S01E01: Flames [Fropm Malfeas with Love]

Jackal gets onto the strange, gleaming machine, mounting it carefully as he might mount a skittish horse. "I've had enough of running for one lifetime," he says, with a wry half-smile. "And if I go, at least there's a chance this might end with talking, not, y'know..." He mimes punching, then an explosion. He lifts the white monkey off his shoulder and pushes him gently towards Kana. "If Little Master goes with you, I can watch through his eyes once you get close." Little Master sits at her feet and looks up at her, cocking his head.
"Ok mate, hold on tight now"

Tyler points the vehicle in the direction of the totem ...at full throttle
Tyler and Jackal ride at suicidal speed up the small road that cuts across the hills, following the glowing Solar Anima.

Suddenly, behind a turn, the hills break down in a steep slope and open in a large open-air alabaster mine.

Such is the display of raw Essence from the flat bottom of the mine that it takes a few seconds to understand what is happening.

A mighty Choosen of the Sun is fighting a huge monster, twenty meters high, a demon, a spawn of Hell!

Chemosh, Demon of the Third Circle, Progeny of Malfeas!

Enveloped in golden light, Romeo La Spada leaps towards the sky, reaching the very Daystar with the tip of his golden Daiklave.

Everything stops for an heartbeat, until Romeo descends on the demon with the rage of the Unconquered Sun.

With perfect swordsmanship and peerless balance, he strikes the demon several times, the blade hungrily carving the flesh of the monster, then, graceful like a cat, lands on the ground, ready to face his foe.

His foe, without too much ceremony, stomps him under his foot, grabs him with one hand and bites off his head, then tosses away the headless body, which lands like three meters from your feet still spraying blood.

Romeo's body does not glow any more.

This is Chemosh:

Kana and Little Master darted through the town heading for the beacon of light via back alleys and side streets.

She looked up to check he position and suddenly it was gone. "Shit. That can't be good." Grabbing a breath she sprints toward where she thinks it was.
Tyler suddenly stops the bike.

"Ok Jackie-boy, here's the plan : now you get off the bike and wait here like a good guy. I'll make the thing I do best : piss the big bad demon off!!!! As soon I get the ugly face away, get Romeo's body. If I don't come back in an hour, get your and Kana's asses out of town..I will try to figure out something to do with our little Demon"

As Jackal gets off the bike, Tyler rides in the direction of the demon, screaming something about its mother making an ham boneless without using her hands.

A few yards from Chemosh, he stops the bike, with the hand on the throttle...the demon looks him in the eyes, he looks it back. Suddenly, both of them roar!

Then Tyler rides his vehicle right between the demon's legs, his feet on the saddle of the bike, prepared to jump with his fist ready to hit some Demon's nuts.

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Tyler strikes true, and the Golden Fist rams mightily there where the Unconquered Sun Does Not Shine.

With a powerful crack, the sac breaks, pouring fluids, innards and testicles on the bold Solar.

Chemosh, wounded in flesh and pride, brings the hands down in a last instinct of defense, bending knees and gasping for breath.

Behind him, Tyler recover his balance, only to realize that the two black testicles have angry eyes and mouths lined with sharp teeth.

Stunt 3 for Tyler because LOL. =D

Worth a ridiculous 6 suxx.


Guys, I swear, I am not cheating! O_O

I used my usual dice roller.

I feel like filling the post with exclamation marks.

I am laughing my ass off.

Tyler, you are covered in non-specified fluids and innards from the nutsac of a demon.

And yes, you are being attacked by two giant black testicles.

Chemosh's 'nads: bite attack x2 on Tyler -> 6 and 8 suxx

Declare your defense but otherwise let's wait for Jackal to act.
Pointing a foot on the ground, Tyler stops his bike, and turns it around 180 degrees, in the direction of the bent demon.

Clearly, he has decided to jump , and the springboard he has chosen is the back of the Demon itself....

Bending on his bike, almost to touch the ground, Tyler scratches the demon's testicles at 80mph, leaving behind him a trail of blood and God knows what else.

The Demon is always closer, and he hopes to get them to lose their grips, so to make them fall at the right time.

Unfortunately, from his position he can't see what Jackal is doing, or if Kana has arrived, but he's confident they're already preparing their moves...


Tyler on his bike has a PDV of 9, so I have taken for granted he is able to dodge the testicles attacks (and I have never thought I could have written something like this)...let me know if I did right
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Jackal gapes for an instant, his attention riveted on the unfolding battle. Then he scrambles into action. Not far away lies the headless body of the man they had come so far to find, and he just has to hope that Tyler is doing enough to distract the demon.

Tyler punched him so hard the thing's balls came to life and started biting him, Jackal reflects, in the small part of his mind that always stays calm and ironic. I think our demon friend is probably distracted enough.

Jackal searches the body, frantically seeking anything that might help them find the eye, or aid them in their battle against the titanic, now castrated, demon and his diabolical gonads.

