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  1. karregan42

    S01E02: Party Breakers [Fropm Malfeas with Love]

    The Hand slighlty raises his hat, than he puts his thumbs in his pockets. I know, I know...You are astonished by my awesomeness! But don't be afraid...Tell me what you know about that loser.
  2. karregan42

    S01E02: Party Breakers [Fropm Malfeas with Love]

    Naaa...But I heard about him. Is said that he was awesome and beatiful. But I'm quite sure not as me! 2021
  3. karregan42

    S01E02: Party Breakers [Fropm Malfeas with Love]

    As The Hand enter the room, he sniffs. Smells like something really boring. Umpf. He noticed a well dressed, good looking woman, ignoring every signal that she is the Sub-Duchess Natalia Neozema Vattelapesca etc etc. Even with a giant neon sign, he wouldn't notice. Sneaking behind a...
  4. karregan42

    S01E02: Party Breakers [Fropm Malfeas with Love]

    It's sooooo boring here! The Hand suddenly starts walking quick-paced. As he reaches a guard, he knocks hardly on the rear of his helm twice. Look at me! I'm OBVIOUSLY too awesome to stay outside! There must be an error!
  5. karregan42

    S01E02: Party Breakers [Fropm Malfeas with Love]

    The Hand pants loud. Oh. Cool. Now I have to follow a woman while she's shopping. Then he looks at his chest, covered only by two red suspenders. However...i probably need something more appropriate. After some moments looking around, he finds what he was searching for. KANA! COME...
  6. karregan42

    S01E02: Party Breakers [Fropm Malfeas with Love]

    Probably....A method to keep you away from it With a smile, Hand pats Tyler on the back and adds: But, this way, we'll miss all the fun! Anyway....Even if we get invited ... for what purpose?
  7. karregan42

    The Hand [Fropm Malfeas with Love]

    PX earned: 8 px from S01xE01 Px used: 8 (new charme: Every-Angle Perfection) Px available: 0
  8. karregan42

    S01E02: Party Breakers [Fropm Malfeas with Love]

    Ehi Tyler! Watch out this! As the Hand draws one of his flame pieces, a flame burst out of it, blackening the wall of a house next to the group. The flame meets the corner, then it suddenly turns around it, disappearing from the sight. A few moments later, it reappears behind Tyler...
  9. karregan42

    The Hand [Fropm Malfeas with Love]

    Essence: Commited: 8 Peripheral: 32/40 Personal: 19
  10. karregan42

    S01E01: Flames [Fropm Malfeas with Love]

    I'm not good in thinking...but I'm good in one thing! The Hand suddenly stands up and heads towards a cute waitress ready to shock her with his wonder..... As he remembers the state of his aspect, he come back at his spot, restarting whining and shaking his head on the table.
  11. karregan42

    [Fropm Malfeas with Love] Backstages may have noticed: I'm not too good in speaking english. Hope it's not a big problem for you..... Anyway, if you feel in the mood to give me some advice, I would appreciate them :D
  12. karregan42

    S01E01: Flames [Fropm Malfeas with Love]

    The hand lets his head fall on the wooden table with a loud STONK coming out from it. Half for the too much wine, half for what happened to him, he couldn't think. He just keep rolling his forehead whispering my beautiful wonderful awesome face....
  13. karregan42

    S01E01: Flames [Fropm Malfeas with Love]

    What the.....that should be dead!! He hated those who dare to stay alive when he explicitly said otherwise. Maybe Tyler is gonna need some help.....Not sure I ever seen him driving his way through a demon's scrotus.... The Hand sheathes his cannon on his back and then runs towards Tyler.
  14. karregan42

    S01E01: Flames [Fropm Malfeas with Love]

    His left Hand draws a cigarette box; the thumb slowly open it. A single cigarette flies through the sky towards Tyler's mouth, while the right Hand pulls the trigger. Tlick. As the hammer goes down, a bullet of pure essence rides through the 90cm barrel. The cylinder turns, ready for...
  15. karregan42

    [Fropm Malfeas with Love] Backstages

    Alhoa! :) Guys I hope it's not a problem, but I just discovered I'll be abroad, without internet connection for some days..... I'll be back in maybe a week....not sure yet. Hope it's not a problem :(
  16. karregan42

    The Hand [Fropm Malfeas with Love]

    Name: The Hand Concept: arrogant gunslinger Motivation: to absolve Creation Caste: Zenith Anima: The most brilliant light, with Heaven's pealing. Chewer Jones sat on his favourite stool in his favourite bar slowly sipping beer, glancing at the girls, and chewing raw carrots, as he...
  17. karregan42

    From Malfeas with Love

    @Iron Penguin: I'm pretty shure we are using ink nonkeys. If so, you should have 4 free specialties points.... Hope I'm right or I need to change my sheet xD
  18. karregan42

    From Malfeas with Love

  19. karregan42

    From Malfeas with Love

    I'm in with an arrogant gunslinger zenith.