Hogwarts Is Always in Trouble [1x1 with Shiyoumi]


Netherworld Overlord
Elizabeth Coxx Winter did not want to go. She had already gotten her things all ready and her family was now urging her to board the train. The train that would take her to where her two older siblings had already gone to and one finished while she was just beginning.

Elizabeth or Liza as she preferred to be called hesitated and hit her lower lip. In truth it was not that she didn't want to go to Hogwarts. She had heard so much about it from what she had read to her siblings talking about it. It seemed like a wonderful place and she was going to the very place that one of the greatest wizards of all time went to and now his kids were going as well.

No it was because Liza was dead nervous. She was afraid of what might happened there. The young girl was not one for excitement really not like her brother Dave. That was why he was such a fit in Gryffindor. Her sister only a few years older but already loved by plenty of teachers (or so she claimed) was in Ravenclaw. But Liza lacked the smarts her sister had.

So Liza was sure that left her one of two options. Slytherin or Hufflepuff. But that was not a good one in her eyes and anyways she doubted that she would be chosen for Slytherin. That left Hufflepuff. The leftover house. Liza had went over the qualities of all four houses. She was certain that was where she was headed. Still there was a possibility for Gryffindor maybe. Even Ravenclaw.

"Go on dear. You don't want the train to leave without you," her mother said. Liza nodded and took a deep breath. Then she got on and went looking for a place to sit.

(Liza's appearance =
http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime young girl/DakotahLM/young_Serah_Namikaze.jpg?o=2)
(Don't have an appearance for Kage or Sheer yet and I will be rping as two characters if that is okay. Sheer is the main one I will use however.)

Kage was extremely excited. It was her first year at Hogwarts. She had read all of the history up until now. She knew about the Potters, about Severus Snape, about Voldemort, about Dumbledore, about everything. She was ready to get into some danger herself. Kage already knew quite a bit of tricks. She was a genious. She thought of herself as the perfect pure-blood. However, she never voiced that opinion. She let her impeccable skills say that for her. Kage was sneaky, sly and cunning. She was brave and she stuck with things until the very bitter end. Kage never gave up on anything. It was not in her nature. Kage was almost sure she would be put in the Slytherin House. Her brother was in Slytherin and that gave her high hopes.

Kage's brother was just like her, only he was bit more kind, but just as cold as Kage was. His name was Sheer Omiyage. Sheer looked around and saw his sister boarding the train and he looked around and saw everyone else's parents helping their children onto the train. Sheer closed his eyes. Their parents were gone and they were forced to take care of themselves, but for the most part, Hogwarts supplied them with the needs to live. Sheer pushed Kage onto the train. His sleek blonde hair was shining in the sun. He had a pet owl he named Nihon because the bird only understood Japanese. Sheer was tall and had high cheek bones. He was handsome, but he didn't to notice that part about himself. He was always worrying about Kage because she was all he had... for now. Sheer was hoping he'd find at least one girl at Hogwarts. That way he could encourage Kage to go and find a nice boy.
(That is fine. I might add another later)

Liza walked down the small aisle glancing into the compartments every now and then. Most were full or had a couple people already crowded inside. Liza gribbed the bottom of her clothes. She felt a bit out of place in what she was wearing. Grey tights and black sneakers with a dark blue jumper dress and a grey long-sleeved shirt. Eventually she would change into her robes. She was sure that her siblings might already have done so. But Liza liked her clothing even if it was odd. As a half-blood she saw and experienced enough of the muggle world along with the wizard one.

Liza eventually found one that was empty and quickly went inside claiming it. After placing all her things and debating abou putting on her school robes and such (and deciding not to), she sat down and looked out the window. The train had already left the station. As she looked out another thought occurred to her. The train was kind of full. So it was possible that others might coem and ask to share her compartment. Liza didn't want to but she knew if asked she would not say no. She just hoped they would be friendly sort of people.
Sheer couldn't seem to find an empty seat on the train. Kage had left to sit with some of the other first years. The only other cart he saw with room was girl who seemed to be sitting alone. In a thick Asian accent he said:

"Do you mind if I sit here?"

He was hoping the girl wouldn't mind. She appeared to be a first year because he had not seen her around. Sheer didn't much care for first years even though he was one just last year, he managed to get on the quidditch team like that potter kid. He was the reason Slytherin managed to win last year. He wanted to enter the Hogwart Triwizard Tournament, but he was too young for that and he couldn't get past the age spell that was put around the cup. Sheer had been irritated by that. It was such a horrid trick. That Potter kid had done it hadn't he? Heck, he even won. Well perhaps this year would be different. He hoped so because he was going to try getting his name in that goblet even if it aged him a little bit.
Liza almost jumped at the sound of a voice and a non-English one at that. For a moment Liza could not place it and she thought hard. Then she realize that he was still waiting for an answer.