I'm assuming the demon and the demon's toothy testicles are too far away and too distracted for me to need to roll Dexterity+Stealth (which is good, as I don't have any dots in stealth!)

Wow - this got crazy pretty quickly...
Cresting the rise overlooking the mine, Kana skids to a halt quickly surveying the scene. "Little Master, find your friend the fastest way out of that pit!" Kana's sais cut unceremoniously through the straps on the jade armor and it tumbles to the ground. Returning them she draws the blade of jade considering its heft while studying the mine. It was almost more than she could have asked for. A pit with walls of precious stone... near circular even. The demon being quite so huge was certainly not on her wish list..

She spared the jade blade one more look, "Today you are a chisel not a sword," and then went over the edge of the cliff breaking into a run.

What she had seen was a trap. A trap she could close. Would it be strong enough? Could she finish before the demon killed her circle? Questions she didn't have time to consider.

As she ran along the inside of the upper rim of the pit she carved out notches and symbols with her "chisel". The jade was perfect. Even as she ran she thrilled at the luck of it all. Melding geomancy with symbols borrowed from the language of sorcery she willed the stone of the mine to bind the demon. A lid on a barrel if you will.

Soon it was clear that the notches were more about making protrusions than indentations. Clear paths for the essence to stretch across. A crackling of power began to chase at her heels searching for the place to go.

Using Wall Climbing Technique to be able to run around the inside of the walls, craft ex + the maker's hand's bonus on craft earth

Let me know what all you want me to be rolling here...

I'm guessing something with Lore (geomancy) to concoct her plan and craft (earth) to execute it? Would also like to toss in an Int + Occult roll to see if she knows anything more about this demon.

2m, wall climbing, lasts MA actions (5)

7m, 1st craft ex

Wp for a suxx

Str+Craft+HS boost to craft(earth)=11 dice

Personal: 8/17

WP 7/8

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His left Hand draws a cigarette box; the thumb slowly open it.

A single cigarette flies through the sky towards Tyler's mouth, while the right Hand pulls the trigger.


As the hammer goes down, a bullet of pure essence rides through the 90cm barrel. The cylinder turns, ready for another shot.


Again, the barrel explodes, sitting out another essence bolt.


The third shot leaves only smoke out of the gun.

"Seems someone is in need of a Hero!"

The Hand rises his hat, unveiling his braggart smile.

His whole body is wrapped in the Righteous Light of the Unconquered Sun, the gun aiming to the sky, letting the smoke come out.

The three bullets of Light twist together then split, each directed to a demons' mouth, the first lighting the cigarette before striking its target.

here I am guys :)

Btw I'm writing from my phone and I actually have some difficulties...xarvh may I ask, for once, to have you roll my dice? Should be 13 for each shot.....

Anyway, I'm consuming 6 motes for the shots....perilpheral!
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The only notable item on Romeo's body is a small booklet.

Tyler, Hand

A cigarette flies in Tyler's mouth just as he was about to swear after the abominable goo he's covered in.

Then one of the dire testicles explodes, adding copious material to the above mentioned goo, while the other dire nut keeps trying to gnam Tyler.

Stunt 1 for Jackal for making the ST LOL.

Stunt 1 for The Hand, worth 1 suxx

Chemosh: Tongue clinch attack on Tyler: 17 suxx


In theory you just attacked, so your DV would be 9-1 = 8

But yes, you dodge easily the bites.


I prefer to ask Wits+Stealth but yeah, your character said it all already.


Jackal is not in the pit.

Is there something canon about demon traps, or are you pulling this out of your ass hat?

Either case, it's a cool move. ^_^

Str+Craft (because you have to do it fast) will be enough, you need to accumulate 10 suxx.


Your first shot strikes, the second misses, the thirds hits Chemosh without any apparent effect.
Jackal pockets the booklet and upends Romeo's boots, just to check there's nothing hidden in them. Then Little Master comes bounding through the rubble-strewn street and gestures at him frantically. Jackal looks up and sees Kana, speeding around the edge of the pit, sparks of light seeming to follow on her heels.

He slips into the cover of a building on the pit-edge. "Little Master - tell Tyler he needs to get out, now. Point to Kana if he won't come with you." With a little gesture, the monkey indicates understanding, then races away, darting from rock to rock.

If Little Master needs to roll something to get to Tyler without getting entangled by any evil reproductive organs, just let me know (or roll it for me, since I'm not around this weekend - based on the monkey stats in the Blessed Isle book, I reckon he's got Dex 5, Wits 3, Athletics 4, Stealth 3)
Tyler exhales grateful his cigarette, sending with his thoughts a thanks to the gunslinger.

His body and his bike, now one thing, continue in their trajectory in the air...as the tongue of the demon approaches, the Solar "sprints" in the void, a blaze of pure essence stems from his faithful vehicle, passing untouched through the disgusting clinch, while a proud 8Ball made of pure essence shines upon him.

From his elevated position, Tyler grants himself a second to look around and understand the evolution of the situation...


