The Brain System.Dystopia Roleplay(ALWAYS OPEN)

Hero nods as he walks away, midnight? Isn't after curfew?, she thought. Well, she already broke the rules once so might as well break this one. Hmm snacks... She then looked at the boy with the orange hair. He lays there weak, she picks up his head and puts it on her lap when she keeled. "You okay?" She asked 
(( Hey!, and I said little to no, not just no :tongue: ))
Tobin walked around the grounds cautiously and quiet. How had she even gotten in this mess? Her brother.Gone. Lonely... So quiet...

It was bad enough someone like her was left all alone... But a byte, intruding? If she wasn't in trouble already...This would certainly insure it. She pulled up her hoodie and tried to find her way out, quietly. How the hell had she even got there?

"Great. So very great."
Hero looked at his eyes, his digital eyes, all perfectly programmed, she scanned his eye with her watch to see identity(Yeah, she hacked her watch) "Logan..." She muttered to herself. She kept looking, Why was this guy so interesting to me?, she hacked into his data. Hero's eyes widened. It seems a little bit of him has corrupted, he has very few control, but just enough. He could be a byte, with right training, Logan can be a byte, like her, like some others...
Logan felt his head being moved, and he stiffened up. This person had cool hands, and smaller than the ones before. They were a different person, yet still gentle. Regardless he felt a bit nervous with the introduction of the new person. They were free-moving, and smoothly. So they weren't a sobrie. They were too gentle to mean him harm. He relaxed a bit, allowing his head to be cradled.

"Yes," He murmured softly, gazing up at her with his emerald eyes. "I want to thank the boy from before" Wow. How relieving. At least his mouth was able to move. Perhaps controllers loosened the program for a bit.

"I'd like to go home."

Logan only came to this realization after it came out of his lips. He needed to get home so he could resume his system.

"I need to get home."

Logan looked's eyes darted about.

"I-I can repay you."

He had started his job.
"Don't worry Logan" she replied softly, "I'll take you home."

(( Be right back going to the park ))
Tobin heard movement from inside and froze in place. Low talking caused her to pull out her knife and hold it into a tight fist. When no other voices were heard, she continued her trek but found herself utterly lost. Her head began to spin and she found she had to catch herself on a nearby tree. If they found her, she would be in trouble.

What kind of camp was this? Were Controllers crawling all over the place, waiting for her to lose her guard to strike? Or was it Sobrie? Obedient, but easy to control unless she slipped. If it was Bytes...

She shuddered at the thought and urged herself to move on, despite her wobbly walk and the night sky spinning around her. Without warning, she dropped to her knees, fighting to catch her breath.

What was wrong with her? 
((I'll wait for you guys to get back.))
Name: Adri McKalley


Gender: Female

Sobrie, Byte, or Controller: Sobrie

Bio: Adri was very young when she was programmed. Although the procedure was still in alpha testing at the time, she was programmed quite differently. For the needs of an old Controller.

Appearance: Long auburn hair and grey-green eyes. She has a light dusting of freckles on her cheeks and a small scar on her neck from where the nanotechnology was inserted. She is quite short (5') and when she talks (Which is quite rarely) she has a mild English accent

Personality: She is relatively shy and closed off. She has a hard time doing things for herself unless told. She wants to make a difference in the world, but she's not sure how, if she can barely handle living on her own.
Tobin wobbles to her feet and crosses over the unkempt grass. Trying to keep whatever little food she had eaten down.

Once again, she fell to her knees and her eyes filled with tears. What if they find her? What if she got stuck here? She couldn't move without wanting to vomit or falling from the dizziness. She crawled to the nearest tree and clenched her eyes shut.
(( Accepted! Also I have to go to my dads now, see you tomorrow! )) 
Hero picked up Logan and ran as fast as she can, she knows where his address is from his Watch ID. She slipped through the streets trying not to get caught, finally, she reached his place. Hero opened the door, it was beautiful. She laid him on the couch and got some fresh bottled water, she sat on the couch, picked up his head and again put it on her lap. His hair and eyes were rare and amazing. He's different... Hero starts feeding him water, and picked a pastry she took from her work and fed him nibbles. It was straw berry short cake. "now" she whispered, "about earlier, don't pay. But, I want to talk to you once you recuperate" Hero checked his head, it was average temperature. she started to get awfully tired. It was an exciting day, she was going to see a byte at midnight and she has the most rarest sobrie in the city. It was great, her eyes started to get heavy, her watch had an alarm for when it was almost midnight, she got closer and closer into a deep sleep. Now, her eyes finally closed and she drifted off.

