Bayford: Day 4

Who killed Niv?

  • Carl

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Shiyoumi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Darksoul90

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marira

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Heartsteal22

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kagura

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Riddle78

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Evangeline

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • AGProject7347

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Zixevak

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Legendless

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • BlueyedAngel

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


One Thousand Club
As Emmanuelb was getting ready to hang he smirked at Kagura and said "Don't stay up thinking about me." We only knew him from his first days here in Bayford. But rest assured that while he might not wanted it to end this way for him, he accepted one way or the other.

As everyone started to rest easy thinking they had this whole werewolf problem solved, there was a loud scream sometime in the night. In the morning we found Nivrad00's body ripped to shreds as if it were an act of revenge or an act of disagreement. Meanwhile the sun is still shining brightly without any rain.

In Memory of those killed:

Emmanuelb - Hung; Status - Evil

Nivrad00 - Murdered; Status – Good

Days Without Water: 1/5
The handsome man, totally unashamed, smacks Riri on the nosey and shouts!

The girl walked to the meetingplace, her face stone cold. She held a play copy of "The Crucible in her hands, a page marked off with a red rose.

Upon instant, she had been smacked on the nose. The girl reacted by whacking Carl on the head with the book.

"Shut up! I'm not in the mood for foolishness."
"Well, at least it looks like we got one of them," the farmer said, coming in covered in dust.

"So, what do we do now? Wait for the night to see if we got them for good? Or perhaps just keep voting for those that won't appear."
I'd say we'd keep voting."

Shiyoumi certainly didn't want to die. She wanted there werewolf scare to be over 
Well we got lucky and got one of them. Maybe we got the leader of the two and the leadership transferred over to the other who is not a lurker but did not have the power to kill.

That or the lurkers in question stopped so that we killed one and the other killed as well. Still I think we are doing a good job so far. We outnumber the werewolf 11 to 1.

The farmer shrugs.
*Girl wonders to herself why she was called out*

I say that we keep voting off those who are inactive or haven't spoken.

That way we at least get this moving?
Sigh. Okay, so what the hell are we doing then?

--- Merged Double Post ---

Also, has anyone besides me realize that Nivrad is dead?! I believe that means that we do have a killer in the premises...
Seems like if that's our only option, Kagi. So we should just see who's next on the list that Niv had in mind.

Also, I actually did noticed that, Mari. It seems that Niv was getting too close to the idea of capturing the murderer, since Emmanuel was marked as Evil. In other words, he was on the right track. And somebody wanted him out because of that.

If that isn't the case, then they probably just wanted him dead before he could move on to anyone else besides the inactive people.
*frantically* no, screw the list now! It's obvious that there's another killer among us so what would be the poing of nitpicking through the INACTIVE when there's a murderer breathing down our backs?! Obviously another strategy must be made

(And I refuse to get hanged cause carl's an idiot. Just saying)
What's wrong with picking through the inactives Ria?

has someone else perked your suspicion (I'll vote before you die)

--- Merged Double Post ---


Guys. I think I just stumbled across something...

Heart voted for Ria again when she wanted us to turn away from the in actives

Seems a little suspicious when he agreed with the plan?

Not only that but the first day when he voted for her, he almost forgot to vote.

Maybe he forgot to put in the werewolf vote too??

Seems a lil fishy to me, Heart. B[
Today I voted hours ahead, sorry to say. The first day, I didn't think we had to vote until you told me to.

You sure I'm where that smell's coming from?

You don't seem one to take the decision into you own hands if you had a partner either.

Too bad riddle jumped on the gravy train...
The one with the most votes gets hung. And,to be honest,we need to hang people. Even if we get it wrong,we'll thin out the cover our tormentors can use. So I call it a win/win situation,if it's a bit morbid.

AND YOU KNOW WHAT? I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT I WILL DIE TONIGHT,MURDERED OR HUNG! And you know what? I would rather be MUERDERED than to be hung by a bunch of imbecikes who have no idea what is going on! I KNOW for a fact that heart is an innocent man, I know a whole helluva lot than ANY of you ever will, and I've narrowed my suspect list down to five people:






You try nit-picking through that.

*and with that, the girl climbed to the roof of her house, waiting. In her hands she held a slip of paper with a note.
Voting has now closed

(Seer send me your Vision vote)

(Werewolf Leader send me your Killing vote)

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