"Oh...um...sure. That is fine with me," she said, blushing a little at her silliness. She looked at him and placed his accent as Asian. That excited her. She had not met many people who weren't English. Then she realize she was staring at him and looked down at her feet. She hoped he would not take offense first to her delay answer and second to her staring.
Sheer smiled one of his handsome smiles.

"Thank you."

He didn't say much after that. He just stared out the window and watched the train the families wave good-bye to their children. He wondered if his mom was doing the same from where she was. He sighed absorbed in his own thoughts. Sheer didn't seem to notice the girl's staring. He was rather thinking of something else and he wasn't necessarily good with small talk. His sister wasn't either, but that would be fine. Sheer's sister was attractive... Someone would have to talk to her. He kept wondering why he was wondering about her. He wasn't usually like this. His owl shook in its cage.

"やめて よ!” he yelled at it.

The bird stopped.
Liza looked from the window to the boy as he shouted at his owl in a different language. Questions began to pile up behind her lips but she felt rude if she just asked him them so randomly. So instead she decide to get a conversation going first.

"I'm Elizabeth Winters by the way, well I prefer the nickname Liza, but you don't have to use it...." Liza trailed off for a moment and then spoke again, trying not to lose confidence. "What is your name?"
Sheer seemed to look at her with a lost look.

"It's Sheer, but if you're Japanese, Shiru perhaps."

He didn't look like he was going to say anything else. His eyes watched as he saw Kage passing by and sitting into the cart next to him.

"おい! かげちゃん!” Sheer yelled.

Kage looked over and smiled pleasantly at her brother. She was wondering why he had chosen to sit next to that girl. However, it didn't matter to her. The train was pretty full and it wasn't like he had much of a choice anyway. Luckily this cart only had one other kid in it. He was sleeping. Kage was thankful for that because she had the largest scar that went across her eye in a vertical fashion. Most people would end up staring at it before asking what happened. She would then glare at them at ask them to leave her prescence.

Sheer looked at her sister. She was sitting with someone he knew. He was a second year and always sleeping, but he couldn't perhaps remember his name. He figured it would come to him eventually.
Liza was starting to feel uncomfortable. First he was talking in a language she did not understand. Second he didn't seem to be in the mood to socialize. If she had to travel all the way there in silence she would rather do it by herself. She hated awkward silences. Maybe it was a bad idea to let him sit with her.

Still she nodded, being polite. Sheer? What a weird name. But he was clearly foriegn after all. Still in a way she kind of liked it. Not that she was about to voice that opinion. Still she was brimming with questions she wasn't sure he would answer.

"It's nice to meet you Sheer," she said softly looking at her feet. "I haven't really met anyone at Hogwarts yet cept my siblings. My sister is a third year and my brother a sixth." Was she rambling? She felt close to it, so she shut her mouth tightly blushing again hotly. Maybe she should stop trying to talk to him.

Sheer smiled at her red face.

"Sorry about what exactly." Sheer asked confused.

Sheer wasn't the best at small talk and didn't know what more he could say. He ran his hand through his blonde hair. He was thinking about a lot of things and what was odd is he wanted to get his mind off them. So what was better than to attempt small talk with this Liza person.

"So Liza-san, are you a first year?" He said all of this with an accent.

He hated that he had an accent, but there was nothing he could do about it. There was a lot of things he could do nothing about. Like his sister. He couldn't help her... They would be in completely separate classes unless Kage tried out for the Quidditch team like he did. Or maybe she'll be good at potions like mom. Well it didin't matter. Kage was a natural a genious. Sheer wished he had brains like that, but he was for the most part average.
"About my babbling," Liza said trying to explain. She was relieved though that Sheer didn't seem to mind, unless of course he was not paying attention to her in the first place. The thought of it hurt but Liza decided to move on since he was now talking to her.

"It is my first year," she said nodding. She liked the san added to her name. She didn't really understand it but still. Also she found his accent to be endearing. She was so tired of listening to just English accents that a new one was inviting. "I'm pretty nervous. My family has this expectation of me being in Ravenclaw or Gyffrindor like one of my siblings even if they don't say it." She shrugged a little. "I don't think I'll be in either." She looked up at Sheer. "How about you?"
"I'm a Slytherin." He said simply.

He couldn't say anything more than that. He was happy to be a Slytherin. However, Sheer was putting on facade. He was only being nice because Liza had allowed him the courtesy of sitting here. Sheer wasn't one to be rude, but his personality leaned towards the cold type. The only thing in this world he cared about more than himself was his sister Kage. As long as she was safe, nothing else really mattered. He laughed to himself. Kage would do fine. She could probably beat him in a wizarding duel after this first year and who knows, maybe she would replace him as the Seeker this year. Sheer always wanted to be the beater and Kage had keen eyes. They'd be the perfect team. Sheer always watched her practicing. She was quick on a broom.
A Slytherin. So he had to be at least a second year. He didn't look that old either so she guessed second or third worked. Maybe he knew his sister. She didn't really spend much time outside her house though or outside her study. She was more inclined to talk to professors as well than other students.