((last one for the day! See you guys tomorrow at about 10:50am Central Time!))
As they neared his house, Logan began getting slightly nervous, glancing uneasily at Hero. How much had she found out from his ID? How much was on his ID anyways? He had to wonder, as the controllers seemed angered at his existence occasionally. Hero neared the glass doors which Logan recently had to replace due to a sobrie who had been ordered to attack him, and as she opened it up, he began to feel slightly guilty. She had carried him so far. Sure, he wasn’t that heavy, being tall and lean, but he still weighed something. He glanced around his own house, embarrassed. It wasn’t that big, and although he had several intricate carvings strewn about, there were sketches and journal entries all around the floors and table.

She placed him on the chocolate tuxedo sofa, which he had saved up for months to buy, then went off into his kitchen and grabbed water. As she poured it down his throat, he greedily drank, water dribbling out on his chin.

“Thank you.”, He hoarsely whispered, closing his eyes
Hero woke up, looks like Logan fell asleep also. she checked his temperature. He was fine and her alarm went off. She messed with his hair and wrote down her Watch ID so they could stay in touch. Hero smiled and went out the door. It was dark outside so she can do a slight jog. She held her bag of pastries and went into the forest, she kept her light on her watch so dim you can barely see it, Hero looked at her watch anxiously... 
Hero waited...

and waited...

and waited. It was two in the morning and she waited too long. She placed the bags of pastries on the spot she was at, she was a little disappointed. Hero just walked home and watched Television. On the news it talked about the little bombing at school. She turned it off right when the news lady mentioned the word, "Byte Rebels" Hero slumped on her black leather couch, Rebels?, she though to herself. In reality the government and the controllers are the rebels here. They're the bad ones, if only the sobries knew. But, the society here is twisted, the media just programs and controls what everyone thinks now. It's influencial, it's disgusting.

She wanted to go to a different subject, so she thought about Logan.

He's an interesting one isn't he? He had so much control, he looked so interesting...

Hero was too tired now, she just laid on her couch, amd went to sleep.
Logan had slept like a baby. He snored softly throughout the night, his hair falling into his face. While he was a heavy sleeper in general, this night there could have been an earthquake and he wouldn't even had stirred. When he awoke, Logan found the girl gone.

He sat up, quickly glancing at his clock. 5:23. He usually got up at 6:00. Everyone had been programmed to never wake up later, and some woke up a bit earlier. Being the heavy sleeper that he was, it was often only the programming that woke him up. He had to get to school at 7:30 so if he hurried enough, he could squeeze in a good hour of freetime.

Logan stood up quickly, nearly falling over. Dear god he was sore. Walking was hard, still, but leaning up against the wall he could do it. He fried up a small egg and placed it on a small bit of wholegrain bread, washing it all down with a green smoothie. Isaac taught him to eat well, and he needed the energy. Logan cursed softly. He didn’t get a chance to wash his usual outfit. He slipped on a gray peacoat over his white collared shirt and put on some black slacks. Oh, good. 5: 46. He had plenty of time.

As he reached over his oak nightstand to grab some vitamin b12- which should have been enough for him to be able to walk if he took a thirty minute power nap before school- he noted several digits written on a piece of paper. A watch ID he realized, almost immediately. He was hesitant to add the girl to contacts. What if controllers could tell she was a byte?

He pinned it up in case he forgot. Logan went to his backroomwhere his harpsichord lies. Sitting on it’s bench, he called the girl.