Tyler uses Seven Shadow Evasion to dodge the tongue completely
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Kana can barely hear the bike roar skyward so absorbed is she in her work. It has become a rhythmic pace now, the sound of her chisel cuts echoing back through the mine. Her song in rounds grows ever more intense as she closes to the end of the circle. Sunlight reflects on a sheen of sweat.

7m 1st craft ex continuing her project


As you are still busy dodging horrible things and doing burnouts on the white gravel, tenuous streaks of purple light beam along the pit.

Then, with a loud roar, Chemosh gropes in the air, as if something was blocking him.


It worked!

But it won't hold for any long...

Stunt 2 for Kana.
"Mmmmmh...this ain't good...whatever Kana has done is working, but who knows for how long, and I can't just keep on dodging this demon AND his testicle..."

Tyler looks at the body of the demon, looking for a wound caused by the gunslinger, but neither a scratch is visible...then his eyes fall on the opened wound that once was his scrotum.

" looks like I found a way in....ok, a DISGUSTING way in, but it's my best shot, and I must act quickly before that son of a bitch is free to move again! From the outside it seems we can't hurt him, let's see from the inside"

Once again, he opens the throttle, and closes his eyes for a moment to focus. He feels the essence flowing through him, from the whole creation...his mind becomes a razor, his body a weapon forged to kill...

He opens his eyes.

"Time to nut up or shut up !!!!"

Tyler drives directly in the direction of the demon's legs, the testicle pointing at him once again...immediately before the contact, he raises the front wheel, and uses the "body" of the testicle as a platform to reach his true aim...the exposed wound between the demon's legs.


Tyler activated Solar Hero Form
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What the.....that should be dead!!

He hated those who dare to stay alive when he explicitly said otherwise.

Maybe Tyler is gonna need some help.....Not sure I ever seen him driving his way through a demon's scrotus....

The Hand sheathes his cannon on his back and then runs towards Tyler.

Not sure what I'm gonna do against a demon who is apparently immune to my shots...anyway...I'm dashing towards him! how much far am I?

And I'm activating Ego Shield.
City of Sarvozza, Calavento Province, days later.

A lowly suburb restaurant.

Kana, Jackal, Yugo and two barely recognizable Tyler and the Hand sit at a table in the corner, enjoying abundance more then quality of wine and food.

No beer in sight, but this was the only damn place that let the group in, since Tyler and the Hand have their faces scarred beyond recognition like only some horrible disfiguring diseases could do.

Stunt 2 for Tyler.

You are in a restaurant, and you can discuss, banter, quarrel and plan your next move.

Our spectators don't yet know why Tyler and the Hand are scarred (though they might suspect), so be sure not to betray what happened with your words or actions.

I will add flashbacks in the thread when it seems appropriate to reveal it.

Tyler & the hand, your Appearance will be zero for a while, and you still have wounds at -1.

Yugo, you understand that Romeo died but are very fuzzy as to what your comrades exactly did while you were away (you were searching for leads that turned to be dead ends).
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"Well that was a goddamn waste of my time." Muttered the Dawn, sitting down with the others. "I ended up chasing leads halfway to Blessed Isle and back again, with no luck." He was exaggerating, but the point was still there. Legwork had been done, people had been inquired, and nothing was there to be shown for it. "How about you? Anything good? Any idea on where to go next?" He asked.
"Right now, I just wanna drink till I pass out..."

Tyler was really in a terrible mood...he kept looking at himself at every mirror he could find, doing an incredible numbers of grimaces, and repeating softly "Son of a bitch!" Like some kind of mantra...

A new tattoo was visible on his right arm : a giant demon with HUGE balls, and written " Demon Kicker"

"Sorry for your waste of time man, grab another beer...Jackie-boy, what about that Romeo's belongings?"
Bars, why did it always have to be a bar. And this one was lucky to be called that. Kana was too paranoid a creature to partake of its.. virtues so she sat somewhat awkwardly among her comrades occasionally playing footsie with a large lumpy bag under the table.

The sword leaned against the table making no apologies for itself. It irritated her. She made a note to figure out a way to hide it.

"What I want to know is who the hell is summoning all these demons and how. Its getting ridiculous. Or did Malfeas find some fucking backdoor to shove them all through?"

Kana calms a bit though her mood is still off.

"We need to keep moving." Kana looks at Tyler and the Hand's wounds.. "With Romeo out of the way we can't even gauge the progress of others trying to find the Eye."

Per+Med, figure out how bad it is

Yugo shook his head. "Keeping track of that blasted thing is actually the easy part in all this." He said. "The old saying goes, 'three people can keep a secret if two of them are dead'. With something as major as the eye rolling around." He paused at that mental image, then continued. "We just have to find and follow the rumors."
Tyler burps loudly...

"Not exactly my field, but we could try to summon Romeo's spirit...we've got a lot of stuff belonging to him, it should be possible."
The hand lets his head fall on the wooden table with a loud STONK coming out from it.

Half for the too much wine, half for what happened to him, he couldn't think.

He just keep rolling his forehead whispering my face....my beautiful wonderful awesome face....

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