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  1. AllieKatRawrXD

    The Brain System.Dystopia Roleplay(ALWAYS OPEN)

    Tobin wobbles to her feet and crosses over the unkempt grass. Trying to keep whatever little food she had eaten down. Once again, she fell to her knees and her eyes filled with tears. What if they find her? What if she got stuck here? She couldn't move without wanting to vomit or falling from...
  2. AllieKatRawrXD

    The Brain System.Dystopia Roleplay(ALWAYS OPEN)

    Tobin heard movement from inside and froze in place. Low talking caused her to pull out her knife and hold it into a tight fist. When no other voices were heard, she continued her trek but found herself utterly lost. Her head began to spin and she found she had to catch herself on a nearby tree...
  3. AllieKatRawrXD

    The Brain System.Dystopia Roleplay(ALWAYS OPEN)

    Tobin walked around the grounds cautiously and quiet. How had she even gotten in this mess? Her brother.Gone. Lonely... So quiet... It was bad enough someone like her was left all alone... But a byte, intruding? If she wasn't in trouble already...This would certainly insure it. She pulled up...
  4. AllieKatRawrXD

    Uhm, I'm good, thanks. How are you?

    Uhm, I'm good, thanks. How are you?
  5. AllieKatRawrXD

    The Brain System.Dystopia Roleplay(ALWAYS OPEN)

    (Can I still join?) Name: Tobin (Toby) Age: 17 (recent) Gender: Female Sobrie, Byte, or Controller: Byte. c: Bio: Some days before her 17th birthday her brother was killed by Controllers. She is alone now and is fighting to stay alive. Despite her current amnesia, she hasn't forgotten...
  6. AllieKatRawrXD


    Well thanks anyhow.
  7. AllieKatRawrXD


    (How exactly do I apply/join?)
  8. AllieKatRawrXD

    Looking for an active and fun RP.

    Looking for an active and fun RP.
  9. AllieKatRawrXD

    Trennace High: School for the Gifted

    Anxiety pumped into her blood stream and Tobin was nearly crying. "Not again..." She could feel the tingling sensation all over her skin, it hurt a little, but she was used to it now. Her skin was boiling to 300 degrees. The Shadows packed tighter. Tobin fell to the ground and let the darkness...
  10. AllieKatRawrXD

    Trennace High: School for the Gifted

    More Shadow blobs formed all around Tobin protectively. At least five or six had appeared in the last minute. They normally didn't act like this. "W-what's wrong?" She asked, fear coming over her quickly. The Shadow crow flew around the twins and then swooped towards her, changing into it's real...
  11. AllieKatRawrXD

    Trennace High: School for the Gifted

    Tobin glanced at the angel girl again. "Hey, are you alright?" she asked knowingly. She gave the girl a reassuring smile.
  12. AllieKatRawrXD

    Trennace High: School for the Gifted

    After her stare down of the twin boy she glanced at the strange girl in the front. Angel. A small voice in her head spoke. She could smell it too. Tobin waved at the girl and gave her a knowing smile.
  13. AllieKatRawrXD

    Trennace High: School for the Gifted

    Tobin watched unsurprised as the girl freaked out and turned into a dragon. She had sensed something familiar about her. Tobin glanced around the room until her eyes fell on the twins, particularly, the boy. His crow flew back to him and this made her smile. Tobin always liked crows. The Shadow...
  14. AllieKatRawrXD

    Trennace High: School for the Gifted

    "Would you care to sit by me?" Tobin asked, sizing the girl up but smiling. The Shadow blob appeared behind her and floated by her side protectively.
  15. AllieKatRawrXD

    Trennace High: School for the Gifted

    Tobin, curious, stood and walked towards the girl with the markings. "Hi. I'm Tobin." Shocked at herself, she looked down. That was unusual for her. She usually would never be so brave to walk up to someone she didn't know.
  16. AllieKatRawrXD

    Trennace High: School for the Gifted

    A Shadow person sat next to her and Tobin giggled at it. It was imitating the shape of a large guy in the front, and it was doing a very good job.
  17. AllieKatRawrXD

    Trennace High: School for the Gifted

    The girl with the markings suddenly yelled and Tobin glanced up at her from her seat. Tobin ignored her and pulled her legs into her chest, careful to mind her uniform skirt she wore.
  18. AllieKatRawrXD

    Trennace High: School for the Gifted

    The Shadow blob entered again and stood in front of Tobin. It didn't speak, it COULDN'T speak... But somehow she knew. Picking up her small backpack, she trudged down the hallway and into a single classroom where a room was already filling up. She noticed a girl in the back with familiar...
  19. AllieKatRawrXD

    Trennace High: School for the Gifted

    Tobin shifted through her backpack and shuffled through the crap she decided she needed before, but now regretted. She pulled out a crumpled piece of paper and unfolded it carefully, so she wouldn't rip it. TRENNACE HIGH: School for the Gifted was pasted on the front. It said her name and that...
  20. AllieKatRawrXD

    Trennace High: School for the Gifted

    Tobin stood awkwardly. "Hello?"