“Uh… Hello?”
Hero woke up to a sudden ring in her watch, it was Logan. Surprisingly.

"Hero here." She answered, she was a bit nervous, but excited he called. "Logan right?" as she was trying to not sound too excited, she poured herself a cup of coffee. Gathering pastries, Hero was all over the place getting ready for school, it was Thursday. But, since the investigation was being held, she checked and it was cancelled, She sighed in relief and regret for even waking up. She just slumped on her couch
Logan smiled weakly, scratching his head. He hadn't ever used the contacting part of his watch before. Most students were programmed for replies only from those outside of their assigned friends. Logan was good at talking in general, with the acceptance of a few awkward moments due to being... erm overly deep every once in a while, but he was terrible at beginning conversation and picking up social cues. Still, he was often quite pleasant once you got him talking and once he was done analyzing you. Because of this, he didn't have many friends, and he was assigned to be with the loner group, obviously not being a help to the entire calling thing. His employer- he worked at a tea cafe- communicated any announcements with letters, as programmed to do.

He had seen plenty of girls use their watches, but wasn't sure how to do it. Did I give her my name? He wondered. I guess I've never gotten hers.

"Yeah, it's Logan. Who are- I never caught your name."

Good so far.

He glanced at the clock.

"I have an hour before school."

School. Did she go to his school? He hadn't gotten a very good look at her in his dazed state, but she seemed like she could be young enough. If she did go to his school, could he talk to her?
Hero replied, "Oh yeah I'm Hero, not to be rude I looked at your Watch ID. and sorta hacked it..." She paused and scratched her head. Not a good idea... "Well. anyway, Igo to the same school as you! I see you all the time, I guess you don't see me. But, its cancelled anyway, so no point on getting ready..." She gave a sigh Well, I'm really bad at this.
Hero. He stored the name away. If only he could put a face to that name. After a moment of thought, he remembered the girl. He had always been fascinated while watching her. Yes, as strange as it was, he enjoyed analyzing people. She always looked like she was either trying to hold back a laugh or a punch at school, especially with her assigned friends

Logan stood up, his eyebrows furrowing together in thought. Wait a second, cancelled? Had it been because of him? Was there a holiday he didn't know of, or, in his usual stupidity with dates, was it simply Saturday? The events of the previous day had been strange.

Oops. There was at least a ten second pause. He quickly retorted, "Sorry! I'm here, I'm here! Sorry! Why is school canceled cancelled?"
Hero was paused for a moment, Hope I'm not too weird , she thought. She suddenly heard a 'Sorry!' and was a little startled, she didn't even notice the large pause, "Oh Uhm, its fine!Oh it was cancelled because of that slight bombing. Of course I already know who did it." Should i have said that?, Her tried to change the subject, "So I thought they programmed you to know that, also wake up at around uh seven or six. But, of course you're not just an average sobrie.." When she said that she smiled a bit, maybe enough to hear.
Logan grew silent, not sure what to say. He wasn't offended, yet the comment was off-putting, as it brought up something he had always wondered. He quickly retorted,"Oh, I am?", before distancing ,in thought. Yes, he had always known deep down he was different. He would wonder about all the possible reasons. Had his parents been trying to make him a byte? Did the controllers mess up in programming him? Did they have a reason for letting him control himself to certain extents? Were people not as controlled as they let on? Dozens of theories would rush into his mind. And yet, in the middle of his train of thoughts he would convince himself otherwise. You're normal, he would say, You're over thinking things like usual.

But now that this girl had said it, he couldn't deny this fact. So instead, he decided to inquire further. Talking tended to help him learn more about himself. He had been mute for months after Isaac, the only person he really talked to, left. Now, secluded thoughts that had added up in his mind for weeks wanted to be freed. His thoughts, racing fast, overlapped, and another seemingly unrelated question burst into his head.

"Hero." He paused, as if to try and find a way to word his thoughts. "Why do they want me dead.?"

