

    "Well this is quite unfortunate... I think Marira is cool..." Shiyoumi cleans and cleans her master's house. She actually lets a tear fall for Marira as she is deeply saddened by this loss. Shiyoumi didn't attend the hanging as she was not permitted to leave the house without her master's say...
  13. Shiyoumi

    But Sho doesn't know that and doesn't know who Makoto is.

    But Sho doesn't know that and doesn't know who Makoto is.
  14. Shiyoumi

    New and ready

    Welcome to RPN ^_^
  15. Shiyoumi

    A Life Full Of Danger is the Best Life

    "Okay, if you're going to lie, go. And don't come back. You won't see me again, ever and when you come to my place, I will no longer be there." Sho said coldly. Sho could smell lies a mile away. He knew many humans and most of them lied. He knew the signs the attitude and he didn't care for...
  16. Shiyoumi

    Soul Society Instantly Changes! BLEACH RP

    Sakura didn't say anything. She simply disappeared into the shadows and disappated. She actually didn't have a place to stay for the night. She would probably sleep outside like she normally did when she was far away from society. Seeing as Sakura is rejected most of the time and reasonably so...
  17. Shiyoumi

    A Life Full Of Danger is the Best Life

    "Your friend wants to see you? Why?" Sho snapped. He had her bound to him. Agile wouldn't be doing anything without his say so and she broke the contract she would die. Why? Because Sho was cruel, but he could be nice sometimes. He had every intention of letting Agile see this friend, but he...
  18. Shiyoumi

    Other Rages!

    I totally agree with you there! Or like when you type a really long post and you get so excited to see that someone has replied and it's JUST a one liner. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that totally grinds my gears. I spend ten minutes on a single post and you don't even give me the satisfaction...
  19. Shiyoumi

    Bayford: Day 4

    I'd say we'd keep voting." Shiyoumi certainly didn't want to die. She wanted there werewolf scare to be over 
  20. Shiyoumi

    Soul Society Instantly Changes! BLEACH RP

    What was with this guy? All Sakura really wanted to do today was become a captain to say the least and all she had done so far was get involved in a fight. She wanted to prove her worth and this guy wanted to kill her for it. What a joke. And the man had aimed at his shadow. A part of Sakura had...