Liza bit her lower lip a nervous habit she picked up. Of all the people who could have asked to sit with her, she had to end up with him. He didn't seem bad but her awkward nature and his supposedly quieter one did not seem to mix well.

"Well I hope I end up in a good House. I'm sure it will be Hufflepuff. There is nothing really amazing about me but I am a hard worker."
"I'm sure you'll do fine." He said softly.

Sheer was ran his hand through his blonde hair again. He left the cart to change as Hogwarts grew close. He was ready to wait for his sister with open arms at the Slytherin house. Sheer thought about a lot of things as he was dressing. He wondered if his sister had caught on to the increasing number of people in robes. She probably had. Kage was pretty observant. After he had gotten his robes he returned to the cart. He looked over and saw Kage already in her robes. He smiled. She was going to do so well at Hogwarts.

"おい!影 きます ください。(hey Kage, come here.)” He yelled to his sister.

"はい。 (okay)” was Kage's response.

She walked over to her brother. She wondered who that girl was and why she looked so uncomfortable.

"あの人 は リザーです。(that person over there is Liza)” Sheer explained.

"うん。(closest translation: oh i see or okay)” she replied.

Kage's black hair shimmered in the light. She had inherited her brother's red eyes. Kage always believe it was because she was evil, but perhaps it was for another reason.
When Sheer left the compartment she changed as fast as she could. Nothing would be more embarrassing than him coming back to see her half-changed. But it was faster this way in her mind. As she changed she smiled a little. For some reason she was happy by his words that she would do fine. She hoped that she would.

When he came back (thankfully once she was done) she listened to his conversation with his sister. She did not understand it but she liked the ways the words sounded. She wondered if her House would have any interesting people in it and if she would be able to interact with them without any trouble. She did okay so far with Sheer.
Kage gave Liza a smile, "It is nice to meet you."

Kage had accent like her brother. In some ways she really resembled her brother. Kage wasn't always kind, but her brother had asked her to be nice. He said that first impressions were important and if she wanted to become a prefect, she would have to make friends with the first and second years. First year especially because you never knew which first year was going to be a Slytherin.

Kage bowed slightly to the girl as was customary.
"It is nice to meet you too, um, er..." Liza tried to remember the girl's name and if her brother had even mentioned it to her. She felt her face get hot again from embarrassment. Why was she doing this to herself? Did some God just have it in for her. She had not even been placed in a house or even gotten to Hogwarts and already she was making a fool of herself.

"I think we are almost there," she said suddenly. It was true as well. The castle was getting more in sight by the minute.
"It's Kage (Kah-gey)." She smiled.

Sheer smiled at his sister. She was doing better than he had hoped! Kage was certain to become a prefect if she kept this up. There was no doubt in Sheer's mind. Sheer chuckled at Liza's embarassment. He took Kage by the hand and grabbed her things. He was going to show her where the first years got off. He motioned for Liza to follow. Kage didn't want to separate from her brother, but he had to go to the grand dining hall. Sheer had told Kage that everyday was a feast. She longed for the mashed potatoes and poached salmon with toast and pumpkin juice. It sounded delicious. Kage's mouth watered just thinking about it. She was hoping the sorting would go by fast.
"Kage," Liza muttered to herself so that she would not forget it. She nodded and grabbed her own things as they were finally here. She was brimming with excitement and anxiety. She was finally a Hogwarts student! She wondered what it was going to be like.

She followed Sheer and Kage. Kage seemed to be a first year as well and if so then Liza was glad. A part of her wished Sheer was a first year too but she shook her head at the thought. What was wrong with her?
Kage saw a familiar look spread across Liza's face.

"He's single you know." Kage said slyly.

She brushed past Liza and hopped in a boat. It rocked side to side scaring a few of the others. She smirked and settled down below with her things. The water was as dark as raven feathers. Sheer had told her that weird beast lurked in the waters of Hogwarts. Kage believed him. In a world full of magic, anything was possible and what she really wanted to do was ride a broom. That was one of her favorite past times besides studying magic. Of all things, her dream was to become Seeker of the Slythering quidditch team and perhaps even win a few games. However, that was just a dream. It wasn't like that could happen. First years hardly ever made the quidditch team.

Liza nearly walked into a third year student, who shot her a dirty look anyways, and blushed a little at Kage comment. She looked at Sheer who would not be coming with them on the boats, to Kage.

"I don't...I mean-"

"Hey get in the boat already." Liza moved into the same one as Kage and looked down at her lap, not sure how to continue her sentence or thought. She shrugged and blushed a little more. "Won't matter. I ain't anyone's first choice to date and I am not sure he even likes me."

"Not that I like him," Liza said suddenly, her face getting redder.

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