Trennace High: School for the Gifted

The bell for class to start rang, but the teacher still wasn't here... And the rest of the students were still messing around. Why? There also seemed to be some students missing... Was this right?
Tobin shifted through her backpack and shuffled through the crap she decided she needed before, but now regretted. She pulled out a crumpled piece of paper and unfolded it carefully, so she wouldn't rip it.

TRENNACE HIGH: School for the Gifted was pasted on the front. It said her name and that she had been accepted (Mysteriously, she never applied. It was just a hoax by her foster parent to get rid of her). Tobin read hard as a shadow flitted next to her and loomed over the letter. It said someone would meet her here, in the front hallway with her information. So where was everyone? She didn't want to look around, so she'd stand here until someone came. She looked up at the shadow and gave it a small smile. "I think there was a mistake. Maybe you could go look outside for more people coming?" The Shadow blob disappeared underneath the front door.
I became nervous as people started to throw paper balls at eachother. One ended up hitting my face. I was kinda infuriated, but held it in. I can't just go on a rage and destroy the school just over a paper ball?
"class." Goto looked toward his sister. TAking a step forward she follows behind. The man from earlier who had opend their door gave them their schedule. Nodding the two walked together, never leaving an inch from themselves. They always stayed together, so much alike. Entering a class they saw someone in the back. Goto only shrugged and took his seat next to suaki but closest to the window. Beside him kanin took her place but on his right away from the window.
Winter sighed, continuing to read. Hopefully the teacher would get here soon... Regardless, this school was much better than her strick, fire-angel school any day.
I saw more people walk in, and surely they are serious people. This class was still going on a rage, and i couldn't do anything about it, but summon my deathly powers. I wouldn't dare do that, only if I get extremly angry. "Just shut up!" I said a little loud, trying to calm the class down.
(Okay I just realized I called myself Sukai, not Winter... Sorry!! It's my name from another rp, I'm tired today v_v So yeah, my names Winter, not Sukai.. Oops)
The Shadow blob entered again and stood in front of Tobin. It didn't speak, it COULDN'T speak... But somehow she knew. Picking up her small backpack, she trudged down the hallway and into a single classroom where a room was already filling up. She noticed a girl in the back with familiar markings all over her. She also noticed two kids in the back, twins. A boy and a girl. She chose to sit in an empty seat towards the back, so she could keep an eye on everyone.
Winter was a bit shocked. Someone told everyone to shut up.. She hid a bit in her seat, that was scary.. Better not her on her bad side. She also noticed that whole she was busy reading, someone had say next to her... Should she say something to him? Maybe she'd make a friend... No, don't be silly Winter, no one wants to be friends with you.
The girl with the markings suddenly yelled and Tobin glanced up at her from her seat. Tobin ignored her and pulled her legs into her chest, careful to mind her uniform skirt she wore.
Goto looking out of the window annoyed but the class. Trying not to say anything he kept his mouth shut but the crow on the other hand cawed at everyone who he thought was strange. Kanin stared at her desk, with her legs crossed. Scratching the desk with her nails, she was to getting annoyed. Her eyes lowered as she was wondering where the teacher was, why wasnt this class controlled. Goto glanced toward his sister."animals." Kanin smirked as she continued to scratch at her desk. " Uncontrolable animals."
Winter noticed another girl sit in the back near them... It seemed more people wants the back. She noticed the twins were talking about animals... Could they mean the class? She shook her head, looking away. I can't eavesdrop on people, that's so rude!
I noticed that I was being looked at, my symbols. I became a little afraid now, and I felt dark prescences in here. Maybe the people staring at my markings could read them?
A Shadow person sat next to her and Tobin giggled at it. It was imitating the shape of a large guy in the front, and it was doing a very good job.
For some strange reason, my viens started to pop, and the beast wanted to release. I held it in tightly. Why was I getting angry over noises? Was it the other Shadow radiations? I don't even know, I just struggled to hold it in.

(Lol, sounds like I'm constipated xD )
Goto looked toward winter with a glare as he tapped the crow on his shoulder. Smirking at the crow he snapped his finger, the grow bending down then letting out a terrible screech. Kanin chuckeld a little toward goto as she watched the bird screech.
Winters blinked, there was a... Shadow impersonating someone in front if it. Was she seeing things? Or was it just his shadow... She was a but confused. The girl who wanted everyone to shut up looked upset. Oh no, this couldn't be good... Would she start a fight?

(Hmm, if you were constipated wouldn't you be trying to get it out, not hold it in? Just some food for thought xD )
Tobin, curious, stood and walked towards the girl with the markings. "Hi. I'm Tobin." Shocked at herself, she looked down. That was unusual for her. She usually would never be so brave to walk up to someone she didn't know.
At the last second, a little tint of Dark Purple eyes glowed, but I pushed it back, making a sound like, "Gaaaah!" I rested, slamming my head onto the desk, trying to ignore the slight whispers and the annoying crow.

I looked up at the girl whom spoke to me. "Hi..."
Winters was scared. She had gotten a glare shot at from the boy next to her making her lean the other way, then on the other side the girl with markings yelled "Gaaah!" Surprising her, she leaned away, towards the boy who glared at her. No, that was weird... What should she do?! She was confused and scared, and the teacher wouldn't come... Winter just climbed out of her seat and curled up under her desk. Her wings were cramped, but maybe the bad things couldn't get her here... But she must look like a lunatic.
"Would you care to sit by me?" Tobin asked, sizing the girl up but smiling. The Shadow blob appeared behind her and floated by her side protectively.
The beast wanted out. My veins kept poping, and my markings started to get a Shadowy look. I bursted out of my seat, and ran out, looking for the nearest exit. "RaaaahhRahrhahahrah!" ( xD ) My voice became heavy with a roar. I made it just in time out of the back door, onto an open grass field. Me, transforming into this black, Shadowy dragon.
Kanin looked down toward the girl that had gotten under her desk. Weird she thought, the crow was just sining. She looked over to goto who nodded his head and snapped his fingers, making the crow sit back up and stop. "..honestly we should have stayed home." His voice was low and filled with annoyance. "why not burn the calss down along with the people in it." She chuckeld looking at the one under her desk. A growl was heard next to her ear as she looked back to nothing, butin her eyes her sacred dog was sitting. "it was just a jok, koro." Goto looked back over to the one under the desk.
Tobin watched unsurprised as the girl freaked out and turned into a dragon. She had sensed something familiar about her. Tobin glanced around the room until her eyes fell on the twins, particularly, the boy. His crow flew back to him and this made her smile. Tobin always liked crows. The Shadow blob slowly morphed into the crow's shape and flew around the room before landing on her shoulder. She leaned against the wall and glanced at the boy every now and then.

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