The Brain System.Dystopia Roleplay(ALWAYS OPEN)

Kiro glanced to her as he was pulled following her as she pulled him through the city and to the forest. Once they had made it to the forest Kiro looked back making sure they weren't followed then scanned the surroundings checking for the best route for escape if need be.
She sat down on a log, she took out her watch, "Almost time for work, can't be late" She looks at him, "What's your watch number?"
(( you can start at the school, or you can go into the forest, it's rare but in the story you're rare as well ))
Logan sharply exhaled clutching his stomach. Hidden among some sad excuses for trees and general bramble he retched. Oh well. He didn't like the oatmeal anyways. Logan was slightly at peace in the dim shadows of the brier. He ran his fingers through his sweat-drenched hair, retching again. Logan's sickness could be attributed to many things. His horror, as the rows stepped into the building for examination, or possibly a poor breakfast. Still, his struggle against the program used all his might, and was drained of all energy just to get ten feet into the brush and out of sight. The program was strong that day. Must have been important. Logan collapsed, strangely content. It was quiet, just how he liked it, and although a few weeds were pressing into his ribs, there was a pleasant breeze from outside the scorching sun.

Maybe I would risk it all just to be able to stay here like this. He shook out the unwanted thought. Life as a byte would be anything but peaceful. When tomorrow came, he would continue his usual life, nice and quiet. He wouldn't ever find Isaac as a byte. Isaac was more likely to be a controller. Isaac loved order, enough to sacrifice freedom. Tomorrow he would wake up, get dressed and go to school. Tomorrow. Tomorrow would come after sleep. It always did, and now, as he fell asleep again, it too would come.

Logan let himself succumb to exhaustion, and went unconscious. 

Jojo said:
(( How can I jump in? I'm lost xD lol, sorry I was busy ;) ))
Sure! Your OC can find mine.
Hero lays him down, he must've slept. She walks around and absorbs nature, she breathes in and smiles. Hero looks and sees the boy again, it's crazy. He looks the same but just a bit sweaty. She was worried but stepped closer, she then accidentally stepped on a large branch and made a big crack sound. She quickly slipped into a bush.
Jon was watching from a distance, observing the other Bytes. He looked like a Sobrie, but was not. He carefully examined the two. One was sleeping. The other was delusional (Or so he thought). He wanted to get closer, but instead he backed off. Instead of interacting with them he just hid behind a tree and took pictures of what they looked like. He titled them "Bytes." He chuckled, a bit too loud but not enough for a Sobrie to hear him.
(( Delusional?! Haha )) 
Hero just walked back to the one asleep, hoping he's wake up, she just looked at her watch."Crap I gotta go to work" she muttered. She found left over piece of paper and wrote where she was going, she put it in his pocket and dashed out. But, walked when she went towards the streets. She acted like a sobrie and went to work, at a local bakery. She started serving pastries.
Logan heard a crack near him, and he immediately became aware. He still lay unmoved, and eyes closed, thoughts racing. Have been found? It wouldn't be another Sobrie. It couldn't. I hope to god it is. I'll bet it's a controller, here to take me! I bet... I bet... maybe it's Isaac. Logan had to get up and see. He knew he was in no condition to run, but the fact that a the person or thing recoiled comforted and startled him. He wanted he rouse himself, and see who it was. Now that there was something happening, he was forced back into reality. He knew he was in a terrible position, and now that he had forced his way for a freedom, he had to allow his fate to be put into another's hands.

He tried each muscle, but they wouldn't budge. Logan weakly croaked,

"Isaac. Help, broth-"

Logan was cut off, as if someone had stopped an audio track that was his voice. Was he that weak, or just programmed not to talk?
Hero started serving pastries, she was thinking of the forest, the sobrie, the two other bytes she met. She wanted to go back, but she can't, she can't get caught a reprogrammed.
Jon walked up to Logan, he was weak, he could barely move a muscle. Jon grabbed him and threw him over top of his shoulders. "You'll be alright, I'm not going to hurt you." he said softly. Jon brought him even further into the forest so that no-one would notice their existence. He laid him down and took out a bottle of water from the inside of his pocket. "Here, drink this." he said. Jon raised his head up and let the water run into his mouth.
Logan felt a sense of fear and relief. The man seemed gentle, so he wasn't in danger. The man didn't have to say that. Logan felt himself being carried, and found himself quite relaxed, albeit disoriented. The breeze from the walk was cool, and the man was warm. He was a bit saddened to be laid down, but didn't mind. Sleep was what he needed, and in a safe place. Strange, him calling the forest safe. After a while of laying there, he felt cool water in his throat, and swallowed, thankful. After his share, Logan sputtered a bit. He had drunken too quickly, but was far more refreshed. He wouldn't heal completely overnight, but now that he was hydrated, the possibility was greatened.

"Thanks." Murmured Logan, feeling in debt to this strange man. He silently had been hoping it was Isaac, yet the man's voice was different, and so were his shoulders.

"I think I'll be fine. I just need rest."
Here's shift was over and she walked to the forest, a little excited. And then sprinted when she reached the forest, she checked to see if Kiro was okay. He was still asleep. She looked and that orange haired kid was gone she saw foot tracks and followed them. She saw the same guy who made the bomb, he was holding him, trying to feed the odd sobrie. She wanted to go, but back up a bit. But, it was a safe spot. So she walked up to the, softly, "So the bomb guy" she said with a smirk. "You're the mastermind at the school"
Jon looked up in shock. "Shi*." he mumbled to himself. "Well, I guess you caught me, but I must get going.." he said. He shoved her aside and began to walk away. 
((Yep, same. Have a good sleep everyone! ))
(( Same here! See ya guys later! )) 
Hero got pushed, "hey" she grabbed his shoulder and turned him around, "I didn't do all this for nothing, I just want to talk" 
(( I'm baccckkk :D ))
He turned around and looked in her eyes, she looked desperate. "Talk about what?" he asked. "I don't have much time so speak up.." he was very impatient, he didn't know if he could trust her just yet, he didn't want to get caught.
Hero rolled her eyes, stubborn retard. She just let go, "Fine. Go." Hero let go and walked towards the guy laying down.
(Can I still join?)

Name: Tobin (Toby)

Age: 17 (recent)

Gender: Female

Sobrie, Byte, or Controller: Byte. c:

Bio: Some days before her 17th birthday her brother was killed by Controllers. She is alone now and is fighting to stay alive. Despite her current amnesia, she hasn't forgotten her brainy ways, artistic virtuoso and her kick-ass fighting skills.

Appearance: Long black, curly hair. Dark forest green eyes. Five ft. Three. Freckles on her cheeks.

Personality: Nice and caring. Really smart, extremely creative and a great fighter. Stubborn, versatile, absentminded. Has many alter egos and sometimes extremely biploar.
((lol, little to no swearing, says retard :3))

"If you're still here at 12 midnight I'll bring some snacks." he said while walking off. He was irritated that the girl touched him, he hated being touched. He was somewhat excited to see her there as well, considering she is a Byte after all. He hasn't seen very many Bytes around, in fact she's the first he's ever seen but himself. He might just stick around them to learn more about the city.

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