Logan sat down onto the bench once more, awaiting an answer.
He asked the question and she froze. him dead? she was worried now, maybe a little shuttered and scared, "I-I don't know." She stuttered, Hero knew he was talking about the government, the sick controllers. "I won't let that happen anyway" She wanted to change the subject, fast. "Why don't you uhm meet me in the forest again okay? I can see you then" She tried to sound happy but a rush of fear flew through her. She hung up. and frkze for a few moments. A million theories rushing through her head.


((Mind if we continue this tomorrow? I gotta go andmy battery's dying, see you then!)) 
Hero started to get ready, she.wanted to look decent so she quickly slipped on blue jeans and close to fancy blouse, she brushed her hair, teeth, and got ready as fast as she can. She shouldn't have left the bag of pastries from before, she has a big pile of them so she packed, two ham sammiches, two straw berry shortcakes, two juice boxes, and two cheese sticks. Hero really wantedto see him, she was excited and scared at the same time. She loved that feeling, that was a feeling of adventure. Hero jumped out her back window, rolled, and walked until she made it to the forest,her walk turned into a sprint, she reached where. There was no street or sobrie in sight, she sighedin releif and called Logan.

"Logan!" Hero sort ofyelled,she was so impatient,"Come meet me at the forest! Coordinates 36° South and 72° east! Please come now!" She hung up before he even saif a word.

Plese come... Hero thought quietlyto herself.
Logan jumped at the click of the watch as she jumped up. She certainly sounded worried. It did make him feel good, that someone cared enough to mind. Still, he wondered if he had shared too much with this near stranger. It made him guilty to hear the panic in her voice. He glanced once more at the clock. He had three hours before work. He was sure he could keep himself from talking for three hours. Alright, he decided, he'd head to the woods. Logan grabbed the walking stick he had carved, which was chipped due to him forgetting to glaze it passed his window, noticing the trees lashing around (He loves carving, in case you can't tell). It must be windy. He needed a hat, but he wasn't about to risk his favorite hat. He put on a ben hogan style hat, which was tight enough to not get blown away every five seconds.

Logan left his house, glancing around him and biting his lip. He moved quickly, stopping every now and then, glancing around. Wait, where was he supposed to go? Past the manicured lawns of his neighborhood, he could see the shaded woods stretching for miles. How could he find her? He nearly turned around, exasperated, but suddenly was stopped by the yelling in his watch. She hung up again. Was she upset? He wondered if anything happened.

Logan clicked the buttons on his watch, trying to find coordinated. Upon finding them, he walked as fast as he could without falling onto the walking stick that was holding him up. He still hadn't fully recovered, of course, but he could move, at least. Logan almost went the wrong way a few times, as he was terrible with directions. At least his watch kept him in check. Logan found his into the forest, avoiding the thick, thorny parts, which put him out of this way a bit. He didn't see Hero. Checking his watch, he was a few degrees off, but she had to be within range to hear and see. Figuring she was blocked by the trees, he called out.

Hero heard him call out his name, he was right next to her, just a bush in the way. She grabbed his shoulder and pulled him in the little circle. "Oh you got my message!" She said a little excited, scared, happy at the same time.She stuttered a bit, she was going to tell him something important, Really important. But instead shesaid,"You hungry?" She didn't want to tell him right away... She was shaking a bit
Logan jumped feet into the air, letting himself be dragged into the bushes. She pulled him in, and he dropped his walking stick, glancing back at it. He allowed himself to fall into nearly a seiza style among a small patch of grass and weeds. He gazed up at her. Wow, she certainly seemed to have a million emotions rushing through her. His eyes followed her expression, curious. He faltered a moment after she spoke, having to wait a moment to register her words.

"Oh- hungry?" He smiled weakly, shaking his head and putting up his hands, "No, I just ate thanks."

He turned his head to the side, his piercing eyes gazing at her intensely. He looked over the girl a few times, contemplating her expressions, her movements, her body language and her shaking. He stopped finally going through what he had gathered and, done observing her for the moment, began to speak again.

"What's wrong?" He asked slowly, turning off his watch, as he often wondered if the watches recorded what sobries said for controllers to hear.

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